• 宝贵内在生命出来。

    Live the wonderful life that is in you!


  • 我们永远可以选择我们内在生命内容性质

    We always have a choice about the contents and character of our inner lives.


  • 相信所需一切内在生命赋予

    Please be convinced that your inner life is already endowed with everything you need.


  • 冥想主要目的我们内在生命有觉知,更了解

    The primary purpose of meditation is to become conscious of, and familiar with, out inner life.


  • 我们反省建立自己内在生命必须经常这个问题。

    We must also ask it regularly as we reflect on and build on our inner life.


  • 四是教育内容教育管理形式化诉求限制教育的内在生命

    The formalism of the management and content of education limits the inherent vitality of education.


  • 时间流逝,吉里什开始得知静静地打开门徒内在生命

    As time passed, Girish began to learn that the guru is the one who silently unfolds the disciple's inner life.


  • 外表千变万化说明——其实是恰到好处地表现出内在生命多方面特性

    This outward mutability indicated, and did not more than fairly express, the various properties of her inner life.


  • 引用强大的内在生命老师已经照着多年……弗农·霍华德

    And this is a quote from a powerful inner life teacher I've followed for years... Vernon Howard.


  • 我们内在生命大概没有甚么我们自我观念脆弱重要的了。

    There is probably no part of our inner life that's more fragile and important than our self-concept.


  • 以画人物方式对待这些物体因为发现一个事物内在生命天才

    He has handled the objects in the same way he handles man, because he has the gift of being able to discover inner life in everything.


  • 就是这个可以感知内在生命我们连接在一起,并且我们必须建造生命

    It is this inner life, they feel, that connects us to God and that we must cultivate.


  • 换言之,就是“要向看,关注内在生命然后建立你的外在生命。”

    "In other words," Look inside. Be concerned about your inner life before you build your external life.


  • 逐渐地了解到:「正在身我所拥有能如实内在生命最好的窗口之一。」

    Gradually I learned that mindfulness of the body is one of the best windows I have into an honest view of my inner life.


  • 诗人生命创造艺术生灵,诗创造过程就是诗人内在生命运动升华的过程。

    A poem is the artistic soul a poet creates with life, and the process of a poem creation is the one of a poets intrinsic life movement and sublimation.


  • 继续坚定根植你们内在生命带给你们静定信心,你们将在那些时刻中用到

    Remain firmly rooted in your Inner Being, which will give you the calm and confidence you will need in those moments.


  • 本文认为动物小说内在生命文化美学追求沈石溪艺术创作永不枯竭源泉灵感

    The article believes that the aesthetic pursuit of intrinsic life culture in the animal story is the ever-inexhaustible fountain and inspiration of Sheng's creative writing.


  • 我们内在生命要有力气才能忍耐下去,力气不是一朝一夕练到,只能靠拼命的锻炼

    It takes muscle in the inner life to persevere, and such muscle doesn't develop overnight. It comes only with strenuous workouts.


  • 更深安静中低伏在神面前相信所说的话语时,法会带着权能占有内在生命

    When I bow in deep stillness before God and believe what he says, then His law will take possession of my inner life with all its power.


  • 这里引用蒂斯和伯纳尔德有关治疗本质艺术伟大名言:“绘画必须回复原来目标审视人类内在生命。”

    Here's a great art quote by Pierre Bonnard that speaks to the therapeutic nature of art. “Painting has to get back to its original goal, examining the inner lives of human beings.”


  • 这个课程中,与你内在生命能量源头重新连结发现宇宙生命能量如何的能量场氛围一样彰显

    In this course you will reconnect with the source of life (energy) inside yourself and discover how the universal life energy manifests itself as your energy field or Aura.


  • 不会我们正面的内在生命,若我们学会思想专注较美好事情上,我们的纷争便容易得到解决呢?

    Could he be suggesting that our divisive squabbles might be resolved more easily if our inner lives were more positive, if we learned to focus our thoughts on better things?


  • 与我们现在所熟悉科学思维不同具有感性、综合、变动、想象大胆夸张等特点,能作品带来强烈的内在生命艺术感染力

    It differs from science in its ability that brings addiction of art and inter power of life through its sensitivity, imagination and variety.


  • 故此保罗,要控制你们思想,粉碎负面思想网罗,要让内在生命专注于思想真实的、可敬的、公义的、清洁的、可爱的、有美名的事情。

    So control your thoughts, says Paul. Break the whirling web of negative ideas. Rivet your inner life on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.


  • 实现人自由解放文艺人类学逻辑起点研究重要价值成为这个逻辑起点的内在依据实现个体人内在生命自由解放提供有效要素

    The importance of its research is the intrinsic basis for this beginning and provides the effectual element for the realization of the liberation of humans intrinsic life.


  • 这个月份我们思想内在生命时,知足我们要思想的一个重要美德有时明白何谓知足会比较困难,因为可以不同方法定义

    As we're thinking about our inner life this month, contentment is a great virtue to consider. But sometimes it's hard to know what contentment is because there are several ways to define it.


  • 那些达到菩萨水平人和赋予这项礼物的将在生命呼吸沐浴着其他人提醒他们能内在得到所需一样事物。

    Those who have attained Bodhisattva and are gifted at bathing others in the breath of life remind others that everything one needs comes from within.


  • 内在家庭统一生命带来他人之间的不和谐因为就是由于自身内在状态而将召唤到身上梦想。

    The disunity of the inner family will cause discord with others in the dance of life, as this is the dream you will call unto yourself given your own internal state of being.


  • 内在家庭统一生命带来他人之间的不和谐因为就是由于自身内在状态而将召唤到身上梦想。

    The disunity of the inner family will cause discord with others in the dance of life, as this is the dream you will call unto yourself given your own internal state of being.


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