• 蒙古族出版史整个历史时期手抄本远远超过刻印本。

    Publishing in the history of the Mongolian historical period, far more than the printed manuscript.


  • 因此出版概念界定出发本文认为出版史就是书报刊印刷发行历史。

    Therefore, from the definition of the concept of the publication this paper means publishing history is the history of the printing and distribution newspapers and periodicals.


  • 由于网站打印出版史一样,需要用户喜欢书写方式相匹配,浏览习惯相契合。

    As the Web is different from print, it's necessary to adjust the writing style to users' preferences and browsing habits.


  • 系统研究新闻思想实践,对中国近现代新闻教育史、新闻出版史文学史一定意义

    On the research of Xie Liuyi's news thought and practice, it will have certain meanings in the history of the news education, journalism history and literature history in modern times of China.


  • 牛津大学出版史始于印刷错误:鲁德印刷的书中的罗马数字漏印了一个X,这样出版年代就错印成了1468年。

    The press history of Oxford University began a misprint: Mr. Rood forgot a Roman numeral x, which was mis-dated in Roman numerals as "1468".


  • 有时,作者严谨程度欠佳,这与1985年出版克利斯托夫·赫伯特所撰的《罗马城市史》这部英语唯一类似作品大相径庭。

    And at times he fails to exert on his work the iron discipline that characterises the only comparable work in English, Christopher Hibbert’s “Rome: The Biography of a City”, published in 1985.


  • 虽说文学杂志一些,上个世纪六十年代时凯瑟琳雷恩史提芬•斯班德也颇为欣赏,1996年企鹅出版社还为他出了书,但是发表诗歌本就是件难事,为此不得不极力奔走。

    The literary magazines took a few of his poems. He struggled to get published anywhere, though Kathleen Raine and Stephen Spender took a shine to him in the 1960s, and Penguin published him in 1996.


  • 原文是:“他除了君主的名分之外什么都不缺了”(佛罗伦萨史,译本,劳拉·班菲尔哈维·曼斯菲尔德(普林斯顿:普林斯顿大学出版社,1988),91)。

    Laura F. Banfield and Harvey Mansfield Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988, 91.


  • 例如艺术史期刊因为印刷成本其出版起来非常这些期刊订阅价格也贵,其他一些学科年鉴也是一样。

    Art history periodicals, for example, are extremely expensive to publish because of the reproduction costs, and subscriptions pay for those as well as some of the discipline's annual gatherings.


  • 耶鲁大学出版社出版了一新书,《华尔街文化史》,作者是史蒂夫·弗雷

    The Yale University Press is publishing a new book by Steve Fraser about Wall Street.


  • 爱尔兰大主教詹姆斯•尤赛(1580——1656)他1654年出版的《旧约及新约编年史》中推算出,地球天国都是公元前4004年诞生的。

    Archbishop James Usher (1580 1656) published Annales Veteris et Novi Testaments in 1654, which suggested that the Heaven and the Earth were created in 4004 B.C..


  • 系列包括三个编年史”,两个三部曲最后四部曲(最后一部将于2013年出版)。

    The series consists of three 'Chronicles', the first two are trilogies and the last is a tetralogy (the final book will be published in 2013).


  • 于是就有编年史出版社的这本新书》,这里汇集了很多惊艳鸟类图片,展示出它们那华丽而又简洁的外表。

    The result is the new book BIRD from Chronicle Books, a collection of avian photographs stunning for their brilliant simplicity.


  • 作为史密森协会麻省理工初露锋芒项目这个构思将会出版本介绍效果小册子,附带发行一个建造游戏开放源码内容管理工具包。

    As a first-of-its-kind project for the Smithsonian and MIT, the team will publish a handbook with the results, and release a package with the open source content-management tools built for the game.


  • 牛津大学艺术史名誉教授马丁·普(Martin Kemp)如此坚信幅画像出自达·芬奇之手,以致写就了一本长达200关于画作的该书尚未出版。

    Martin Kemp, emeritus professor of the history of art at Oxford University, is so convinced the portrait is a Leonardo that he has written an as yet unpublished 200-page book about it.


  • 离开公司了一部记载公司成功编年史书“Behindthe Screen”于2009年出版

    He said he had left the company to write. "Behind the Screen," his chronicle of the company's successes, was published in 2009.


  • Le Clezio最近作品包括有2007年有关电影艺术史散文Ballaciner刚刚出版的Ritournelledelafaim

    Le Clézio's most recent works include 2007's Ballaciner, an essay about the history of the art of film, and Ritournelle de la faim, which has just been published.


  • 这部出版编年史分成部分

    The newly - published chronicle breaks down into eight major parts.


  • 出版谈论中国古代史。

    The newly-published book deals with the ancient history of China.


  • 史妮薇女士:我本杰明爵士的诗还从没出版吧。

    Lady Sneerwea:! Wonder, Sir Benjamin, you never publish anything.


  • 出版巨著中国审计体现了我国审计史研究高度

    The newly published huge series book "China's auditing history" represents a new level of the study on auditing history in China.


  • 米尔顿·弗里德曼2000年获得诺贝尔有关货币以及其他普林斯顿大学出版社一个消费函数(1957年)工作经济学理论。

    Milton Friedman won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2000 for work related to a Monetary History as well as to his other Princeton University Press book, a Theory of the Consumption Function (1957).


  • 侯维瑞:《现代英国小说史》。上海:上海外语教育出版社,1985年。

    Hou Weirui. Survey of Modern British Fiction. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1985.


  • 过程使我们看到:在于“文学精神”的资源整合系统——近代出版市场很大程度上参与了现代文学史建构

    This process demonstrated that the publishing market, though outside the discourse of "literary spirit," played an indispensable role in the construction of modern Chinese literature.


  • 然而却较少有文学史报纸期刊出版发行角度来观察现代文学史

    Yet, seldom have literary historians investigate the history from the press of newspaper or periodical.


  • 史特林格诗集人性外衣》《航标》(卫斯理大学出版社)的作者

    A. E. Stringer is the author of Human Costume and Channel Markers (Wesleyan University Press).


  • 诗史》出版以后,学术界一直它作为我国古代文学研究一项重要成果,被视为20世纪经典学术史著作之一

    History of Chinese Poetry has been always considered an important achievement in the field of ancient culture and one of the classical academic history works of the 20th century.


  • 诗史》出版以后,学术界一直它作为我国古代文学研究一项重要成果,被视为20世纪经典学术史著作之一

    History of Chinese Poetry has been always considered an important achievement in the field of ancient culture and one of the classical academic history works of the 20th century.


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