• 美林销售人员商业票据卖给货币市场基金给予整个世界的商业部门投资者们充分信任

    The Merrill Lynch sales people go off and sell the commercial paper to money market funds and trust departments and investors all across the world.


  • 这个消息保罗·沃尔克更加充分理由来进一步加大力度,推动取缔投资银行自有账户交易提案

    It also gave Paul Volcker a great big reason to push harder for his proposal to clamp down on investment Banks trading for their own accounts.


  • 相比而言,更好方法放任资产价格下跌,令损失程度充分暴露接管倒闭银行,对进行重组最后出售投资

    By contrast, the most successful approach is to let asset prices fall to discover the extent of the damage, take over failed Banks, recapitalize them, and later sell them back to investors.


  • 然而这些额度并没有得到充分使用,因为目前中国投资愿意资金投入快速上涨的本地股市

    However, not all of these quotas have been filled, as Chinese investors have preferred to put their money for the moment into the fast-rising local bourse.


  • 应该依照这样原则充分预测未来情况,谨慎选择第一投资

    Your guiding principle should be this: Look into your crystal ball and choose your first investor carefully.


  • 投资希望看到项目阶段安排得到了充分考虑

    Investors want to see that all stages of the project have been thought through.


  • 那些跳进战场使用计算机其它手段进行交易投资或许充分的理由承受他们得到结果

    Those who jumped into the fray and traded, using computers or otherwise, may well have deserved the outcomes they got.


  • 普通人甚至地球精明的投资人来说一周都十分诡异瑞斯特的经历充分说明了这点。

    To understand how bizarre last week was not just for ordinary folk but even the planet's smartest investors, Forester's story is illustrative.


  • 月初的一次采访中戴尔表示一些投资公司评估不充分

    In an interview earlier this month, Michael Dell argued that some investors were not valuing the company enough.


  • 件事投资者们不必担心就是股市暴跌是否对经济衰退有充分借鉴意义。

    The one thing investors need not worry about is whether a fall in the former tells us much about the likely performance of the latter.


  • 如果没有充分财经知识个人经验做出投资决策危险

    It is very risky for you to make investment decisions only based on your personal experience, unless you have mastered sufficient financial knowledge.


  • 可悲的是太多个人投资没有充分利用这些优势没有达到真正潜力痛打市场

    Sadly, too many individual investors do not fully exploit these advantages, and never reach their true potential to trounce the market.


  • 但是,证券市场能否顺利地实现资本转移准确地反映一国经济状况取决于投资是否获得真实充分、及时的信息

    Whether it can transfer capital successfully and reflect economic situation of a country correctly depend on whether investors can access truthful information or not.


  • 上述投资行为以及信息充分披露论述,有赖于一个完善的公司治理结构

    The above analysis of investors' behavior and full disclosure of information is built upon a perfect corporate governance.


  • 哪个方式能给投资带来较高回报,并没有充分的研究证明

    There is no overwhelming evidence to suggest which approach offers superior returns to the investors.


  • 企业以前年度分配利润,并入年度利润,在充分考虑现金流量状况,向投资分配。

    The profits not distributed in the previous year shall be merged into those of this year and be distributed to the investors after sufficiently considering the cash flow status.


  • 建立信息披露机制充分披露信息保护投资建立公众信心增强市场效率最好措施

    To set up information disclosure mechanism is the best measure to protect investors, establish public confidence, and to strengthen market efficiency.


  • 投资收益下降时基金公司就会本金支付给投资基金经理怀疑许多投资者没有充分理解,当他们发现这个事实时有可能大发雷霆。

    But when the yield falls short, funds pay investors from their principal. Asset managers suspect that plenty of investors do not fully understand this, and will be furious when they find out.


  • 企业做出投资决策时一定充分考虑合作伙伴资质信誉具备承担相应风险能力4诚信不足

    Enterprises to make investment decisions, we must give full consideration to qualified partners, reputation, and should have to bear the corresponding risks. 4, less than honest.


  • 俱乐部联赛优化股权结构推行股份多元化;充分保障投资利益。

    The clubs and league match should optimize the share structure, promote the diversification of Stockholders and fully guarantee the right of investors.


  • 其次充分理解把握相关理论基础上,分析现金流量表信息投资决策影响

    Secondly, in the full understanding and grasp of the theory, this paper analyzed the cash flow information and its influence on investment decisions;


  • 使受到损害投资得不到充分法律救助

    The damaged investors don't get law succour.


  • 凭借充足外汇储备庞大的经常项目盈余,许多新兴经济体充分的准备来应对投资外逃

    Thanks to fat foreign-exchange reserves and current-account surpluses, many emerging economies are well placed to withstand an exodus of investors.


  • 研究发现,信息真实性及时性充分披露我国公众投资者认为重要质量特征。

    We found, reality, timely and full disclosure are the most important qualifications of information from the standpoint of privat …


  • 但是现有破产救济制度本身有着无法克服的缺陷,对债权人投资利益不能给予充分保护

    However, the existing bankruptcy relief system itself is so flawed that it can not give adequate protection for the interests of creditors and investors.


  • 居住科罗拉多州阿斯彭,所以我会充分利用周围环境,邀请潜在商业合作伙伴投资老板一起在落基山脉度过天。

    Living in the Aspen, Colo., area, I take full advantage of my surroundings and invite potential business partners, investors, and owners to join me for a day in the Rocky Mountains.


  • 其次本文国家上市公司以及投资方面充分探讨我国上市公司现金股利分配政策成因提出相关建议。

    Secondly, from the country, Listed Companies and investors three aspects fully explore China's listed company's Cash Dividend distribution policy causes, and make relevant suggestions.


  • 其次本文国家上市公司以及投资方面充分探讨我国上市公司现金股利分配政策成因提出相关建议。

    Secondly, from the country, Listed Companies and investors three aspects fully explore China's listed company's Cash Dividend distribution policy causes, and make relevant suggestions.


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