• 尽管最近开发再生燃料方面取得了重要进展,但化石燃料价格较低这一因素可能会阻碍清洁能源技术进一步创新应用

    Notwithstanding important recent progress in developing renewable fuel sources, low fossil fuel prices could discourage further innovation in, and adoption of, cleaner energy technologies.


  • 保持安全速度电力驱动的自动驾驶汽车大幅降低污染水平,减轻不可再生燃料依赖

    Maintaining safe speeds and being electric, self-driving cars would drastically reduce pollution levels and dependency on non-renewable fuels.


  • 埃尔顿认为再生燃料几个重要优势

    But Elton says there are significant advantages in using recycled fuel.


  • 再生燃料车辆某些领域

    Renewable fuel vehicles are available in certain areas.


  • 柴油环境友好再生燃料

    Biodiesel was a kind of renewable fuel of friendly environment.


  • 公司从事研究开发新型能源和可再生燃料

    The Company engaged in research and development of new energy and renewable fuels.


  • 指出生物质多元醇成为今后合成再生燃料化学品等的新型平台分子

    It is thus believed that the biomass-derived polyols will become new bio-platform molecules for renewable fuels and chemicals.


  • 欧洲北美这种再生燃料出现发生在三十五年前,在70年代末解决石油危机

    In Europe and North America, the emergence of this renewable fuel, occurred more than thirty-five years ago, in the late 70s, to solve the oil crisis.


  • 如果真正想要降低国外能源依赖我们就必须国内再生燃料行业创造增长条件

    If we are serious about reducing our dependence on foreign sources of energy, we must give our renewable fuels industry the tools it needs to grow.


  • 根据再生燃料标准,乙醇其它再生燃料生命周期温室气体排放量必须汽油低20%。

    To qualify under the RFS, ethanol and other fuels would have to reduce life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent compared with gasoline.


  • 坐落约克国家粮食作物中心是英国再生燃料研发故土,中心表示这个消息表示欢迎

    The announcement was welcomed by the National Non Food Crops Centre in York, the UK's home for the development of renewable fuels.


  • 还称:“理论上讲,可以使用可再生燃料引擎上增加一个混合插件这样可以彻底不使用汽油。”

    He adds: "in theory, you could have a plug-in hybrid with a renewable fuel powered [internal combustion engine] and eliminate the need for petroleum all together."


  • 表示,这种再生燃料一个同样重要用途存储太阳能以便满足能源使用高峰期夜晚需要。

    But she said an equally important use for the renewable fuels would be to store solar energy so it is available at times of peak demand, and overnight.


  • 譬如,地球表示如果贫困国家那样,炉灶通常燃烧畜粪木料再生燃料,那么其效用与此无关了

    Friends of the Earth, for example, says the efficiency of stoves is irrelevant if they burn renewable fuels such as dung or wood, as those in poor countries often do.


  • 生物柴油环境友好再生燃料解决日益枯竭石油资源石化柴油燃烧而带来环境问题重要意义

    Biodiesel produced by the transesterification of renewable vegetable oils or fats is very important to solve the limited resources of fossil fuel and the environmental concerns.


  • 节省下来的食物可以捐赠给饱受饥饿之苦的人民,还可以转化成动物饲料或是制造再生燃料加以再次利用

    Tesco said that, where possible, if food could not be sold it was either donated to poverty charity FareShare, converted into animal feed for livestock, or was recycled into renewable fuel.


  • 他们告诫说,按照环保署目前方法现有基生物柴油可能达不到再生燃料的标准,其它生物柴油可能也将如此

    They warned that under EPA's current methodology, existing soy-based biodiesel may not qualify as a renewable fuel, and other biofuels could follow suit.


  • 科学家们对一种称为气化”的处理过程进行了改进,这个过程以前应用于清理发电再生燃料制造中所使用的不清洁原料

    Scientists have adapted a process called "gasification" which is already used to clean up dirty materials before they are used to generate electricity or to make renewable fuels.


  • 下文分析将提出能够达到再生燃料标准规定目标一种设想情境美国农业部地区原料可用性其它要素的分析作为依据

    The analysis presented below presents one scenario by which the RFS targets could be met. It is based on a USDA analysis of regional feedstock availability and other factors.


  • 蒙大拿夏威夷明尼苏达州所有的汽车燃油又要添加10%的乙醇华盛顿州则规定所出售的汽油柴油燃料必须添加占容积2%的再生燃料

    In Montana, Hawaii and Minnesota all petrol must contain 10% ethanol, while Washington state requires petrol and diesel to contain 2% renewable fuel by volume.


  • 来自再生燃料专门机构负责人EdGallagher教授生物燃料报告可以用作挑战雄心勃勃的2020年目标,因为一目标没有法律条文

    But the report on biofuels, to come from the head of the Renewable fuels Agency, Professor Ed Gallagher, may be used to challenge the more ambitious target for 2020, which is not set in law.


  • 这份分析报告角度而言,美国农业部假设这些原料再生燃料标准规定合格原料基本类似并且在采用区域性方案来达到目标方面也是必不可少的原料。

    For the purposes of this analysis, USDA assumed that these feedstocks were sufficiently similar to those already eligible under the Renewable Fuels Standard and necessary to the regional approach.


  • 然而如果化石燃料价格长期保持低位再生能源发展进程可能非常脆弱

    Progress in the development of renewables could be fragile, however, if fossil fuel prices remain low for long.


  • 以及其他科学家表示现在主要两种替代化石燃料选择即用再生能源产生能量采用核能

    He and other scientists say there are basically two options to replacing fossil fuels, generating energy with renewables, or embracing nuclear power.


  • 以及其他科学家表示现在主要两种替代化石燃料选择即用再生能源产生能量采用核能

    He and other scientists say there are basically two options to replacing fossil fuels, generating energy with renewables, or embracing nuclear power.


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