• 爱德华·:“(有些)董事会设计薪酬计划方面工作出色。”

    EDWARD LAWLER: "We could have boards that do a much better job of designing compensation plans."


  • 所以祭出了首席球探吉姆·前往墨西哥观察3,收集更多情报。

    So I sent our chief scout, Jim Lawlor, over to Mexico for three weeks to watch him and get some more background on the boy.


  • 弗格森很满意首席球探小豌豆签约墨西哥很多工作。

    It makes satisfying dividends for Sir Alex and head scout Jim Lawlor, who did a great deal of homework on the Mexican international before pen was put to paper.


  • 我们了解了那些之后,已经墨西哥一个并且确定我们会顺利完成签约。

    Once we knew that, Jim Lawlor stayed in Mexico for a month and made sure we got the deal done.


  • 本文介绍公平感综合模型、亚当斯公平理论中国学者公平理论方面研究

    This article introduces the generalized model of equity sense developed by Mr. E·Lawler, the equity theory of Mr. Adams and the study on equity theory by Chinese scholars.


  • 2断奶前后营养断奶后129的生长性能影响(实验1等,2002)。

    Table 2. Effect of pre - and post-weaning nutrition on pig performance to 129 days post-weaning (Experiment 1; Lawlor et al., 2002a).


  • 同样劳勒(1973)暗示员工感觉应该存在条件实际存在条件之间矛盾决定了工作满意度

    Similarly, Lawler(1973) suggested that it is the discrepancy between the employee's perceptions of conditions that should exist and those that actually do exist that determines job satisfaction.


  • 同样重要注意除非在断奶后饲喂营养密度的日,初生重大优势可能会丢失(等人,2002年)。

    It is also important to note that, unless a high nutrient density diet is fed post-weaning, the benefits that arise from having a heavy pig at birth are lost (Lawlor et al., 2002a).


  • 蒸汽玉米小麦断奶仔猪中使用结果,断奶、断奶体重、日粮乳制品含量水平的影响等人。

    The response to inclusion of steam flaked maize and wheat in the post-weaning diet was not influenced by weaning age, weaning weight, level of dairy products in the diet Lawlor et al.


  • 这些都是叫醒电话搅拌我们水平进取警惕,说:”理查德·劳勒斯,五角大楼的高级官员亚洲当时攻击

    "These are multiple wake-up calls stirring us to levels of more aggressive vigilance," said Richard Lawless, the Pentagon's top Asia official at the time of the attacks.


  • 一位受人尊敬克里·欧佩·特拉研究者杜安·劳勒:“并没有证据证明克里·欧佩·特拉隐藏或是要去隐藏自己陵墓。”

    "There is no evidence that Cleopatra tried to hide her grave, or would have wanted to," says Duane Roller, a respected Cleopatra scholar.


  • 密斯和他的朋友弗克·泽制造了 Hitchbot,因为他们想看看人们是否会停下来让机器人搭车,并与之交谈。

    Smith and a friend, Frauke Zeller, have built Hitchbot because they wanted to see if people would stop and give the robot a lift and talk to it.


  • 苏丹外交部发表的声明美国外交官遭到袭击正在车里的头部、肩膀腹部。布·诺拒绝对这一声明发表评论。

    Braunohler declined to comment on a Sudanese Foreign Ministry statement, which said the American diplomat was in his car when he was shot five times in the hand, shoulder and stomach.


  • 那时我们阿尔·萨尔卡尔尔街上带有花园的房子里。

    We were then living in a house with a garden in Lower Circular Road.


  • ·诺说:“不幸的是,受伤死亡。”

    "Unfortunately, he succumbed to them and passed away," he said.


  • 麦凯亲密朋友··曼每天都互通电子邮件。这位朋友,麦凯现在处境怎样,从电子邮件中的语气可以看出来了。

    Close friend Laurine Le Man has exchanged daily emails with Mr McKay, and says the toll the situation was having on her friend could be seen in the tone of his emails.


  • 周六2012欧锦赛预选赛中德国哈萨克斯坦凯泽斯滕相遇夫续约以后第一场比赛

    Germany take on Kazakhstan in Saturday's UEFA EURO 2012 qualifier in Kaiserslautern, which will be their first match since Low put pen to paper.


  • 要是被罗伯特·发现他的私情,一无所有

    If Robert Keller ever found out, Lawson would lose everything.


  • 球员明细:芬兰新星射手·瓦拉·瓦利物浦为之兴奋希望之星之一

    Player profile: Finnish hotshot Lauri Dalla Valle is one of the most exciting prospects at Liverpool.


  • 加拿大安大略省威尔弗里德·里埃大学研究人员布拉德利·拉弗认为,这是因为应聘者长得太漂亮了。

    Researcher Bradley Ruffle, of Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada, believes good-looking women are being penalised for their beauty.


  • 此前,瑞搭档改编自约翰•卡小说BBC剧集中扮演名担任酒店夜班经理退伍军人,并且凭借角色获得了艾美奖提名

    He has been nominated for an Emmy for his role in the BBC adaptation of the John Le Carre novel, in which he starred alongside Hugh Laurie as an ex-soldier turned hotel night manager.


  • 芬兰新星射手·瓦拉·瓦利物浦之兴奋希望之星之一

    Lauri Dalla Valle is one of the most exciting prospects at Liverpool.


  • 年前,美国宇航局的“开普飞船进入轨道开始寻找类行星。年后克林教授决定发明一种公式“开普发现的目标估价。

    Thee planet-hunting spacecraft went into orbit two years ago and a year later Laughlin decided to create price tags for the terrestrial planets that Keplar was set to discover.


  • 演员休·杰克曼,凯特·贝金赛尔理查·斯伯格·汉斯评论

    Commentary by actors Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale, Richard Roxburgh and Shuler Hensley.


  • 他们研究,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校化学家克里斯托弗·比尔·斯基和乔纳森塞斯创造了两个分子能够满足电子交流团结起来,形成一个新的化合物

    In their research, University of Texas at Austin chemists Christopher Bielawski and Jonathan Sessler created two molecules that could meet and exchange electrons but not unite to form a new compound.


  • 他们研究,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校化学家克里斯托弗·比尔·斯基和乔纳森塞斯创造了两个分子能够满足电子交流团结起来,形成一个新的化合物

    In their research, University of Texas at Austin chemists Christopher Bielawski and Jonathan Sessler created two molecules that could meet and exchange electrons but not unite to form a new compound.


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