• 发明涉及低温热能回收利用技术公开了一种吸收式制冷动力联合循环系统

    The invention relates to a low temperature heat energy recycling technology and discloses a combined circulation system of absorption refrigeration and power.


  • 来源选择方面陆军拒绝Oshkosh格公司混合动力联合轻型战术车辆建议

    During source selection, the Army rejected a proposal from Oshkosh and Northrop Grumman for a hybrid-electric Joint Light Tactical Vehicle.


  • 提出常规燃机循环作为顶部循环,APGC底部循环新型燃气轮机动力联合循环,并对不同的联合循环形式进行了性能分析和对比。

    The new proposed combined power cycle is constructed with the APGC as the bottom cycle and conventional gas turbine as the topping one.


  • 另外通用动力公司在联合战术无线电系统(JTRS)计划正在通过无线电开发用于未来MUOS用户进入终端波形软件库

    Additionally, General Dynamics is developing the MUOS User Entry Terminal Waveform software library for future use by radios being developed under the Joint Tactical radio System (JTRS) program.


  • 项目得到NASA大学研究工程技术研究所(URETI)航空动力中心以及佐治亚理工学院的联合赞助。

    The project was funded by the NASA University Research Engineering Technology Institute (URETI) Center on Aeropropulsion and Power and Georgia Tech.


  • 多亏拖拉机联合收割机、玉米收割机其他农用机械的出现,农业动力现在了总劳动力不到2%。

    Thanks to tractors, combine harvesters, crop-picking machines and other forms of mechanisation, agriculture now accounts for little more than 2% of the working population.


  • 汽油动力Civic获得EPA联合得分29,混合动力为42码。

    The gas-powered Civic gets a respectable EPA combined estimated 29 mpg; the hybrid version, 42 mpg.


  • 存在有很多种联合形式结构形式柴油机动力装置他们都能够利用柴油机船舶提供推动力

    Many combinations and configurations of diesel engine power plant exist. All provide the energy to do the work of moving the ship using diesel engines.


  • 凭借egr中冷技术联合运用,一代柴油发动机排放水平动力性能搭载舒适行都得到了进一步提升

    With an EGR and inter-cooled technology, a new generation of diesel engine emission levels, the dynamic performance and carrying all comfortable got further ascent.


  • 太阳动力号“项目比利时化学品药物制造商苏威Solvay)、钟表制造商米迦(Omega)及德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)联合赞助的。

    The project is financed by companies including the Belgian chemicals and pharmaceuticals producer Solvay, the watchmaker Omega, and Deutsche Bank.


  • 日本汽车销售协会联合8日公布数据显示,2009年,丰田公司出品的环保车"普锐斯"成功问鼎日本畅销车排行榜榜首,也是混合动力首次夺取日本年度销量排行榜第一的宝座。

    The Toyota Prius became the first hybrid car to become a best seller in Japan in 2009, according to statistics released Friday by the Japan Automobile Dealers Association.


  • 报道,美方于6月底动力航母黄海参与联合军演。

    Q: It's reported that the US will send nuclear aircraft carriers to the Yellow Sea at the end of June to take part in the joint military drill with the ROK.


  • 这些输入之一我们所称首都,被联合输入

    One of these inputs is what we call human capital, the input associated with the labor force.


  • 对于宇宙之联合创造中彼此重聚热切渴望正是转变动力

    Your longing to be reunited with each other in Universal Love and creative collaboration, is the agent for this change.


  • 例如丰田同意福特联合研制混合动力运动型多用途车,宝马联合研制电动电池柴油发动机

    Toyota, for example, has agreed to work with Ford on hybrid sport-utility vehicles and with BMW on both electric batteries and diesel engines.


  • 本文阐明动力原理并探讨动力吸振4LB—1半喂入联合收割机台上应用可行性。

    This article states dynamic vibration absorbing principle. ana discusses Applied probability on Combine Cutting table of 4LB-1 Combine semifeed-in type .


  • 不同角度出发考虑联合动力装置系统部件摩擦力因素影响建立了三s离合器啮合过程的数学模型

    Considered from different perspectives the influence of friction factors of each part of combined power plant, set up the mathematical model of s.


  • 提出了利用平板静力载荷试验动力探、地基刚度测试三种基本手段,建立相关数学模型,主要应用后两种手段进行联合检测的新思路。

    In this paper, a new detection approach to jointly use static plate loading test, dynamic penetration test and dynamic rigidity test and to establish associated mathematic model is proposed.


  • 然而股骨骨折而言,空心螺钉联合顺行髓内固定并发症动力联合有限接触动态加压钢板固定11

    For femoral neck fracture, however, the complication rate of cannulated screw with antegrade intramedullary nailing fixation was 11 times that of DHS with LCDCP fixation.


  • 论文研究铰接系泊塔-油轮系统联合作用下动力响应

    The paper studied the dynamic response of an ALT-Tanker system exposed to the wave and current.


  • 他们基本联合动力在于他们现有境况不满

    Their general uniting force is just that they're unhappy right now with the way things are.


  • 本文采用加压微反-包谱-数据处理机联合装置研究了丝光沸石催化剂甲苯歧化反应动力学。

    The deactivation kinetics for the vapor-phase disproportionation of toluene over mordenite catalyst has been studied by using a combined unit of micro-reactor under pressure and gas chromatography.


  • 应用联合有限-离散结合弥散旋转裂缝模型分析地震作用混凝土重力坝动力破坏过程

    This paper uses the combined finite-discrete element method with smeared rotating crack model to analyze the seismic rupture process simulation of concrete gravity dam under the action of earthquake.


  • 目的观察评价黛力新联合动力药物治疗功能性消化不良近期疗效

    Objective To evaluate Deanxit prokinetic and acid combined therapy short-term effect of functional dyspepsia.


  • 方法采用双侧迷走神经干切断术联合应用高血糖素建立动力紊乱模型

    Methods A model of gastric motor disorders was established by truncal vagotomy combined with injections of glucagons.


  • 通过比较联合采购形成前后相关成本大小,分析联合采购形成动力

    By comparing the related total cost before and after the cooperative purchasing, the impetus of cooperative purchasing is analyzed.


  • 目的观察消心痛联合补液对急性心室心肌梗死RVM I)心源性休克血流动力学指标的影响。

    Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of isosorbide dinitrate combined with volume loading on hemodynamics in cardiac shock dogs induced by acute right ventricular myocardial infarction(RVMI).


  • 修正结果表明这种联合动力模型修正方法物理概念清楚充分利用动力测试数据,经过修正后的有限元模型能够反映该桥的实际工作状态。

    The updating result indicates that the physical conception of this combined static and dynamic model updating method is definite and can fully use the static and dynamic testing data.


  • 海洋沉积动力正在打破传统,走向海洋工程学、物理海洋学地质学联合,共同建立门综合性统一的沉积动力学。

    Significant progress in the establishment of a unified Marine sediment dynamics has been made through the joint effort by physical oceanographers, coastal engineers and Marine geologists.


  • 燃气轮机电站联合循环电站中外,同时越来越多地用作转速机械驱动动力

    Apart from its use in power generating units and combined cycle power plants there emerged ever more cases of its application as a variable speed mechanical drive unit.


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