• 英国劳动力调查询问人们是否郁闷时U型变成型,46岁时达到顶点

    When the British Labour Force Survey asks people whether they are depressed, the U-bend becomes an arc, peaking at 46.


  • 经济学家们运用2005年城市城市劳动力调查核对和验证。

    As a crosscheck, the economists also used the 2005 Urban Labour Survey of five big cities.


  • 重重压力令产业工人牢骚不断:劳动力调查显示出对工作表示不满人数了纪录。

    Hard-pressed workers are feeling grouchy: workforce surveys report record levels of job dissatisfaction.


  • 一项劳动力调查显示义乌有60%以上企业在招工时要求应聘者会讲一点阿拉伯语。

    More than 60 percent of Yiwu businesses look for Arabic language skills when hiring, according to a labor survey.


  • 八月劳动力调查显示过去季度中新工作有63%兼职2015年,所有工作的30%可能兼职。

    The August Labour Force Survey shows that 63% of new jobs created in the last quarter were part-time. By 2015, 30% of all jobs could be part-time.


  • 国家统计局使用广泛劳动力调查方法统计的失业率来看,失业人数增加使人数增加到了2,380,000 ,是1995年以来最高水平

    The rise took the jobless total to 2.38 million, the highest level since 1995, on the broadest Labour Force Survey measure of unemployment by the Office for National Statistics.


  • 2012年一项调查,71%果树种植者80%的葡萄干浆果种植者表示他们劳动力短缺

    In a 2012 survey, 71 percent of tree-fruit growers and almost 80 percent of raisin and berry growers said they were short of labor.


  • 其他证明经济增长证据相反,比如更加乐观经济调查条件改善了的劳动力市场

    It contrasted with other evidence suggesting a bigger expansion, such as more upbeat business surveys and improving conditions in the Labour market.


  • 然而,很多人都为这一变化所震惊,波斯顿学院斯隆年龄工作中心调查发现,40%雇主担心劳动力老龄化影响甚至严重影响公司业务;

    The Sloan Centre on Ageing and Work at Boston College found in a survey that 40% of employers worry that the ageing of the workforce will have a negative or very negative impact on their business.


  • 认为调查人们不确定环境下实际求职方式才是劳动力市场进行分析中心环节

    Investigating the way people actually went about finding jobs in an uncertain environment, he believed, should be a central concern of the analysis of Labour markets.


  • 一份关于在世麻省校友调查发现他们已经建立了共25800个公司雇佣多于300万个职员,其中包括硅谷四分之一劳动力

    A survey of living MIT alumni found that they have formed 25, 800 companies, employing more than three million people including about a quarter of the workforce of Silicon Valley.


  • 根据美国人口普查局(u.s. Census Bureau)的调查,2007年美国1.53亿劳动力中有2,300万美国之外出生

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2007 a 153-million-person U.S. labor force counted nearly 23 million workers who weren't born in the U.S..


  • 中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT)昨日表示1000家企业进行调查显示劳动力密集行业出口商利润率最低只有3%。

    Yesterday, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade said a survey of 1,000 businesses showed exporters in labour-intensive sectors generating profit margins as low as 3 per cent.


  • 几位获奖者调查劳动力市场动态变化产生不同级别失业方式特别是失业率是怎样持续的。

    The winners investigated ways in which Labour market dynamics can produce different levels of unemployment, and in particular how high unemployment can persist.


  • 商业调查表明强有力回升劳动力市场预期有反弹性

    Business surveys have suggested a more robust upturn and the Labour market has been more resilient than expected.


  • 同样,2010年,拉美和加勒比地区社会经济数据库重点扩大覆盖面提供劳动力市场调查数据。 劳动力市场调查频率往往高于入户调查

    Similarly, in 2010, SEDLAC will focus on expanding coverage to provide harmonized data from labor market surveys, which tend to be carried out more frequently than household surveys.


  • 今年早些时候智库麦肯锡全球研究所调查瑞典劳动力市场

    Earlier this year the McKinsey Global Institute, a think-tank, studied Sweden's Labour market.


  • 鉴于这个劳动力供给劳动力需求特性简短调查失业什么观点吗?

    In the light of this brief survey of the characteristics of the labor supply and the probable demand for labor, what is the outlook for unemployment?


  • 是的——至少根据调查不是那么多人离开劳动力大军原因。(注:句翻译,谢谢nc的眉批和参考资料。)

    Yes - but at least according to the survey, that's not the reason more people have dropped out of the work force.


  • 调查发现,与个季度相比多数CFO自己公司前景乐观了,他们最大的担忧劳动力成本

    The survey also found that most CFOs were more optimistic about their firm's prospects compared with the previous quarter, but that their biggest concern was the cost of Labour.


  • 最近一次调查表明,最近一次调查表明妇女劳动力40%。

    A recent survey showed that women account for 40 percent of the total workforce.


  • 全省从业人员人数分三次产业从业人数根据劳动力抽样调查资料推算。

    The data of total employees and employees by type of industry are estimated on the data collected from the sample surveys on labor.


  • 调查显示,明年有44%老板意欲雇佣更多劳动力

    Survey suggests 44 percent of employers will increase their workforce.


  • 依据农户抽样调查数据运用逻辑回归模型,对特大城市郊区农村劳动力迁移决策主要影响因素进行分析

    Based on the sampling survey data to farmers, this paper analyzes, by logit model, the impacts on the migration decisions of rural laborers from metropolitan suburbs.


  • 最近调查表明妇女劳动力40%。

    A recent survey showed that women account for 40 percent of the total workforce.


  • 本文通过2005年1%人口抽样调查数据我国劳动力流动城市失业之间关系进行了经验研究

    This paper made empirical research on the relationship between the labor migration and urban unemployment in China according to the sample survey data of 1% population in 2005.


  • 通过该县教育培训情况进行调查走访等,发现当前农村劳动力教育培训存在较突出问题

    Through investigations of education and training in the county, and found that prominent issues exist in the current rural workforce education and training.


  • 通过该县教育培训情况进行调查走访等,发现当前农村劳动力教育培训存在较突出问题

    Through investigations of education and training in the county, and found that prominent issues exist in the current rural workforce education and training.


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