• 付出辛劳”了吗? !

    You pay the "times of hardship," it?!


  • 在付出同样努力的基础上,会获得甚至倍的成果更多满足感

    You get two, four, eight times more results for the same amount of effort, and much more satisfaction!


  • 阿拉伯一些区域因为滤出盐分回流海水含盐量通常情况八倍

    Salt levels in the Arabian Gulf are eight times higher in some places than they should be, as power-hungry water plants return salt to an already saline sea.


  • 他们发现单独橄榄油相比机器花费时间来消化橄榄油和单甘油酯混合物

    They found it took eight times longer for the machine to "digest" the olive oil-monoglyceride combination compared with the olive oil alone.


  • 一些专家这项发现提出问题因为尽管暴露环境芳烃含量有不同但是智商值的减少相似

    Some experts say the findings raise questions because the IQ losses were similar in the two groups despite the eightfold difference in their average level of exposure.


  • 官方汇率上星期从一美元兑换二百五十津巴币下滑一比三万津巴币。但是至少黑市拿到比这个汇率高价格。

    But this new rate is still at least eight times less than what you can get on the black market.


  • 即使到了年级美国孩子在运动上时间也是韩国孩子的

    Even in eighth grade, American kids spend more than twice the time Korean kids spend playing sports.


  • 计划的核电项目在年内会比目前的数量翻八倍之多。

    Currently, these foresee an approximate eightfold expansion within just nine years.


  • 申请硕士博士等高学位留学生数量剧增,自上世纪九十年代中期以来增长八倍

    The number of overseas students taking higher degree courses, such as masters and doctorates, has soared - rising more than eightfold since the mid-1990s.


  • 一般来说,较小恒星——也就是那些体积我们太阳大小的恒星——它们漫长演化过程终点,就会变成白矮星

    When they reach the end of their long evolutions, smaller starsthose up to eight times as massive as our own suntypically become white dwarfs.


  • 还有个比较尴尬事实虽然空气中的蓄水量全球所有河流蓄水量之多,但是空气中的分布不均。

    There is also the awkward fact that although there is eight times more atmospheric water than in all the rivers of the world combined, it is unevenly distributed.


  • 例如假设台设备其中像素一台的

    For example, assume you have two devices where one has four to eight times more pixels than the other.


  • 中,任何修改(增加新的属性文件)放大

    In this example, any change (such as adding a new properties file) is magnified by a factor of eight.


  • 首先,使用XML编码方式的消息二进制编码的消息平均大六

    First, XML-encoded messages are larger than binary messages, by six to eight times, on average.


  • 这样一来带给巴西通货更多升值压力,鲁拉主政期间巴西通货相对于美元已经升值

    That will put more upward pressure on a currency that more than doubled in value against the dollar during Lula’s eight years as president.


  • 这块巨型蛋糕本周一美国密歇根州底特律公布于众,它腰围惊人,达到11英尺之前的记录保持者

    Unveiled on Monday, in Detroit, Michigan, us, the enormous cake - with a whopping circumference of 11ft - was over eight times bigger than the previous record holder.


  • 目前信息可以保持大约小时不消失但是女士表示,调节发送碎片数量可以延长缩短信息保持完整的时间

    At the moment, the message lasts for about eight hours before vanishing but Dr Geambasu suggests that this duration could be extended or diminished by adjusting the number of pieces of key sent out.


  • 可以夸张每个小时都会有一尼泊尔经过身边,而他们背着是你的装备货物,却比你要轻松八倍

    It is safe to say that almost every hour you will pass a native Nepalese carrying four times the size of your pack with one-eighth the difficulty.


  • 估计,生产单位卡路里热量牛肉需要以上谷物饲料,而且肉类消费的增长会引起谷物需求的乘数效应。

    Producing a single calorie of beef can, by some estimates, require eight or more calories of grain feed, and expanded meat consumption therefore has a multiplier effect on demand for grains.


  • 银行方面解释此举为了股票交易市场引入广泛的竞争从而达到更低成本终极目标,因为目前(欧洲)股票交易价格最高美国

    The goal, the banks say, is to inject more competition into share trading and ultimately to lower costs, which can be up to eight times higher than in America.


  • 林奇篇发表论文中称他们已经找到了一个以前从未发现过的新品种,它在实验条件,即使条件干旱产量也能增加

    But Lynch has published a paper that identified a previously unrecognized trait that improved yields eight times in experimental corn lines grown under drought conditions.


  • 中国人寿交易价格,是帐面价值的甚至更多(不同的证券交易所股价有所差别)。

    China Life's shares trade for eight times book, or more, depending on the share class used.


  • 即使不把长途国际旅行计算在内,明年南非进行总决赛预计将留下于2006年德国世界杯足迹。

    The finals in South Africa next year are expected to have a carbon footprint eight times that of the 2006 World Cup in Germany, even before long-haul international travel is taken into account.


  • 到2007年年底那些落后国家手机数量固定电话的

    At the end of 2007, there were eight times as many mobile phones as fixed lines in the least developed countries.


  • 中国城市人均消费印度

    Per person, China's capital spending on cities is roughly seven times greater than India's.


  • 2000到2008年,用购买力平价计,非洲产出增长4.9%,是世纪、九十年代,也高于全球平均水平3.8%。

    In 2000-08 Africa's annual output grew by 4.9% (adjusted for purchasing-power parity), twice as fast as in the 1980s and 1990s and faster than the global average of 3.8%.


  • 2000到2008年,用购买力平价计,非洲产出增长4.9%,是世纪、九十年代,也高于全球平均水平3.8%。

    In 2000-08 Africa's annual output grew by 4.9% (adjusted for purchasing-power parity), twice as fast as in the 1980s and 1990s and faster than the global average of 3.8%.


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