• 贾森出差在外

    Jason was away on a business trip.


  • 员工出差在患病须出具县级以上医院证明

    Employee who has the sick during the business trip should show the hospital certificate above the county -level.


  • 想念出差在外妈妈我会安慰她,而不是责骂

    I offer comfort instead of scorn if she misses her mother when she's away on a business trip.


  • 前些日子出差在外今日回。接下来一个仍要出差

    I was go on business the other day. So I reply in today, the future one month, about I am such.


  • 可是比如说丈夫经常出差在外撇下孩子,你心神不宁。

    But let's say your husband travels often for work, leaving you home alone with your toddler and a wayward imagination.


  • 可以家庭办公用户出差在外员工提供远程移动接入服务

    It can transact the customer and go on errands for the family the outlying employee provides the long range and moves to connect into the service.


  • 携带方便,对于经常出差在外的人可用挑担包裹,又钩用

    Shaozi cudgel is convenient to be carried. It can be used to carry a load or as hook.


  • 但是大多数情况是这样的,只要不是出差在外,一连好几天整天都至少要5个会议

    But throughout most days I usually have a minimum of 5 meetings when I'm not traveling.


  • 无论办公室出差在外还是休假享受我行便捷个性化的优越理财服务。

    Our Phone Banking will give you outstanding, personalized and convenient wealth management wherever you are, in the office, on a business trip or on vacation.


  • 招待所天天供应洗澡热水彩电电话沙发。虽出差在外却让感到家里舒适

    Furnished with colour TV, telephone, sofa and round-the-clock hot wATer supply, this guest house makes you more comfortable than AT home.


  • 其实也没有什么主要那天元旦,2007年第一天…出差在外不免感觉有点失落

    It is nothing, mostly that day is New Year's Day, the first of 2007…evection out …unavoidable feel some lose


  • 以上两种实现方式存在着一个缺点灵活性家里出差在外不能够使用企业内部网络资源

    These two ways have a disadvantage: agility, for examples: if you are in your home or you have a business trip now, you don't use resource of computer net.


  • 远程管理软件对于出差在外商务人员用处非常大,这样他们可以随时提取自己家里计算机中的数据资料

    Remote control software is also very useful to business persons for them to retrieve data and materials in their personal computers at home from any where and at any time.


  • 在下面的这首歌送给那位出差在外先生礼物,借此祝福大家拥有一个幸福吉祥顺利新年

    The follow song I posted here is a gift for you and for my husband who is on business in another place, by which I hope you have a happy, lucky and prosperous new year!


  • 当然,即便如此,仍然有几名经理出于习惯,给出差在外员工打电话产生了高昂漫游费坎波斯表示做法的效果积极的。

    Of course, it's also led to several managers calling out workers with expensive roaming habits, though Campos says it's all been done in the spirit of positivity.


  • 平均每月出差两次三分之一时间漂

    I am out on business trips twice each month on average and one third of a year I am away from home.


  • 工作家庭张忠霞满脸歉疚,“由于经常在外出差家人亏欠很多。”

    Guilty showed on her face when she talked about work and family "I owe a lot to my family because of frequent business trips."


  • 常见原因父母因为出差离家在外感到内疚,于是在回家,会孩子大堆礼物

    The most common way this gets established is when a parent, perhaps due to guilt over being away from home for business trips, returns home and showers the child with gifts.


  • 只是出差拜托要是出差,你都面待到

    It was a business trip, for Christ's sake. When you're away, how late do you stay out?


  • 客人在外出差旅游最重要的就是安全也是客人关注的最基本需求,照顾好客人的安全可以关注以下几方面

    The mostimportant thing is safety when guest travel or on business trip, it is thebasic demand which the guest focus on. Pay attention to the following aspects.


  • 出差,因小事故而住进医院。

    Out of town on business, I was hospitalize after a minor accident.


  • 当时公司每个出差同事都尽力学习的材料努力吸收消化,回来组织大家再学习。

    Teng Da said that at the time of the company each business colleagues should try to learn from the outside of the material to absorb, digest, come back after the organization to learn.


  • 现在出差恐怕明天了面。

    I am now out on a business trip, I am afraid I can't see you tomorrow.


  • 现在出差恐怕明天了面。

    I am now out on a business trip, I am afraid I can't see you tomorrow.


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