• 他们担心一贯以来都古板爱尔兰能否处理这件事情上能够精明一点能够重获投资信任并且能够偿还债务

    They worried whether Ireland, having looked dodgy for so long, could cope with this politically, could ever regain investors’ trust, and would ever be able to repay its debts.


  • 鼓励意大利债券持有通过抛售债券不是得不到偿还政策保护它们

    It also encourages holders of Italian debt to sell bonds rather than insure them with policies that may not pay out.


  • 现在看来企业消费获得现金余额时他们这些偿还债务,不是用于消费。

    It now appears that when companies and consumers acquire cash balances they use them to pay down debt rather than to support spending.


  • 由于消费减低消费偿还他们债务甚至出现通货紧缩

    As consumers cut back on spending to pay off their debts, there could even be deflation.


  • 汽车借贷中,我们看到更高拖延费用,信用卡债务,以及其他形式消费债务,因为私房所有不再能够利用房子净值偿还其他的债务。

    We’ll also see much higher default rates on car loans, credit card debt, and other forms of consumer debt, because homeowners can no longer draw on their home equity to pay other debt.


  • 第三季度,不能如约偿还贷款消费有所减少标志着贷款违约损失惨重的阶段已经过去

    Fewer customers failed to repay loans during the quarter, another sign that the worst losses from loan defaults could be in the past.


  • 但是投资卖掉股份偿还贷款做法影响股票市场

    But that hurt the stock market, as investors sold shares to repay loans.


  • 作为管理来说一个可能年内中断偿还甚至逃债的贷款提供为期三年借贷很愚蠢的;资产债务失谐破坏性的。

    It would be foolish for a manager to make a three-year loan when his own investors could cut and run within a year; the mismatch of assets and liabilities could be ruinous.


  • 虽然无力偿还消费信贷已经备受关注了,但是,消费并非唯一无法按时还贷人群

    But although dud consumer loans have attracted much attention, individuals are not the only ones failing to pay on time.


  • 明白点,如果你们公司欠别人可以寻求你们公司资产偿还,而不是由公司所有私人资产偿还

    In plain English, if someone is owed money by your company, he or she would be able to go after the company's assets, but not the personal assets of the company's owners.


  • 决定偿还债务之前,决策业务技术风险需要深刻理解

    The decision to pay down technical debt requires a solid understanding of both the business and technical impacts.


  • 这种未来设想中,随着透支过度的贷款偿还债务美国储蓄增加

    In this vision of the future, American saving would rise as overstretched borrowers repaid their debts.


  • 借款们不愿为这个支撑资产抵押贷款蓄水池继续偿还贷款,两家公司就必须贷款实行回购。

    When borrowers fail to keep up payments on mortgages in the pool that supports asset-backed loans, Fannie and Freddie must buy back the loan.


  • 消费不再贷款消费了,相反,他们一直忙于偿还贷款

    Nor are consumers borrowing to maintain their spending; instead they have been repaying their debts.


  • 尤利西斯·格兰特共和党继任偿还内战债务放在头等位置。

    Ulysses Grant and his Republican successors put repayment of the Civil War debt at the top of their priorities list.


  • 一季度9.1%借款至少拖欠了次贷款的偿还,这创下了新的记录。

    A record 9.1% of borrowers had missed at least one payment by the first quarter of this year.


  • 美国消费正在偿还他们的债务节省更多的开支。

    U. s. consumers are paying down their debt and saving more, Amaki says.


  • 华盛顿互惠银行把很多资产高风险次级房贷上,但是由于很多贷款无法偿还贷款而负债高达几十亿美元

    Washington Mutual has been saddled with billions of dollars of debt because it heavily invested in selling risky subprime mortgages to customers who later defaulted on them.


  • 利率帮助借贷跟上贷款偿还的步伐。

    Low interest rates have helped borrowers to keep up with loan payments.


  • 金融市场担心,如果投资承担欧洲风险持谨慎态度的话,那么众多西班牙借钱今年无法偿还债务。

    Financial markets are concerned that many Spanish borrowers will not be able to refinance their debts this year at a time when investors are nervous about taking on any European risk.


  • 希腊农行是亏损的国有放贷,背负借给各政党的数亿欧元偿还贷款,它原本今年早些时候出售

    Agricultural Bank of Greece, a loss-making state lender that has several hundred million euros in loans outstanding to political parties, was due to be sold early this year.


  • 这些能成立关键因素甚至借款违约的情况下,投资得到款项偿还保证——最终转嫁纳税人身上保证

    The key to that success is the guarantee that investors will be repaid even if borrowers default - a promise ultimately backed by taxpayers.


  • 公共赞助机子市场复苏要归功于私人股份公司,后偿还焦虑投资的利息不断变卖自身持有的股份。

    Private-equity firms are driving the revival of the IPO market, as they sell shares in companies they own to repay their increasingly agitated investors.


  • 更好的方法减少抵押贷款本金大的刺激借款偿还债务

    A better route would be to reduce the mortgage principal, giving borrowers a bigger incentive to pay their debt.


  • 实际上这样做法是让借贷偿还常规贷款更多利息,常规贷款利息一般78个百分点。

    The practical effect is that the borrower pays a much higher interest rate than the official, heavily regulated interest rate for loans, usually 7 or 8 percent.


  • 引发西方国家金融危机根本原因利率上涨导致借贷无法偿还房屋贷款

    The failure of mortgage bonds, or housing loans, due to rising interest rates in Western nations sparked the crisis.


  • 债务人一般都宣称(可能甚至相信)自己能够偿还贷款,酗酒否认自己存在上瘾问题

    Debtors will usually claim (and may even believe) they can service their debts, just as alcoholics deny they have a drinking problem.


  • 债务人一般都宣称(可能甚至相信)自己能够偿还贷款,酗酒否认自己存在上瘾问题

    Debtors will usually claim (and may even believe) they can service their debts, just as alcoholics deny they have a drinking problem.


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