• 觉得毛衣前后穿反了

    I think you've got that sweater on back to front.


  • 生于1650年前后身世不详

    He was born around 1650 but his origins remain obscure.


  • 前后轮轴都加了润滑油调试了刹车

    I greased front and rear hubs and adjusted the brakes.


  • 度假者可以游船旅行前后加上佛罗里达一周

    Vacationers can also add on a week in Florida before or after the cruise.


  • 每年春节前后大家都

    Every year around the Spring Festival, everyone is very busy.


  • 通常前后分别两个口袋

    Usually you have two pockets in front and two pockets in back.


  • 房子前后都是果树

    There are fruit trees in front and at the back of the house.


  • 他们在戒烟日前后护士进行了谈话治疗

    They also had talk therapy with a nurse before and after quit day.


  • 然后我们输入这些数据,它们是关于湿地排水前后景观信息

    Then we enter those data, information about what the landscape looks like before and after the wetlands were drained.


  • 一个研究小组学校干预措施实行前后仔细评估得出结论。

    This comes from carefully conducted 'before and after' evaluations of interventions in schools, monitored by a research team.


  • 当然建议使用厕所之后吃饭之前尿布之后以及处理食物前后洗手

    I certainly recommend washing your hands after using the bathroom, before eating, after changing a diaper, before and after handling food.


  • 台北建筑物前后摇晃着

    In Taipei buildings rocked back and forth.


  • 涨潮前后小时都可捕鱼

    Fishing is possible for a couple of hours either side of high water.


  • 椅子上前后晃动,调皮孩子

    She rocks back and forth on her chair like a mischievous child.


  • 坐在摇椅前后摇晃着。

    She rocked backwards and forwards on her chair.


  • 发言前后不一致含混不清

    There were several inconsistencies and ambiguities in her speech.


  • 飞机舱都洗手间

    There are toilets at both front and rear of the plane.


  • 人们手拉手前后摇摆

    The people swayed back and forth with arms linked.


  • 有人看见在案发时间前后进入栋建筑物

    He was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed.


  • 一下证据就知道他们的论点前后一致。

    Their case doesn't hold together when you look at the evidence.


  • 我们要求调查证词前后矛盾之处

    We were asked to investigate the alleged inconsistencies in his evidence.


  • 原先城堡可能公元860年前后修建的。

    The original castle was probably built about AD 860.


  • 屈尊讲话时,小时内有三四前后矛盾

    When he condescended to speak, he contradicted himself three or four times in the space of half an hour.


  • 这本指南翻译好几种语言准备圣诞节前后出版。

    The guide is being translated into several languages for publication near Christmas.


  • 这种认识发生他们岁生日前后

    This recognition occurs around their second birthday.


  • 它哭的时候,她会前后摇动,轻拍安抚它。

    When it cried, she rocked it back and forth and gave it little comforting pats.


  • 果单词“shelter”看起来不熟悉,看看它前后的单词。

    If the word shelter doesn't look familiar, look at the words around it.


  • 姆小心地前后移动他的刷子,然后后退一步看。

    Tom moved his brush carefully backwards and forwards and stepped back to look.


  • 如,在前古典时期的希腊,人们通过前后移动日期来“修正”官方日历,以反映季节的变化。

    In pre-Classical Greece, for instance, people "corrected" official calendars by shifting dates forward or backward to reflect the change of season.


  • 假期前后我们大家都忙。

    Around the holiday season, we find ourselves very busy.


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