• 公平公共政策核心价值,利益整合是公共政策重要功能

    Expression and integration of interests is an important function of ruling party.


  • 正确反映兼顾不同方面群众利益形势利益整合社会选择

    To reflect and take care of the benefit of different level mass is the social choice of benefit integration under new situation.


  • 不同社会利益整合机制不同的效果其中法律成为最为有效手段之一。

    Different social interests unity systems have different effects, among which law is one of the most effective methods.


  • 公务员个人利益社会公共利益水平均衡机制绩效奖酬与利益整合机制。

    The mechanism of the high level equilibrium of the civil servant individual interest and the social public interest is to pay salary according to ones performance and interest conformity.


  • 首先章提出侧重利益整合方式化解当前我国利益分化过度无序状态。

    First, this chapter should focus on the interests of integrated approach to resolve our current excessive interest among the disorder.


  • 通过利益整合力量整合秩序整合分化中的社会主体进行资源机会利益调整分配达成社会合作

    It carries on the adjustment and distribution of the resource, chance, interests among the social subjects split up, and reaches social cooperation by combination of interests, strength, order.


  • 具体利益制度安排入手机制力量解决利益矛盾建立利益补偿机制利益整合机制、利益表达机制、利益冲突调解机制等。

    Need to comply with benefit concretely the system arrangement start, coming to the contradiction resolving benefit with machine-made strength, such as building-up benefit compensates mechanism...


  • 微软整合这些业务会出现利益冲突

    Combining these businesses with Microsoft presents conflicts of interest.


  • 具体地说是经理人整合相互对立势力行动和解了相互冲突直觉利益状况地位理想

    More concretely, executives synthesize the actions of contradictory forces and reconcile conflicting instincts, interests, conditions, positions, and ideals.


  • TQM强调利益重点体现下放决策权上,这整合生产活动横向组织结构也对TQM有利。

    TQM's emphasis on Shared interests is reflected in the decentralized decision-making, integrated production activity, and lateral structure of organizations that achieve the benefits of TQM.


  • 因此,构建利益表达整合教育决策模式教育决策研究的一项重要理论任务

    Therefore, the educational decision-making mode of interest expression and integration is an important theoretical part of educational decision research.


  • 第四当代社会中国利益结构整合

    Chapter four: Contemporary Chinese interests of the community structure of the integration.


  • 所谓燃油税即将现今普遍征收的养路费其他费用合并成燃油税,通过法律约定整合部门间的利益关系,从而最大限度地节省能源基础设施开支

    So-called fuel oil tax is toll charge with other expenses and is imposed in future, to integrate each sections relation by means of legal engagement, to save energy and infrastructure expenditure.


  • 冲突并不意味着两者对立而是冲突中可能实现一种利益整合各自赢得最大利益

    The conflict does not mean that the two antagonistic, but may be in conflict with the interests of achieving an integrated, won for their best interests.


  • 分享型激励具有整合人力资本所有者人力资本所有者利益功能

    Sharing incentive has function which can combine human capital owners benefits with non-human capital owners.


  • 利益层次利益内在矛盾,对人生态度有两个方面功能和影响:离散整合

    The levels and inner conflicts of interests exert impacts on attitude to life in two aspects: disintegration and integration.


  • 复杂社会系统问题解决必然涉及到多元利益分析整合

    The solving of complex social systems problems inevitably involves the analysis and aggregation of interests of different populations.


  • 商业秘密可以看成是商业秘密权人垄断利益社会公共利益之间的一种利益分配法律选择整合

    Trade secrets law can be regarded as the interests distribution and juristic selections and integration between public interests of the society and the monopoly interests of trade secrets owners.


  • 能否正确处理不同利益群体关系实现利益整合直接关系社会和谐稳定

    Whether or not to deal with correctly the relation among different interests group and achieve the integration of interests will relate directly to the harmony and stability of society.


  • 企业内部资源整合利益调整,对企业外部的资源整合价值交换

    It is the adjustment of interests to the integration of the resources inside enterprises, the integration of the resources external to enterprises is the exchange of the value.


  • 运营商只有打造差异化价值链、更好的整合价值链、广泛的其他元素开展合作关系才能在链上占据有利地位,占领市场获取更多利益

    Only building diversified value chains, conforming and cooperation with other partners in chains, MNO can take good position, occupy market and gained more profits accordingly.


  • 整合营销基本思想则是以顾客中心,提供产品服务同时产品服务提供者带来多元经济利益

    Integrated Marketing is the basic idea is that a customer center to provide products or services, as well as product or service providers to bring multivariate economic benefit.


  • 重新整合二者的关系就要处理个人社会物质生活与精神生活、短期效应与长远利益技术训练与品格培养这四关系

    Renewing the relation needs four relations to deal with: individuality and society, material life and spiritual life, short-term effect and long-term effect, skill training and character training.


  • 专业村内部利益纽带缺失专业村之所以出现整合困境的根本原因

    The lack of interest ties within the specialized village community is an essential cause for its reorganization predicament.


  • 考量整合诸多利益关系研究中国公共政策执行过程需要解决的基本问题之一。

    What's more, the motive to implement public policy is connected with interest tightly.


  • 职工持股试图整合企业内部利益关系建立新型动力激励机制发达国家成为普遍现象我国也正在积极尝试。

    Side holding system can put enterprise's internal interest relations in order, establish new encouraging system, has been popular in developed countries. China is trying it positively.


  • 看起来,该计划试图通过牺牲较小规模房地产公司利益推动行业内部整合

    The idea appears to be to encourage consolidation within the sector by disadvantaging smaller property companies.


  • 一系列行动推动一个整合两个任何利益相关者的需要。

    To have a set in place of non integrated actions to push one, two or no stakeholders .


  • 杂志主要特色在于争议中的癌症疑难问题提供一个国际性论坛以及整合所有利益攸关方之间的角力。

    A main feature of the journal will be to provide an international forum for debating cancer issues, and for integrating the input of all the stakeholders.


  • 杂志主要特色在于争议中的癌症疑难问题提供一个国际性论坛以及整合所有利益攸关方之间的角力。

    A main feature of the journal will be to provide an international forum for debating cancer issues, and for integrating the input of all the stakeholders.


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