• 本文论述了连续工业过程分散控制结构综合问题

    The problem of synthesis of the decentralized control structure in continuous industrial processes is addressed in this paper.


  • DCS多级分层网络结构,FCS分散控制结构

    DCS has multiple step network structure, FCS belongs to distributed control structure.


  • 基础上,讨论具有分散控制结构采样数字控制系统在输出反馈下极点配置问题

    Then the problem of pole assignment of decentralized multirate sampled data digital control system is discussed.


  • 通过采用以太网星形结构网络连接方式分散控制系统总线形网络拓朴结构改为星形网络拓扑结构

    Through using network connecting mode of ether star structure, the distribubuted control system has been changed from busbar network topologic structure into a star network topologic structure.


  • 介绍了台油变压器温度集中监视分散控制系统硬件结构主要程序设计

    The program design and hardware structure of temperature centralized monitoring and decentralized control system for many oil-immersed transformers are introduced.


  • 可以大型机械设备故障诊断系统实现分散采集集中控制网络化通信结构

    It can be used in the large mechanical equipment's failure diagnosis system for decentralized collection, centralized control, and communications networking structure.


  • 介绍了LONWORKS技术概念结构特点分析了它实现分散控制系统原理方法

    The basic concept, structure and characteristics of LONWORKS are introduced, and the principle and method to constitute total distributed control system are analysed.


  • 通过加工工艺控制成型模具流道合理设计,对加工装备结构尺寸优化可以实现高效分散拉伸

    Through controlling the processing technique, reasonable designing for molding runner, optimizing the equipment construction and dimension, it could get the high effective elongation flow field.


  • 目前控制系统常用主要集中控制分散控制结构形式

    At present common control system of naval gun has two kinds of structure form, such as centralized control and decentralized control.


  • 提出一种适用于一类时变关联系统分散模糊结构控制方法。

    A decentralized variable - structure control for a class of uncertain large - scale interconnected systems is presented.


  • 由于分散控制结构因果约束的要求,输出反馈矩阵加上了结构的约束。

    The constraints due to the decentralized control structure and the casual condition have posed structure constraints on the output feedback gain matrix.


  • 提出一种适用于机械分散模糊结构轨迹跟踪控制方法。

    A decentralized fuzzy variable structure control is presented for trajectory tracking of robot manipulators.


  • 采用一种基于系统方法结构分散控制方案实现该系统的自动控制

    This article adopts a chain system method based structurally decentralized control scheme to control the papermaking system.


  • 本文介绍自主开发分散控制系统LN2000的结构配置结构技术特点以及系统软件设计方案

    This thesis has introduced the structure, disposition, structure and technology characteristic and system software design plan of self-developed LN2000 Distributed Control system.


  • 进行如上方面理论研究之外,论文研究分散控制理论挠性空间结构控制中的应用

    In addition to the theoretic research, the application of the theory we developed to the control of large-scale flexible space structure was also studied.


  • 提出柔性结构系统的分散交迭控制直接基于输入输出的柔性结构分散控制,有更好的控制效果,并且简单可行

    The presented decentralized overlapping control is much more effective than the decentralized control on direct use of input and output information, and furthermore it is easy for implementation.


  • 网络控制系统具有结构网络化、节点智能化控制现场化、功能分散、系统开放化产品集成化特点。

    The network control has many characteristics, frame network of node, intelligence of node, locale of control, decentralization of function. dispark of system, integration of product, and so on.


  • 本实用新型分散控制系统模块机壳体积一个机柜可以容纳更多模块结构紧凑

    The volume of the casing used for the distributed control system module of the utility model is small and then more modules can be contained in one cabinet and the structure is compact.


  • 为了实现电能数据自动抄报,运用系统化、模块化设计思想,应用先进的计算机技术无线通信技术现代电子技术,采用分层、分布、分散结构,设计了远程电能自动控制系统

    In order to realize the electrical meter reading automatically, a automatic meter reading and controlling system is designed based on the computer, wireless communication and electronic technologies.


  • 进一步在此基础上,研究匹配时变不确定关联时滞大系统提出了新的分散结构控制策略

    Furthermore, we also study a class of large-scale systems with uncertain interconnected time-delay, which don't satisfy the matching conditions, and a new decentralized VSC strategy is proposed.


  • 根据电力系统本身的结构信息约束,提出一种新的互联系统鲁棒分散控制方法

    Based on its own structure information, a new robust overlapping decentralized control method is presented.


  • 提出一种适用一类不确定系统分散结构控制方法,并将该方法用于柔性空间结构控制系统设计中。

    A decentralized variable-structure control for a class of nonlinear uncertain large-scale systems is presented. The presented control approach is applied to uncertain large flexible space structures.


  • 基础提出分散闸门控制集中式闸门控制系统结构,并进行比较分析

    On the basis of these above all, two system frameworks are provided, distributed sluice control system and centralized sluice control system, with a comparatively analysis of the both.


  • 通过CAN总线,监控主机电机驱动节点直接进行通信形成分布式网络简化系统结构,实现电机的分散安装和集中控制功能。

    Via CAN-BUS, the monitor host computer and these nodes of driving motor can communicate with each other directly, like a distributed network. The system structure is more concise.


  • 研究一类具有结构不确定性非线性相似组合系统的鲁棒分散输出跟踪控制问题

    The decentralized output tracking problem of a class of nonlinear similar composite systems is discussed.


  • 本文重叠信息结构约束入手针对多机器人队形控制问题研究了此类组系统分散协调控制问题。

    In this paper, starting with overlapping information structural constraint for multi-robot formation control, research decentralized coordination control of such complex system.


  • 自由度并联转台结构进行了分析,给出了转台运动指标参数,并采用分散控制方式整个系统控制系统进行了设计。

    Summary: the structure of the 6dof parallel platform is analyzed and the movement parameters of the platform is given, the decentralized control of the whole control system is designed.


  • 均采用模块化、开放式结构从而分散控制任务有利于提高机器人智能化程度

    The control system distributes tasks to all embedded computers among 3 layers, so that the intelligent degree of robot is enhanced.


  • 均采用模块化、开放式结构从而分散控制任务有利于提高机器人智能化程度

    The control system distributes tasks to all embedded computers among 3 layers, so that the intelligent degree of robot is enhanced.


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