• 凭借最新一部小说叩开了成功之门。

    He has struck gold with his latest novel.


  • 霍华德·霍克凭借影片《赤胆屠龙》一夜成名。

    Howard Hawks hit paydirt with "Rio Bravo."


  • 凭借天赋决心爱丽丝·摩尔似乎前途无量。

    With her talent and determination, it appears that the sky could be the limit for Alice Moore.


  • 凭借艺术史详尽了解自此成为了一名职业画家

    With this comprehensive knowledge of the history of art, he has since become a professional painter.


  • 狄更斯凭借其特有自信成功地坚持主张西摩画应该描绘自己故事

    With characteristic confidence, Dickens successfully insisted that Seymour's pictures illustrate his own story instead.


  • 凭借现有医学知识技能全世界4200万盲人中的三分之二应该遭受痛苦。

    With existing medical knowledge and skills, two thirds of the world's 42 million blind should not have to suffer.


  • 亚马逊凭借仓库网络在征收消费税收取消费税,但是网站上第三方卖家需要缴税。

    Amazon.com, with its network of warehouses, also collects sales tax in every state that charges it, though third-party sellers who use the site don't have to.


  • 事实上创造性解决问题能力日常生活中非常有用问题出现时有可能凭借这一能力找到解决方案。

    In fact, creative problem-solving skills are incredibly useful in daily life, with which you're more likely to be able to find a solution when a problem arises.


  • 爱着模特凭借天赋丰富的经验常识以及善良天性,她一个参与拍摄的人都热爱他们的事情。

    She deeply loves modeling and with her natural talent, much experience, common sense as well as good nature she makes everyone that is involved in a shoot love what they are doing as well.


  • 拿捏烹饪时间常常需要凭借经验。

    Estimating the right cooking time will always be an educated guess.


  • 惯于凭借口才摆脱困境

    He was used to talking his way out of tight corners.


  • 那些凭借暴力夺取权力人应该受到惩罚

    Those who seek to grab power through violence deserve punishment.


  • 凭借个人魅力当选

    He was elected to power on the strength of his charisma.


  • 维克凭借自身努力成为足球队最快四分卫

    Vick carved out his niche as the fastest quarterback in American football.


  • 柯林小姐凭借克•特里克养马场获胜了。

    Miss Curling won on two horses from Mick Trickey's stable.


  • 他们凭借顽强毅力慢慢地自己的努力赢得了尊重

    They have, through sheer dogged determination, slowly gained respect for their efforts.


  • 德娜凭借多年来学到技巧担任着外交家妻子角色

    Dena was filling the role of diplomat's wife with the skill she had learned over the years.


  • 丽娜·雷耶斯几年凭借非凡的小说处女作迅速成名

    Alina Reyes shot to fame a few years ago with her extraordinary first novel.


  • 而,他们凭借体能优势控制了比赛。

    However, with the physical advantages they controlled the game.


  • 着力量和动力,戴尔轻松地赢了。

    With strength and power, Dale won without any difficulty.


  • 可以凭借书证从我们的图书馆借书、杂志、CD 和 DVD。

    They allow you to borrow books, magazines, CDs, and DVDs from our library.


  • 凭借一贯的努力和决心,成就了事业上的巨大成功。

    He built a hugely successful career with little more than plain old hard work and determination.


  • 强大的团队精神,中国女排队员将在即将到来的奥运会上为国家荣誉而战。

    With strong team spirit, the Chinese women's volleyball players will fight for the national honor at the coming Olympics.


  • 耐心、信心和决心,这位年轻的篮球运动员离他的人生目标越来越近。

    Through patience, confidence and resolution, the young basketball player continues to get closer to his life goal.


  • 之文凭借其出色的嗓音和精湛的表演技能在一个名为《中国好声音》的才艺秀中获胜。

    Zhu Zhiwen won a talent show called The Sound because of his excellent voice and wonderful acting skills.


  • 凭借一根彩绳和坚定的信念,让中国结传统艺术在网络世界熠熠生辉,帮助更多人了解中国文化。

    She is using a length of colored string and determination to keep this traditional art of Chinese knots alive online and help more people understand the culture.


  • 丹尼尔·雷德克里夫凭借电影哈利波特》一举成名

    Daniel Radcliffe roketed to fame in the film Harry Potter.


  • 它们表明凭借最终有损于健康外表来定义

    They suggest beauty should not be defined by looks that end up impinging on health.


  • 有时技术也能凭借象征意义力量得以流传几百年

    Sometimes old technology lingers for centuries because of its symbolic power.


  • 凭借出色的表现张磊获得了中国好声音2015年度冠军

    With his outstanding performance, Zhang Lei turned out to be the Winner of the "Voice of China 2015".


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