• 我国2006年起,全面实现免征农业税。

    Our country realizes the exemption of all exempting the agricultural tax since 2006.


  • 全面实现servlet端点需要一个示例SOAP消息

    A sample SOAP message is needed to fully implement the servlet endpoint.


  • 完善了基层文化阵地,全面实现广播电视村村通

    The radio and television coverage has been extended to every village to improve the cultural base at the primary level.


  • 全面实现舞台智能化系统控制奠定坚实基础

    To fully realize the stage of intelligent system control has laid a solid foundation.


  • 全球经济一体化今天全面实现环境资源和国际经贸的双赢。

    In the whole world economic integration today, in an all-round way realize environmental resources and win-wins of international economy and trade.


  • 系统是以计算机作为处理工具全面实现考勤管理工作自动化

    This system is processes the tool by the computer achievement, has realized the checking attendance supervisory work automation comprehensively.


  • 企业可以控制他们自己系统全面实现外包或者采用混合模型

    A company can control its own cloud system, outsource it in its entirety, or adopt a hybrid model.


  • 全面实现城乡免费义务教育所有适龄儿童花钱”。

    We made urban and rural compulsory education free so that all children of school age can receive an education at no cost.


  • 全面实现素质教育过程教师队伍建设成为一个突出的课题

    In the process of carrying out quality education, the construction of contingent of teachers has become an extrusive problem.


  • 双方表示,愿有关各方共同努力,通过协商对话全面实现方会谈宗旨总体目标。

    The two sides stated that they will work together with otherparties concerned to comprehensively achieve the purpose and overallgoal of the Six-Party Talks through consultations and dialogues.


  • 但我还是谈谈一个潜在问题影响上面提到一切计划全面实现

    I'd like to focus my comments on an underlying issue that will affect the overall success of the other programs mentioned.


  • 双方表示,愿有关各方共同努力,通过协商对话全面实现方会谈宗旨总体目标

    The two sides stated that they will work together with other parties concerned to comprehensively achieve the purpose and overall goal of the Six-Party Talks through consultations and dialogues.


  • 全面实现无纸化办公室文档网路多级审批即时工作制度全面提升工作效率

    OA - the full realization of paperless office, multi-level network document processing and instant work of the accountability system can comprehensively enhance the working efficiency.


  • 通过构建数字化社区,社区居民全面实现信息生活社会生活物质生活互动体验

    Based on digital community residents would realize the interactive experience of lives: information, sociality and commodities.


  • 本质全面实现角度论述了扬弃异化基本途径理想交往形态初步界定。

    And it points out the way to sublate the alienation from the point of view of realization of man's essence. It also stipulates the ideal modality of communication.


  • 结论系统能够有效提高医生书写病历效率质量将来全面实现电子病历打下基础

    Conclusion the system can help the doctors to improve the efficiency and quality of medical records, and provides the basis for realizing of electronic medical record totally.


  • 就是说只有团队实现有效的顺畅的、持续运行才能保障全面实现科研项目目标

    That is to say, only team to achieve the effective, smooth and continuous operation, to ensure full realization of scientific research project goals.


  • 学校管理研究属于管理学研究范畴而且管理对象,是全面实现“人——人”的有效管理。

    Management of schools is of research category of management science, and people are its target, in which the man-to-man effective management can be realized completely.


  • 师生获得更多教育资源,丰富教育手段提供了重要的平台,是全面实现素质教育的重要手段。

    It provides more education resource for the teachers and students, and offers a platform to make the teaching method more various.


  • 现阶段我国已经具备全面实现罪犯劳动报酬社会条件应建立罪犯获得劳动报酬的具体制度

    At present, our country has already possessed the social conditions for fully realizing the criminals' right of obtaining reward from work and its specific system should be established.


  • 随着我国加氢裂化催化剂全面实现国产化迅速实现加氢裂化预精制催化剂国产化成为当代一个重要课题

    With the all-round nationalization of hydro cracking catalyst in China, quick nationalization of hydrocracking pre-refining catalyst became an critical issue.


  • 本文论述了忠实标准文本层面难以全面实现原因如何实现“忠实”提出解决方法传译本质信息

    The paper discusses why it is hardly possible to reach all-round faithfulness within the text, and then suggests a solution for attaining faithfulness, namely rendering the essential information.


  • 违约损害赔偿责任准确确定,尤其是违约损害赔偿范围确定,保证合同功能全面实现具有重要意义

    To define a scope of breach of damage remedy responsibility especially the breach of damage compensation has a significant meaning for guaranteeing to implement all functions of a contract.


  • 公司内部管理规范严格建立基于Intranet办公自动化网络科学管理体系具备全面实现电子商务功能

    The company's internal management norms, strict, is established based on Intranet and scientific management system, office automation network has fully realize the function of electronic commerce.


  • 曼哈特SCOPE?是一整套供应链解决方案技术组合通过供应链处理平台帮助企业计划实施全面实现供应链优化

    Manhattan SCOPE?, a portfolio of software solutions and technology that leverages a Supply Chain Process Platform to help organizations optimize the supply chains from planning through execution.


  • 全面实现以上原则通过理论分析指出采用偏差输入优于采用绝对值输入;采用时间常数可变时限电路将优于采用平方电路。

    It proves that it is superior to use the "deviation input" to the "absolute-value input" and better to use time circuit with variable time constant than to use square circuit.


  • 莫扎特在写作喜歌剧费加罗婚礼》时,把握重唱戏剧力量,以重唱这种声乐形式来创造了喜歌剧风格潜能价值全面实现

    In Mozart's "the MARRIAGE of FIGARO", he grasped the dramatic power of duet and realized the latent value of the opera buffa style by the vocal musical form of duet.


  • 莫扎特在写作喜歌剧费加罗婚礼》时,把握重唱戏剧力量,以重唱这种声乐形式来创造了喜歌剧风格潜能价值全面实现

    In Mozart's "the MARRIAGE of FIGARO", he grasped the dramatic power of duet and realized the latent value of the opera buffa style by the vocal musical form of duet.


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