• 第一立方卫星2000年代创建,目的是使斯坦福大学研究生能够设计建造测试操作具有苏联人造卫星类似功能的航天

    The first Cube Sat was created in the early 2000s, as a way of enabling Stanford graduate students to design, build, test and operate a spacecraft with similar capabilities to the USSR's Sputnik.


  • 可以采用传统方式代码进行测试,例如使用调试或者执行功能测试

    You can also test the code in traditional ways, using debugger or performing functional tests.


  • 同样一般情况下每个控制编写一个功能测试

    Again, generally you write one functional test for each controller you have.


  • 运行功能测试之后可以备份恢复服务了,同时一轮测试做好了准备。

    After you run the function test cases, then you could restore the server from the backup, and you would be ready for the next round of testing.


  • 对于高级用户他们一点逻辑懂得如何创建测试场景可以使用编辑功能测试领域特定语言构造测试

    For more advanced users, who understand a little logic and how test scenarios should be created, they can use the editor to construct tests using a functional testing DSL (domain specific language).


  • 打开功能测试记录监视

    This will open the Functional Test Recording monitor.


  • 早期测试中,服务修改大约三个系统调用随机崩溃一次这种方法来测试重新启动功能

    During early testing, I ran pseudo with the server modified to randomly crash about one syscall in three, with the intent of carefully testing this functionality.


  • 框架不仅这个简单程序生成视图控制而且生成了有助于测试用户界面功能测试

    The framework has generated not only the views and controller for a simple little application, but also a functional test to help you test the user interface.


  • 点击功能测试记录监视中的停止记录图标

    Click the Stop Recording icon in the Functional Test Recording monitor.


  • 使用模拟可降低测试时间不减弱门户服务功能

    Using mock containers reduces your testing time without compromising the portal server functions.


  • 对于很多简单设备来说都是适用有些地方可以用来处理功能进行测试但是这种方法具有很多问题

    This is suitable for many simple devices and at some point was used for testing the capabilities of the processor, but the approach has a number of problems.


  • 可以编写每个浏览运行功能测试然后实现一个根据源代码每次签入运行功能测试持续集成系统

    You can write functional tests that run in each browser, and then implement some form of continuous integration system that runs the functional tests upon each check-in of the source code.


  • 功能测试客户端测试套件编辑找到。

    This feature is found in the test client and test suite editors.


  • 测试管理关键功能提供某个概念适应性测试并且这个测试界面适合这个用户

    The key functions of a testing manager are to provide adaptive testing of a specific concept, and to adapt the testing interface to the user.


  • 模拟对象一个额外功能控制接口,它使测试框架能够查询是否使用预期数据调用了模拟对象。

    An extra capability of the mock object is a Controller Interface that enables the test framework to query whether it was invoked with the expected data values.


  • 服务会模拟数据库GAE服务从而开发者可以本地测试应用程序大部分功能

    The server simulates a Datastore and GAE services so the developer can test most of the application locally.


  • 目前我们已经了解编辑应用程序GUI结构收集测试找到可靠测试工具终于可以开始编写功能GUI测试了。

    Now that I understand the structure of the editor application's GUI, have collected the use cases to test, and have found a reliable testing tool, I'm ready to write a functional GUI test.


  • 但是需要这个功能时,使用充分测试的内置函数要比编写自己的特制转换格式化工具要稳妥得

    But when you need it, it is much more robust to have well-tested built-in functions than to write your own ad-hoc converters and formatters.


  • 很多时候见到有人试图测试某个功能突然新的版本交付准备服务了,破坏了正在运行测试

    On many occasions I have seen someone try to test a feature when suddenly a new version is pushed to the staging server, spoiling the test run.


  • 编码实践应该侧重功能测试而非浏览较旧版本的浏览提供正确退之策。

    Coding practices should focus on testing for capabilities, not browsers, and providing the right fall backs for older browsers.


  • 目前我们正在测试一种基于服务的自动记录机制进一步扩展位置识别功能

    Currently, we are testing a server-based auto-profiling mechanism that will expand our location awareness capability.


  • 使用GrailsUnitTestCase可以轻松测试服务测试控制需要其他一些功能

    You can easily test domain classes and services with a GrailsUnitTestCase, but testing a controller requires some additional functionality.


  • 可以启动SeleniumRC多个浏览充当测试代理然后运行功能测试

    You can launch Selenium RC, which ACTS as a proxy for testing, on multiple browsers, and then run your functional test.


  • Sametime服务测试所有功能确保能工作正常

    Test all functionality on the Sametime server to ensure it is working normally.


  • 轻量级命令行web浏览脚本工具(twill)以及默认GoogleAppEngine项目开始讨论功能测试

    I'll start the discussion of functional testing with the lightweight command-line Web browser and scripting tool, twill, and a default Google App Engine project.


  • Web 2.0客户端开发人员需要功能全面应用程序服务一个普通 Web服务单元测试文件系统可以

    Web 2.0 client developers do not need fully functional application servers and can often get by with a plain Web server or file system for unit testing.


  • 保存文件然后启动Jython解释测试功能

    Save the file, then start the Jython interpreter to test the new function.


  • 因为大多数性能测试工具得到了优化,决定服务响应时间就使得使用这些技术Web 2.0程序功能测试性能测试之间,产生了隔阂

    Since most performance test tools are optimized to determine server response times, this leaves a gap in both functional and performance testing of Web 2.0 applications using these new technologies.


  • 虽然模式相关节点测试具有以上这些优点,但是它们不能用于大部分XSLTXQuery处理因为大部分处理只提供基本功能支持XML模式。

    Despite all of these advantages, the schema-related node tests are barely available for most XSLT or XQuery processors because the majority of processors are basic and do not support the XML schema.


  • 测试证实了在飞行条件下,MilOWS传感功能性能可以满足用户需求

    During these tests, the functionality of the equipment and the performance of the sensor were verified under flight conditions as required by the customer.


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