• 加州大学欧文分校神经学家卡尔·科特曼表示每天保持一定的体育锻炼可以促进心理机能

    Maintaining a level of daily physical activity may help mental functioning, says Carl Cotman, a neuroscientist at the University of California at Irvine.


  • 网站描述加州大学欧文分校网站。

    Description: This is the website for University of California, Irvine.


  • 发现了一个美国加州大学欧文分校伟大的医生

    I found a great doctor at University of California, Irvine.


  • 带头研究者加州大学欧文分校AlisonHolman

    The lead researcher was Alison Holman of the University of California at Irvine.


  • 加州大学欧文分校BruceBlumberg 提出了一个非常有趣问题

    That is the intriguing question posed by Bruce Blumberg of the University of California, Irvine.


  • 杰夫瑞•瓦瑟斯壮加州大学欧文分校历史学教授洛杉矶书评》的亚洲编辑

    Jeffrey Wasserstrom is a Professor of History at UC Irvine and Asia Editor for the Los Angeles Review of Books.


  • 加州大学欧文分校研究人员找出调节我们内部生物钟遗传机制化学触发开关

    University of California, Irvine researchers have identified the chemical switch that triggers the genetic mechanism regulating our internal body clock.


  • 加州大学欧文分校神经外科临床治疗教育神经外科研究方面均为前沿部门

    Uc Irvine's Department of Neurosurgery is at the forefront of clinical treatment, educational programs and neurosurgical research.


  • 20年来,这位加州大学欧文分校神经科学家一直研究犯罪精神病态者大脑

    For nearly 20 years, the neuroscientist at the University of California-Irvine has studied the brains of psychopaths.


  • 2010年加州大学欧文分校项研讨表明学习会大脑较高程度进行运转

    A 2010 study out of the University of California at Irvine revealed that learning keeps your brain functioning at a high level.


  • 詹妮弗·b·凯恩加州大学欧文分校社会学副教授是她一次新闻发布会上发表的内容。

    Jennifer B. Kane, assistant professor of sociology at the University of California Irvine, said in a press release.


  • 肯尼。彭慕兰加州大学欧文分校一位历史教授,认为东西方之间分流故事很早就开始了。

    The story of what Kenneth Pomeranz, a history professor at the University of California , Irvine , has called "the Great Divergence" between East and West began much earlier.


  • 加州大学欧文分校进行这项试验中,研究人员将多能人神经干细胞移植到经放射治疗大鼠脑部

    For the UCI study, multipotent human neural stem cells were transplanted into the brains of rats that had undergone radiation treatment.


  • 加州大学欧文分校研究人员发现即使只是小时短期压力也扰乱脑细胞间的正常运作,而这些运作正关系学习记忆

    Short-term stress lasting as little as a few hours can impair brain-cell communication in areas associated with learning and memory, University of California, Irvine researchers have found.


  • 加州大学欧文分校科学家调查了200名自称具有类似自传式记忆迄今为止另外发现了3例。

    UC Irvine scientists are interviewing more than 200 people who say they have similar 'autobiographical' memories, but so far have found only three more.


  • 美国加州大学欧文分校历史教授Kenneth Pomeranz所谓东方西方之间分流开始早。”

    The story of what Kenneth Pomeranz, a history professor at the University of California, Irvine, has called "the Great Divergence" between East and West began much earlier.


  • 加州大学欧文分校研究人员发现即使只是几小时短期压力扰乱脑细胞间的正常运作,而这些运作正关系到学习记忆

    A study by the University of California, Irvine, shows that even short-term stress can temporarily impair brain-cell communication in areas associated with learning and memory.


  • 加州大学欧文分校研究者们发现个人能回想件事细节多少取决于是否大脑某些部分激活,将记忆进行“打包”。

    Researchers at UC Irvine have found that how much detail one remembers of an event depends on whether a certain portion of the brain is activated to "package" the memory.


  • 美国加州大学欧文分校科学家马库斯•里贝自己撰写的文章中介绍说,这种可以进一步修改,届时转化丙烷长的

    Markus Ribbe, a scientist at the University of California-Irvine, says in a new paper that the enzyme could be further tweaked to make longer carbon chains than those that make up propane.


  • 乔治·法卡斯是加州大学欧文分校教育学教授,也是此次研究的合作者,补充说:“这些口语词汇量差别2时就出现了。”

    Adds George Farkas, professor of education at the University of California, Irvine, who coauthored the study: 'These oral vocabulary gaps emerge as early as 2 years.


  • 美国有线电视新闻网报道,美国加州大学欧文分校研究发现,携带一特定基因变体驾驶考试中的表现其他人30%。

    People with a certain gene variant perform more than 30% worse on a driving test than people without it, according to a study by the University of California Irvine, CNN reported.


  • 加州大学欧文分校(uci)的研究人员人类胚胎干细胞培育图中示的视网膜细胞后者将进一步分化为具有三维结构组织薄片

    UCI researchers used human embryonic stem cells to create these retinal progenitor cells, which later developed into a three-dimensional tissue sheet. (Credit: Photo by UCI).


  • 加州大学欧文分校科学家菲利普·科林斯尺寸颗粒大小的电池能够传感器提供动力,为那些用于检测病毒化学物质传感器提供动力。

    Batteries that are the size of a grain of salt — or smaller — could power sensors that detect viruses, chemicals and more, said Philip Collins, a scientists at the University of California, Irvine.


  • 加州大学欧文分校放射肿瘤学教授Charles Limoli说:“我们研究发现干细胞可以逆转放射导致大脑健康组织损伤认识方面提供了有力的证据。”

    Our findings provide solid evidence that such cells can be used to reverse radiation-induced damage of healthy tissue in the brain, " said Charles Limoli, a UCI radiation oncology professor."


  • 报告描绘可能超乎我们很多人意料可怕画面,”美国加州大学欧文分校社会生态学教授Odadele Ogunseitan对TechNewsDaily杂志如是说道。

    The report "paints a more dire picture than probably many of us have realized," Odadele Ogunseitan, a professor of social ecology at UC Irvine, told TechNewsDaily.


  • 来自加州大学洛杉矶分校迈克尔·欧文博士领导这项研究,刊登四月号的《美国老年社会杂志》上。

    The study appears in the April issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society and was led by Dr. Michael Irwin of the University of California, Los Angeles.


  • 来自加州大学洛杉矶分校迈克尔·欧文博士领导这项研究,刊登四月号的《美国老年社会杂志》上。

    The study appears in the April issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society and was led by Dr. Michael Irwin of the University of California, Los Angeles.


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