• 现有军事手段开始起作用

    The real existence of a military option will come into play.


  • 他们声称已经放弃以军事手段解决内战的说法有怀疑

    He doubted their claim to have forsaken military solutions to the civil war.


  • 土耳其反对军事手段处理这件事情

    Turkey was opposed to military options for dealing with the issue.


  • 签署巴黎协定之后越并没有立即采用军事手段统一南方

    After signing the Paris Agreement, North Vietnam didn't conquer the South Vietnam by force at once.


  • 军官承认没有长远军事手段能够解决长期困扰这个地区问题

    Military officials acknowledge, he says, that there is no military solution, long-term, to the problems plaguing the region.


  • 这些重大的国家问题不是为了你们专业参与或者军事手段

    These great national problems are not for your professional participation or military solution.


  • 以色列竭尽采取军事手段可能会伊朗获得核弹的时间延缓几年

    By throwing in every military thing at its disposal, Israel might slow by a few years Iran's progress towards acquiring the bomb.


  • 与会很多国家代表认为军事手段不是解决阿富汗问题的根本出路。

    Representatives of many countries at the conferences were of the view that military means does not offer a fundamental solution to the Afghanistan issue.


  • 叛逆者认为要获得永远自由只有军事手段他们曾经为献身的帝国抗争到底。

    The rebels reasoned that the only way to ever be free of a lifetime of military service for the glory of the empire was to dedicate their lives to fighting against them.


  • 克林顿参议员访问底特律市时说,美国不可能赢得伊拉克内战伊拉克军事手段不能解决问题

    During a visit to Detroit, Senator Clinton said the United States cannot win an Iraqi civil war and that there was no military solution in Iraq.


  • 尽管我们意向全球倡导和平自由,但这并不意味着我们借助军事手段解决每个问题

    But to say that we have an interest in pursuing peace and freedom beyond our borders is not to say that every problem has a military solution.


  • 克勒一个“像德国这样依赖外贸国家应该知道,在必要情况下应该军事手段保证经济利益

    A countryof our size and with our export orientationmust sometimes deploy troops to protect its economic interests, he said.


  • 然而一个主权国家有权采取自己认为必要一切手段包括军事手段维护本国主权领土完整

    However, any sovereign state is entitled to use any means it deems necessary, including military ones, to uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity.


  • 新保守主义议程目的上苹果派一样完美,完全没有问题;问题出在过于强调军事手段的实施过程中。

    The problem with neoconservatism's agenda lies not in its ends, which are as American as apple pie, but rather in the overmilitarized means by which it has sought to accomplish them.


  • 拉斯穆森表示卡扎菲已经停止了军事行动的步伐,但是利比亚冲突需要通过整治手段不是军事手段来解决

    Mr Fogh Rasmussen said that Colonel Gaddafi had been stopped in his tracks, but he said the conflict in Libya required a political, rather than a military solution.


  • 尽管欧盟伊朗官员日内瓦会谈没有取得进展,但欧洲各国外长呼吁通过外交途径不是军事手段推动伊朗放弃活动

    European Foreign Ministers have called for diplomacy rather than a military option to prod Iran to abandon its nuclear activities, despite lack of progress in talks with Iranian officials in Geneva.


  • 我们必须牢记伊拉克一样阿富汗不是经典消耗战——一场反游击战争而且不能仅仅依靠军事手段来取得胜利

    We must remember that Afghanistan, just as Iraq, is not a classic war of attritionthis is counter-insurgency, and it will not be won by military means alone.


  • 美国欧洲军事政策制定者们应该准备好进行强有力军事行动包括空袭在内,只要免卡扎非和停止战事有必要,一切必要的军事手段都可以采取。

    U. S. and European military planners should also prepare for more robust military action, including air strikes, if that becomes necessary to depose Qaddafi and stop the fighting.


  • 美国欧洲军事政策制定者们应该准备好进行强有力军事行动包括空袭在内,只要免卡扎非和停止战事有必要,一切必要的军事手段都可以采取。

    U.S. and European military planners should also prepare for more robust military action, including air strikes, if that becomes necessary to depose Qaddafi and stop the fighting.


  • 美国欧洲军事政策制定者们应该准备好进行强有力军事行动包括空袭在内,只要免卡扎非和停止战事有必要,一切必要的军事手段都可以采取。

    U.S. and European military planners should also prepare for more robust military action, including air strikes, if that becomes necessary to depose Qaddafi and stop the fighting.


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