• 鱼儿海豹

    A trainer throws fish to his seals.


  • 比较两个配置显示再生兽人特定不可逆性大约42%低于基本兽人压力范围评估

    A comparison between the two configurations shows that regenerative ORC has approximately 42% less specific irreversibility than basic ORC for the pressure range evaluated in this paper.


  • 作为人民所获得新生的象征,萨尔回到了布莱克摩尔的敦霍尔德城堡解放了收容所中的兽人

    To symbolize his people's rebirth, Thrall returned to Blackmoore's fortress of Durnholde and put a decisive end to his former master's plans by laying siege to the internment camps.


  • 这个鬼神一般兽人可怖故事矮人精灵人类中广为流传,它名字被母亲用来吓止孩童

    Dwarfs, Elves and Men alike all have woeful tales to tell of this monster of an Orc. At night, mothers tell their children to be good, 'lest Grimgor gets them.


  • 网络游戏魔兽世界风靡全球玩家超过1200万。这个虚拟世界里,玩家可扮演精灵兽人巫师等游戏角色

    The virtual universe, in which players take on the role of elves, orcs and wizards, has proved phenomenally successful, with more than 12 million subscribers worldwide.


  • 并且在经过卡林多大陆兽人巫毒祭司广泛训练后,技工队精通于埋置有伴有极大爆发力的麻痹陷阱

    Also, after extensive training with the Orcish voodoo priests of Kalimdor, the Techies are adept at laying paralysis-inducing traps along with their potent explosives.


  • 还有疯狂法师麦迪文开启院士黑暗——行为导致第一次大战使强大兽人来到艾泽拉斯世界

    And the opening of the original Dark Portal by the crazed wizard Medivh – an action that ushered in the First War and introduced the mighty orcs to the world of Azeroth.


  • 极端的情况可能人类除非学习兽人语,否则完全听不兽人玩家打的文字在按回车后将转换兽人语。

    One extreme could be that a human would understand nothing an Orc character said unless they had learned Orcish, their typing being translated to Orcish when they hit 'return'.


  • 早期预告片中有一个柱子后面攻击兽人镜头这个镜头影院加长的影片没有出现过。

    Early trailers included a brief scene of Eowyn waiting to attack an Uruk-hai from behind a pillar; this scene is not included in either the theatrical version or the extended edition.


  • 接着还试阴谋利用一个人类法师罗宁以及同伴来接近那些兽人以把阿莱克斯塔萨出格瑞姆巴托。

    He then tried to maneuver a human mage, Rhonin, and some of his companions in a complicated plot to get the orcs to move Alexstrasza and her eggs out of Grim Batol.


  • 完全无力分神去想夏格拉、史或是其他兽人,他只想要找到主人,只想再看看再碰碰他的

    He cared no longer for Shagrat or Snaga or any other orc that was ever spawned. He longed only for his master, for one sight of his face or one touch of his hand.


  • 传闻兽人掠夺者已经袭击这个地区的沿岸城镇但是这些袭击是否是部落大规模进攻一部分到现在还不得而知

    It is rumored that Orcish marauders have been raiding coastal towns in the area, but whether these attacks are part of a greater Horde offensive is, as yet, unknown.


  • 说,我明白件事起来像是无稽之谈尤其是对于这样兽人而言但是请至少下山群山镇去。

    Look, I understand this whole thing sounds ridiculous, especially with you being a half orc, but let me just accompany you down the mountain to Shrouded Hills.


  • 大多数成员灾难中死去,陷入混乱的氏族面前,玛里顿显示自己力量幸存兽人集中旗帜之下

    With the clans in disarray, and most killed in the disaster, Magtheridon was quick to show his power, and rallied the surviving orcs under his pennant.


  • 正如兽人人类暗夜精灵们抛弃前嫌,在共同敌人面前团结起来一样,大自然本身也奋起惩戒那些黑暗的力量。

    Just as the orcs, humans and night elves discarded their old hatreds and stood united against a common foe, so did nature herself rise up to banish the shadow forever.


  • 拍摄黎明时分阿拉冈金厉莱格拉斯追击半兽人这个镜头的前一天晚上,维果·莫特森组织第二摄制组拍摄现场野营

    The dawn shot of Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas pursuing the orcs came about when Viggo Mortensen persuaded the second unit team to camp out on location.


  • 我们目前正试图完成我们最新游戏兽人一定会死所以希望之后完成能够找到一些需要更多时间

    We are currently trying to finish up our latest game Orcs Must Die, so hopefully after that is completed I'll be able to find some more time to play with ZBrush.


  • 魔兽世界游戏迎来第五个生日已经不仅仅只是一个让玩家在其中化身为术士战士兽人精灵角色扮演类网络游戏了。

    World of Warcraft marks its fifth birthday as something more than just an online role-playing game where users become wizards, warriors, orcs and elfs.


  • 这支名为尤萨克的库甘部族不论在马上马下都是凶猛野蛮战士,他们侦知了里姆格的到来,便集结起来对付兽人巨头

    Kurgan tribe known as the Yusak, savage and ferocious warriors as much at home on horseback as on foot, had heard of Grimgor's approach and gathered to meet him.


  • 拍摄格拉斯、金厉阿拉冈紧追兽人那个大广角镜头时,约翰·里斯-戴维斯的替身演员的时候了什么东西

    In the wide shots of Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli running after the Orcs, John Rhys-Davies' character (played by his stunt double Brett Beattie) drops something as he runs.


  • 兽人情况如此,他们感受到组成部落其他种族强烈而真实血缘羁绊,从而把部落本身视为种族某种意义上的扩展

    The orcs, too, feel a very real kinship toward the other member races of the Horde, and consider the Horde itself to be a sort of extension of their own race.


  • 人类上尉你们违反联盟兽人收容法!我们已经抓住了你们的一个首领如果你们现在就投降,我们就会饶过你们的性命。

    Captain: you orcs are in violation of the Alliance Internment Act! We've already captured one of your leaders. If you surrender now, we'll spare your lives.


  • 最后,地狱咆哮帮助萨尔打败了玛诺洛斯——这个当初利用自己充满仇恨愤怒鲜血诅咒兽人恶魔领主,赢回了自己的荣誉

    Ultimately, Hellscream redeemed his honor by helping Thrall defeat Mannoroth, the demon lord who first cursed the orcs with his bloodline of hate and rage.


  • 语言系统如下:兽人起始只能族语,其他种族角色发言文字显示转换后的文字,同样别的种族看的文字也是如此

    Languages will work like this: Orcs start out speaking only Orcish, any characters of another race's text will show up as converted text, and the same is true with another race seeing your text.


  • 基尔罗格·死一名传奇兽人战士氏族酋长。他因其瞎右眼而得名。术士技能基尔罗格之眼的名字独眼得名。

    Kilrogg Deadeye was a legendary Orc warrior and Chieftain of the powerful Bleeding Hollow Clan. He is so named because he lost his right eye.


  • 基尔罗格·死一名传奇兽人战士氏族酋长。他因其瞎右眼而得名。术士技能基尔罗格之眼的名字独眼得名。

    Kilrogg Deadeye was a legendary Orc warrior and Chieftain of the powerful Bleeding Hollow Clan. He is so named because he lost his right eye.


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