• 先生其他上百农民拔掉了他们一部茶树,换成另肯尼亚茶叶研究基金会开发的新品种茶树。

    Mr. Kibara and hundreds of other farmers have been removing some of their tea bushes and planting a new kind of tea developed by the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya.


  • 那些没法弄的人们,生活很快就变得艰难引起瓦塔拉支持者愤怒和反叛。

    For those without access to ready money, life will soon become very difficult indeed. And that will cause anger and revolt-among both Ouattara and Gbagbo supporters.


  • 那些没法弄的人们,生活很快就变得艰难引起瓦塔拉支持者愤怒和反叛。

    For those without access to ready money, life will soon become very difficult indeed.And that will cause anger and revolt-among both Ouattara and Gbagbo supporters.


  • 上午11时41俄罗斯人拘捕捷涅夫,其他海盗”送到佛得角群岛一个军用机场

    At 11.41am, Russian personnel arrested Bartenev. They took him and the other "pirates" to a military airport on the Cape Verde islands.


  • 它们可能传说中的马哈利普兰古城一部神话中这座城市太美丽了,以至于唤来洪水淹没了城内寺庙中的座。

    They could be part of the mythical city of Mahabalipuram, which legend says was so beautiful that the gods sent a flood that engulfed six of its seven temples.


  • 银行最高投资收益中,有一部就是贷款得来的。莱克投资银行纽约析师杰森

    Loans generate some of the highest yields for Banks, said Jason Goldberg, an analyst at Barclays Capital in New York.


  • 回忆6点06拨通了电话,电话接通之后她听到对方正在诵读一份律师解雇

    "I called him at 6:06," she recalls. When he got on the line, she says, he started reading a lawyer's prepared statement to dismiss her.


  • 第一对阵萨时曼联,但当时他竟然罚丢了开场钟就获得的一个点球

    The first time he faced Barca while at Man Utd, he missed a penalty three minutes into the match.


  • 只蜂鸟正在一部尔沙果的果皮纤维搭成的。花朵凋谢后,尔沙果就出来了。

    A hummingbird incubates her eggs in a nest built partly with fibers of the Ochroma fruit, which grows after pollinated flowers wither.


  • 1843年大火之后,作为重建英国国会大厦一部建筑师查理斯斯塔斯•帕金共同设计了这座96(合315英尺钟楼,而大本钟就钟楼之上

    The 96-metre (315-foot) high tower which houses the clock was built as part of the rebuilding of the Houses of Parliament by architects Charles Barry and Augustus Pugin following a major fire in 1843.


  • 即使大多数将军貌似忠于先生清楚大约之二的官兵都把票投给了瓦塔拉先生。

    Though most of the generals seem loyal to Mr Gbagbo, he knows that around two-thirds of the forces' rank and file voted for Mr Ouattara.


  • 令人悲哀因为米扬大佛代表亿万人民信仰

    This was quite tragic because these Bamiyan Buddhas stood for the beliefs of hundreds of millions of people.


  • 劣势热爱并愿意成为罗纳大家庭的一部或许难以割舍段情感。

    AGAINST: Loves being part of the Barcelona "family" and may find it difficult outside the bubble.


  • 由于后来她们之间的关系变得紧张了,甘佳姨就把事儿监管员告发了

    Since their relationship had become quite tense lately, Ganga Bai snitched about it to the supervisor.


  • 比尔·斯通:(西邦尼胡的)模拟欧罗接近,甚至还要接近,因为我们这个地方完全没有探索过的。

    Bill Stone: the analog to Europa was very close, and even more so because the place we were going was completely unexplored.


  • 亨利承认阿森纳抽到进行冠四之一决赛时,被雷到了。

    Thierry Henry admitted he shuddered when Arsenal were drawn against Barcelona in the Champions League quarter-finals.


  • 26进球,完美诠释了王牌中场哈维与众不同以及团队跑动空间保持的灵活掌握

    It came on 26 minutes and it was the perfect demonstration of what makes the midfielder Xavi different, and of Barcelona's mastery of movement and space.


  • 不仅是因为以色列伤亡人数至多不过之和之一。

    This is not only because Israel's casualties have been, at the very most, a tenth of those of the Palestinians and Lebanese.


  • 罗西基在同内特的比赛中复出打满45参加对阵马竞流浪者酋长比赛。

    Tomas Rosicky made a welcome return against Barnet, playing the first 45 minutes, and has featured at the Emirates Cup against Atlético Madrid and Rangers.


  • 入球起源于右路进攻,吉格斯传球找到贝尔托夫,后者朴智星,朴智星横传欧文破门。

    The first goal stemmed from a flowing move on the right, Giggs linking with Berbatov before Park Ji-sung turned the ball into Owen's path.


  • 劳工联合会秘书长布伦丹·:“信贷危机持续压制房地产市场抵押贷款渠道恢复缓慢。”

    The TUC general secretary, Brendan Barber, said: "the credit crunch is continuing to depress the housing market, with access to mortgage finance returning at a snail's pace."


  • 实验进行一部扫描仪显示大脑同时预想音乐打颤最强烈瞬间大量

    In this part of the experiment, the scanners showed that the brain pumped out both during the phase of musical anticipation and at the moment when chills hit in full force.


  • 经济衰退调查(一家电力公司三井布科克所做)发现之三专家预测停电会出现在2012年伦敦奥运会之前

    One survey of experts before the recession (conducted by Mitsui-Babcock, another power-station builder) found that three-quarters expected blackouts by the time of the London Olympics in 2012.


  • 心情复杂,只能沮丧的期待着能处理弗格森上赛季后半段失去信心这个事实。

    The inside of Berbatov's mind is a complex place and one wonders how he is coping with the disappointments that have come his way since Ferguson lost faith in him towards the end of last season.


  • 萨本赛季38比赛赢得30场胜利获得96上赛季了3

    They have finished the the season with 96 points, three less than last season, having won 30 out of their 38 games.


  • 第二回合C罗踢满90,但造成任何有效威胁赢得比赛最终卫冕西甲冠军。

    The second time he went 90 minutes without posing any threat as Barca swept both encounters and went on to win La Liga.


  • 表面重力这个气体巨人大气层气压水平限制范围,地球的百之90并且需要达到轨道速度所有的气体行星最低水平

    The surface gravity, which is defined from the 1 bar pressure level in a gas giant's atmosphere, is 90 percent that of Earth's and the speed needed to reach low orbit is lowest of all the gas planets.


  • 我们没有战胜里还输给勒莫尽管我们踢得并不、”引用33岁的加图索对《Itasportpress》(应该意大利的一个体育杂志)的话。

    We have left points by the road, not winning against Bari and losing to Palermo despite not being a bad match,” the 33-year-old was quoted as saying to Itasportpress.


  • 我们没有战胜里还输给勒莫尽管我们踢得并不、”引用33岁的加图索对《Itasportpress》(应该意大利的一个体育杂志)的话。

    We have left points by the road, not winning against Bari and losing to Palermo despite not being a bad match,” the 33-year-old was quoted as saying to Itasportpress.


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