• 但是长期以来,学术界地区农村劳动力研究较少,社会资本角度开展实证研究更为鲜见。

    But for a long period of time, the academic community researches little about the rural labor force in this region, let alone the empirical researches from the perspective of social capital.


  • 喝酒挣钱:美国项以“饮酒积聚社会资本”为主题的研究表明,饮酒人士挣的钱要不喝酒的多很多。 这篇研究论文劳动力研究期刊发表研究结果表明,喝酒的人比不喝酒的人挣钱多10%~14%。

    The study published in the Journal of Labor Research concluded that drinkers earn 10 to 14 percent more than teetotalers, and that men who drink socially bring home an additional seven percent in pay.


  • 虽然研究文献清楚地表明,劳动力市场成功部分取决于雇主顾客外表形象看法但没有探索这个问题另一面

    While the research literature is clear that labor market success is partly based on how employers and customers perceive your body image, no one had explored the other side of question.


  • 经济研究,在25岁至54岁的适龄男性劳动力中,六分之一的人没有工作

    According to economic research, one in six working-age men, 25-54, doesn't have a job.


  • 三分之一青少年期望暑假工作根据美国东北大学劳动力市场研究中心报告来看,已达到60年来最低水平

    Only about a third of teenagers are expected to work this summer, the lowest levels in 60 years, according to the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University.


  • 西北大学劳动力市场研究中心安德鲁*萨姆讲道,2000年以来,年轻人求职日子格外艰辛了。

    Since 2000 they have had an especially hard time, explains Andrew Sum of Northeastern University’s Centre for Labour Market Studies (CLMS).


  • 关于劳动力市场最新研究报告指出,若1982年经济衰退失业人群的分布类似于今天这种情形,那么,当年的经济恢复可能倍的时间

    A recent study of the Labour market suggests that had the distribution of unemployed workers following the 1982 recession looked like the current distribution, recovery could have taken twice as long.


  • 随着大约一半美国劳动力列为白领”,加拿大出现了一项有关思维后进食研究——不要太多

    With about half of the United States' workforce classified as "white collar", a new study out of Canada is relevant food for thoughtbut don't think about it too much!


  • 赠款资金来源于一个多捐赠机构信托基金。 该基金加大研究支持力度,帮助各国建立劳动力市场政策制定能力,对可能有效方法进行试点

    The grants are funded by a multi-donor trust fund that will scale up research, help countries build capacity to develop labor market policy, and pilot promising approaches.


  • 研究估计关闭学校可能使16%劳动力缺勤,这还不包括正常情况下的缺勤请病假。

    Studies estimate that school closures can lead to the absence of 16% of the workforce, in addition to normal levels of absenteeism and absenteeism due to illness.


  • 目前研究——偶然观察——表明找到合心意工作老板费时的,尤其是劳动力市场恢复迟缓时候

    Existing research - and casual observation - suggests it takes time to find a fitting job match at a good employer, especially when the labor market is slow to recover.


  • 研究报告估计建造一个厕所成本约为300美元其中包括劳动力材料建筑指导

    The report gave a rough cost of 300 dollars to build a toilet, including Labour, materials and advice.


  • 虽然研究会的工作倾向于劳动力密集型非资本密集型,确保资源能满足需求

    Though study circle programs are more labor-intensive than capital-intensive, you should make sure that your resources match your needs.


  • 所以劳动力套利的方法中获取的利益已经开始收缩根据波士顿咨询集团最新研究某种情况下已经到了没有利润可图境地。

    So the gains from Labour arbitrage are starting to shrink, in some cases to the point of irrelevance, according to a new study by BCG.


  • 正如这项研究其它研究表明那样这种不平衡程度加剧未来移民活动和其它外包那样劳动力流动形式

    As this and other research shows, the magnitude of imbalances is such that migration and other forms of labor mobility such as outsourcing are likely to intensify in the future.


  • 安东尼·p·卡耐瓦莱一位研究教授同时也是乔治城大学教育劳动力中心主管

    Anthony P. Carnevale is a research professor and the director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.


  • 这些研究提供资金组织已经意识到,很多博士发现在劳动力市场他们技能难以得到发挥。

    The organisations that pay for research have realised that many PhDs findit tough to transfer their skills into the job market.


  • 如果成为研究生,或者其他形式廉价劳动力,他们必须得坐在,闪烁前面,不停的计数

    You get graduate students cheap labor or some other form ofcheap labor and he had them sit in front of the scintillation screen and they count.


  • 今年早些时候智库麦肯锡全球研究调查了瑞典劳动力市场

    Earlier this year the McKinsey Global Institute, a think-tank, studied Sweden's Labour market.


  • 提高退休年龄——一个女性劳动力基础研究提议,因为女性的退休年龄男性——可以支撑劳动力

    Raising the retirement age - a proposal the government is now studying for women, who typically are required to retire earlier than men - could also prop up the work force.


  • 按照上面假设研究发现劳动力状态(有工作失业工作)和心理健康的息息相关

    As hypothesized, researchers found that the relationship between labor-force status (employed, unemployed, and not participating in the labor force) and mental health was significant.


  • 城乡结构中,研究城市化农村剩余劳动力转移实际上一个问题两个方面

    In the urban and rural structure, have studied the urbanization and rural transfer of surplus labor, this is two respects of a question in fact.


  • 世界银行研究表明随着越来越多员工退休员工又不能及时补上,欧洲劳动力2008年达到峰值后开始下降

    According to a World Bank study, the European Labour force peaked in 2008 and will start to decline, as more elderly workers retire than there are young workers to take their places.


  • 第五部分我国农村劳动力回流问题研究落脚点。

    The fifth part is the research center of countryside labor reflow problems.


  • 研究笔者首先从我国农村劳动力转移就业理论基础入手

    In the research, the authors started with the basic theory of rural labor employment transfer.


  • 我国农业剩余劳动力转移问题研究虽然已经取得了一些阶段性成果,但总体而言仍然处于起步阶段。

    And the research to agriculture surplus labor transfer in China is still in the elementary stage on the whole, although having acquired some general achievement.


  • 因此研究新疆农村剩余劳动力转移必要,也是重要的。

    Therefore, it is very necessary and important to study on the transfer of surplus rural labor in Xinjiang.


  • 其次全面系统介绍国外学术界关于农村剩余劳动力转移理论研究成果;

    The most systematic and worthy theory on study of the agriculture surplus labor force transfer is the theory of Dualistic Structure.


  • 非正规就业现象一直困扰中国劳动力市场研究突出问题

    The phenomenon of irregular employment is a problem which has confused the studies of the labor market in China.


  • 非正规就业现象一直困扰中国劳动力市场研究突出问题

    The phenomenon of irregular employment is a problem which has confused the studies of the labor market in China.


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