• 后来法官提出如果扮做“安全小狗”的话,那么可以削减额外20

    The judge then offered to cut an additional 20 days if Clark dresses up as Safety Pup.


  • 大多数孩子一样,5岁的斯特里有一个最喜欢的动物。

    Like most kids, Landon Kenstrick, 5 years old, has a favorite animal.


  • 影片中这位警长正在追逐一个来自纳的卡车强盗,从萨斯到乔治亚一直追了600英里一路上暴跳如雷,但格里森表演来没有过份夸张,只是让人物内心那种猛烈的挫败感溢于言表,他的这种演绎手法太恰如其分了,想想看,看着别人怒火攻心,而自己却置身事外,真够滑稽的。

    He’s chasing the Bandit from Texarkana, TX, 600 miles to Georgia, and he is PISSED the whole way! Gleason is not over the top in this performance.


  • 到了2005年秋天,·已经开始调差起源地公司背后那些

    By the fall of 2005, Ken Parker had begun to look into the people behind Provenance.


  • 确信一个新的人类物种先驱作为有别于人类的马努就是邻居安的特人而来的。

    Kendrick is convinced that I am a harbinger of a new species of human, as different from everyday folks as Cro-Magnon man was from his Neanderthal neighbors.


  • 太太要求人们也看看并且尝试德里兄弟中的建议,认为有用,这本书可不是单独针对妻子丈夫某一个人写的。

    King dares men to read and follow the plan in the Kendrick brothers' book, which she says is appealing because it doesn't speak to the wife or the husband.


  • 即便现在德里医生,没法你,而如果治得好你,那我们也就不会见面了。

    I guess even if you went out right now and found Dr. Kendrick hewouldn't be able to help you. And we would never have met, if he could.


  • 同时司法大臣怀疑短期有期徒刑是否有用,宣扬自由聒噪已经引起其托利党同伴愤怒高级官员对此也不满。

    Meanwhile, Ken Clarke’s liberal noises as justice secretaryhe has questioned the utility of short prison sentenceshave provoked anger among fellow Tories, including very senior ones.


  • 第二女人娜塔莉·吉娜(安娜·德里饰),她是宾厄汉老板最近雇佣的新人,她开发更加冷血裁员方法——通过视频会议裁员。

    The second woman is Natalie Keener (Anna Kendrick), a recent grad hired by Bingham's firm who has come up with an even more cold-hearted way to effect layoffs -- via a computer monitor.


  • 同时司法大臣怀疑短期有期徒刑是否有用,他宣扬自由聒噪已经引起其托利同伴愤怒高级官员对此也不满。

    Meanwhile, Ken Clarke's liberal noises as justice secretary-he has questioned the utility of short prison sentences-have provoked anger among fellow Tories, including very senior ones.


  • 尼·雷默贯穿了整个虚构电视剧杰瑞·宋飞邻居科兹摩·雷默的实际生活原型,他主持了一纽约市地标旅游

    Kenny Kramer, the real-life version of Jerry Seinfeld's fictitious TV neighbour, Cosmo Kramer, hosts a tour of New York City landmarks that were referenced throughout the sitcom Seinfeld.


  • 许多人都不喜欢味道辛辣防风,但令人难以置信的是,油炸欧防风在河酒店的浴场大受欢迎

    So many people dislike the pungent taste of parsnips that it's hard to believe that fried parsnips are the most popular item at the Kennebec Tavern in Bath, ME.


  • 之后·告诉汉利弗兰比罗的事。

    Then Ken Parker told Hanley and Franks about his drama with Biro.


  • 因此职业昵称、家乡父亲的名字用来当作姓氏——例如,富勒特和史密夫,利德·希特和斯福特格林灵,威约翰逊

    So trades, nicknames, places of origin, and fathers' names became fixed surnames - names such as Fletcher and Smith, Redhead and Swift, Green and Pickering, Wilkins and Johnson.


  • 保守党大臣颇为不满,认为他1997年大选前提高利率,违反了现行经济常识

    Mr Darling chides a previous Tory chancellor, Ken Clarke, for failing to raise interest rates before the 1997 election in defiance of prevailing economic wisdom.


  • 伯南吗?”女鬼急切地回答着。

    "To Kennebunk?" came the ghost's eager response.


  • 不是清楚,戴维·德里医生分子遗传学家正在研究为什么错置时空。

    I don't know very much. Dr. David Kendrick is a molecular geneticist who discovered - will discover why people are chrono-impaired.


  • 就是让粗犷卡拉回到议会前排部分原因。

    That was part of the rationale for bringing craggy Ken Clarke back to the front bench.


  • 美国亿万富翁t•布·皮计划·修建世界最大风电场

    US billionaire t Boone Pickens plans to build the world's largest wind farm in Texas.


  • 鲁特学说提出问题·威引发问题近似纳·威人是1996华盛顿州发现的具有8,400年历史的人类遗骨位人类学家最先称之为欧洲人

    The Solutrean theory poses similar questions to those raised by Kennewick Man, the 8,400-year-old skeleton found in Washington state in 1996 and initially called European by an anthropologist.


  • 这个善意举动使记起年前·邦·波特,亲自三岁切尔西洗手间

    It was a gracious gesture that reminded me of the day in Kennebunkport six years earlier when he had personally escorted three-year-old Chelsea to the bathroom.


  • “并不是没有自己的观点只是她仅仅是在写本对往事的回忆录而已,并不是家长们的指导手册,”阿里西斯·坦特说,自己蔡美儿已经20老朋友了。

    Not that she’s without opinion, but she’s writing a memoir, not a parenting guide, ” said Alexis Contant, who describes Ms. Chua as her closest friend for 20 years.


  • 来自美国罗兰士利弗摩亚国家实验室·卡尔代罗·自然杂志上提出了他们对此事的关注

    Ken Caldeira and Michael Wickett, from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, report their concerns in the journal Nature.


  • 当时写过这样的话,“最后难过愤怒时候展现脆弱一面,一个行动派绝望的一面”。

    As Ken Tucker wrote at the time: "Finally, in his greatest moments of grief and fury, he showed us the most vulnerable, despairing side of the man of action."


  • 后来途中兄弟当地印第安人洗劫一空并未影响这个名叫“”的地方的浓厚兴趣。

    On the way home, he and his brother were robbed by Indians of their deerskins and pelts, but the two remained exuberant over the land known as “Kentuck.”


  • 心理学家·曼特洛(Ken Manktelow)强调了合理性实践性(practicality),说明它们关乎两个关键的问题:什么对的以及什么。

    Psychologist Ken Manktelow has emphasized the practicality of both types of rationality by noting that they concern two critical things: what is true and what to do.


  • 司法大臣表示3月29日所列提案最终目标使得诉讼成为民事纠纷最后一着,而首选方法。

    The ultimate aim of proposals outlined on March 29th, says Ken Clarke, the justice secretary, is to make litigation the last resort in civil disputes, not the first.


  • 6月30日司法大臣回顾英国刑罚政策做了如上表述。

    So suggested Ken Clarke, the justice secretary, on June 30th, when he announced a review of sentencing policy.


  • 6月30日司法大臣回顾英国刑罚政策做了如上表述。

    So suggested Ken Clarke, the justice secretary, on June 30th, when he announced a review of sentencing policy.


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