• 出家目的为了而不是为了享受。

    The goal of leaving home is to end birth and death, not to enjoy oneself.


  • 出家基础什么

    What is the foundation of left-home people?


  • ⊙、被生活压抑突然出家念头

    Repressed by life, I suddenly had the idea of becoming a monk.


  • 常规意义上僧伽出家比丘比丘尼组成团体

    In a conventional sense, Sangha denotes the communities of ordained monks and nuns.


  • 出家时间自己决定的,出家半个,也有人出家几天

    The time for being a monk depends on, like me, I am only half a month as a monk. For some men, they probably are only several days as a monk.


  • 为了彻彻底底营造出家的感觉设计师被请求设计室内标志家具

    To maintain a homely feel throughout, the architects were also asked to design indoor signage and furniture.


  • 有关出家事,需要帮我着,否则就告诉咱妈秘密

    I need you to cover up for me for the time I sneaked out of the house, or else I tell mom about your little secret.


  • 只有一个开发出家抄写员可以修补超过300,000字母组成律法

    And only a sofer or ordained scribe could do the repairs to the more than 300,000 letters that make up the torah.


  • 舒适环境贴心服务营造出家温馨,伴您度过愉快舒心的美好时光

    Comfortable environment and considerate service will create a warm, wonderful time with a pleasant and comfortable.


  • 全书通过主要人物道化历程尤其是宝玉出家过程来诠释“情空”这主旨。

    The whole book annotates the theme of freedom from love mainly by the Buddist monk course of the major characters, especially the process of Baoyu's becoming a monk.


  • 强烈出家意念,一直持续著。本来波涛汹涌似的感觉和缓平静下来了。

    This intense feeling of wanting to leave the householder's life continued to gain momentum, but what had originally seemed like a raging, tumultuous current, now felt calm and peaceful.


  • 青年人提出要在一面粉刷好的墙上维摩(传说中一个佛教但不出家的居士)像,可以前来观看作画的征集捐款。

    The young man suggested drawing a picture of the Buddha on a wall and collecting money from those who came to see him at work.


  • 浅色墙壁完全衬托的特色。

    The pale walls provide a perfect foil for the furniture.


  • 这个女人年幼婴儿门,只得自谋生路。

    The woman and her young baby had been thrown out and left to fend for themselves.


  • 英国研究这些发现向前推进了一步要求受试者完成一项创造性挑战(即列出家居用品的其他用途)。

    A British study took these findings one step further, asking subjects to complete a creative challenge (coming up with a list of alternative uses for a household item) .


  • 孩子们经常父母一起兄弟姐妹通常共享一张床,以此来突庭成员间的相互依赖。

    Children often sleep with parents, and brothers or sisters share a bed, emphasizing familial interdependence.


  • 这种奖励反应感觉渴望一样在起作用:进入新的活动领域

    This responsiveness to reward thus works like the desire for new sensation: It gets you out of the house and into new turf.


  • 他们所期望你们门,这个世界上找到自己位置

    All that they expect is that you will go out and find your place in the world.


  • 印度和尚本着出家精神,自己完全奉献上帝因此全部财产只有用来遮盖身体,以及个兼具取水、煮东西、装牛奶等等用途的锅子。

    There was a monk in India who devoted himself to God, like all monks are supposed to do. So he had only one piece of cloth with which to cover his body.


  • 尤其是恶人山儿子所做出通过出家斩断尘世之联系的决定,还被暗示本片所描绘之邪恶一种程度不够反应

    In particular it is hinted that the decision of the villainous Sansho's son to renounce the world by becoming a monk is an inadequate response to the wickedness the film portrays.


  • 出家最好经常寺庙(中心)系统地学习一下佛法,而且这个过程中,试着了解一些出家知识以及出家生活要求。

    It is best to frequent a temple (or centre) to learn the Dharma systematically, and in the process get to know more monastics and what the monastic life entails, before becoming a monk.


  • 边找毯子开始帮助那些无家可归颤颤发抖邻居们

    Watanabe emptied his house of water and blankets and started helping neighbors who were homeless and shivering.


  • 亲戚可能未必会状况全部事实

    Relatives may not be telling you the whole truth about a family situation.


  • 我:出家最好经常寺庙中心系统地学习一下佛法,而且这个过程中,试着了解一些出家知识以及出家生活要求。

    Q: It is best to frequent a temple (or centre) to learn the Dharma systematically, and in the process get to know more monastics and what the monastic life entails, before becoming a monk.


  • 门,野营享受户外乐趣!

    Get out and enjoy the great outdoors by going camping.


  • 因此,现在既是十九世纪那么,无论是亚洲欧洲,无论是在印度土耳其一般说,我们反对那种出家修行的制度。

    So, given the nineteenth century, we are opposed, as a general proposition, and among all peoples, in Asia as well as in Europe, in India as well as in Turkey, to ascetic claustration.


  • 父亲介意但是母亲受不了那份屈辱,尤其是每次“伊”把小宝宝装在婴儿车里推的时候。

    My father wouldn't have minded, but my mother was full of shame every time she wheeled her baby down the front path.


  • 父亲介意但是母亲受不了那份屈辱,尤其是每次“伊”把小宝宝装在婴儿车里推的时候。

    My father wouldn't have minded, but my mother was full of shame every time she wheeled her baby down the front path.


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