• 这种装置本身,利用眼睛天然图像处理功能而不经过探测阶段患者眼中产生视觉,这一过程稳定眼睛可随意转动

    As such, it USES the eyes' natural image processing capabilities beyond the light detection stage to produce a visual perception in the patient that is stable and follows their eye movements.


  • 虽然这种设备处于早期开发阶段一发现确实表明纳米管可以高效地转化电能

    While the device is certainly in its earliest stages of development, the discovery does show that carbon nanotubes can efficiently convert light to electricity.


  • 尽管这项研究处在非常初级阶段,但是如果能改进完善,基于纳米管的电池将可以提供一种有效方法转化为电能

    Though still in the very early stages of development, if perfected, carbon nanotube-based cells could provide a more efficient method of converting light to electricity.


  • 之后,有效荷载(称为天龙的航天舱)通过一台单独的墨林发动机被送入轨道,第2个阶段,耗燃料时间9分钟

    The payload, a capsule known as Dragon, is then carried into orbit by a single-Merlin-engined second stage that burns for a further nine minutes.


  • 恒星生命绝大部分处于主序阶段,在阶段包含核心、辐射区对流球层、色球层和日冕。

    A star during most of its life is a main-sequence star, which consists of a core, radiative and convective zones, a photosphere, a chromosphere and a corona.


  • 时刻贝拉米伊特的传球,以及切尔西开场阶段高压下不知疲倦的奔跑灵活的变向过人

    He was at his best slipping Craig Bellamy and Dirk Kuyt, such willing runners, through Chelsea's obligatory high line in the opening period with clever reverse passes aplenty.


  • 红外这些迷蒙区域捕捉揭示早期阶段

    It takes an infrared view to catch the light from these shrouded regions and reveal the earliest stages of star formation.


  • 当团队充分包含下一阶段时,SSOA将会有效地人类体验中重锚定“团体基于统一的蓝图

    SSOA will effectively re-anchor the unity-based blueprint for 'group' in the human experience as the organization embodies the next phase of the Language of Light in full.


  • 现在新的一年,新的阶段开启引路人之工作者!

    Now a New Year, a new phase opens for you, the Way Showers and Lightworkers!


  • 第三任何魂灵灵性某个阶段城市成为工作者所以工作者这个标签不是部分魂灵专利。

    Third, any soul at some stage in the spiritual awakening of the workers will be the light, so the "light worker" label is not a part of the soul of the patent.


  • 分组交换由于缺乏高速逻辑器件缓冲存储器等,因此处于研究阶段

    OPS still is placed in to study the stage because of lacking of the high-speed optical logic device and optical buffer.


  • 生命一个行星高等存在阶段其中变得不朽存在更高宇宙能量环路中

    Light and Life: Advanced stage of existence of a planet, in which it become immortal, being in the higher universe energy circuits.


  • 意愿已掌握每一个提升阶段塌缩两极空间增加在场中运作的

    I intend to collapse the space between and increase the light and chi moving through the field with each phase of ascension mastered.


  • 月亮的后一阶段转送太阳上,最后到达了天堂。

    In the last phases of the moon Light is transferred to the sun and finally to Paradise.


  • 合作用第二阶段需要存在阶段三磷酸腺苷释放出能量推动有机分子二氧化碳中的产生。

    The second stage of photosynthesis, not requiring light to occur, and during which energy released from ATP drives the production of organic molecules from carbon dioxide.


  • 更多重要的东西他们开始明白然后需要你们带入一个稳定阶段允许人们爱”作为行为准则。

    More importantly they will realise that they are necessary to move you into a more stable period, that will allow the people motivated by the Light to emerge.


  • DLP数字处理技术目前先进投影显示技术但是对DL P机投影特性测量系统研究属探索阶段

    Digital Light Processing technology is one of the advanced projection display technologies at present, but the quality measuring system for DLP projection display screen is still on the research way.


  • 根据沥青显微结构特征划分沥青演化阶段

    At last, based on the characteristics of microstructures, class fied the evolutionary phases of bitumens.


  • 方法下应用体视学方法生前生后小鼠肾脏发育阶段的肾小体体积进行测量。

    Methods : Renal corpuscles of different developmental stage at different age were investigated with stereological method at light microscopic level.


  • 动态散射(DLS)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)场发式扫描电子显微镜(FESEM)等阶段乳液聚合胶粒大小分布以及形态结构进行了表征

    The sizes and their distributions as well as morphologies of polymer microspheres at various emulsion polymerization steps were characterized by means of DLS, TEM and FESEM.


  • 随着ASON技术逐渐成熟,传输网络智能化也逐渐进入实施阶段

    AS the ASON technology is getting mature, intelligent optical transport network starts to put in practice.


  • 我们完全了解最后的飞跃相的过渡阶段挫败感。

    We know full well how frustrating this final 'leap' into the new reality can be at times.


  • 散射同时含有反应颗粒大小形状信息散射法用于颗粒形状的表征处于起步阶段

    The scattering pattern not only contains the information of particle size, but also of their shape. Particle shape analysis using light scattering is still in the initial stage.


  • 与生长有关的异常消图案放射状、格子状等,不同图案的组合可以反映金刚石的生长期次阶段

    It can show growth-stages from the composing style with different patterns like radiating pattern and check-like pattern which caused by growth.


  • 在常压竖直隙流道内沸腾启动阶段变化规律进行实验研究

    An experimental investigation on transient of wall temperature in start-up process of pool boiling heat transfer, on vertical plain tube and narrow annuli under atmospheric pressure, was carried out.


  • 现在地球已经进入突破阶段,而即将重现人间

    We are entering the breakthrough phase and the Light is returning to planet Earth.


  • 两个散布有弹性动态)和扩散影响直接取决于的那样表现一个阶段的特性热力学参数说明稳定详细考虑。

    The effects of both light scattering (elastic and dynamic) and diffusion, as directly depending on the thermodynamic parameters characterizing the one-phase state stability, are considered in detail.


  • 1986年第一个诞生致旋转技术带入新的研究阶段

    In 1986 the emergence of optical tweezers, it sent the optical rotation technology to a new research stage.


  • 预处理阶段,本算法场景内每个刚体分别计算辐射渲染阶段,本算法迭代计算每个物体的入射

    The calculation of radiance fields are done for each object individually in the precomputing process while iterations are finished in real-time rendering.


  • 预处理阶段,本算法场景内每个刚体分别计算辐射渲染阶段,本算法迭代计算每个物体的入射

    The calculation of radiance fields are done for each object individually in the precomputing process while iterations are finished in real-time rendering.


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