• 这种债券当前定价为$900。

    The bond is currently priced at $900.


  • 主要资金来源于政府债券

    Most of it will be financed by government bonds.


  • 债券市场通常夏天萧条期后开始复苏

    The bond market normally revives after the summer doldrums.


  • 这份8年期债券产生10.5%的年息。

    The eight-year bond will bear annual interest of 10.5%.


  • 债券兑换普通股

    The bonds are convertible into ordinary shares.


  • 事实上,“垃圾债券被叫错了名字,因此也被误解了

    The truth is that junk bonds were misnamed, and therefore misunderstood.


  • 这些基金采用一体化投资方针包括股票包括了债券

    These funds are an all-in-one approach to investing. They contain a blend of stocks and bonds.


  • 上千退休人员劝说抵押他们房子投资投机性债券

    Thousands of retirees were persuaded to mortgage their homes to invest in speculative bonds.


  • 这些债券对于个人投资者主要吸引力在于它们提供安全感心灵平静

    The main appeal these bonds hold for individual investors is the safety and peace of mind they offer.


  • 可能会所有这些赤字融资债券买家感到恐慌。

    That might spook the buyers of bonds that finance all those deficits.


  • 谢谢我们一家小型金融公司主要经营股票债券

    Thank you! We are a small financial company trading mostly stocks and bonds.


  • 困难时期他们对冲基金风险资产中撤出,转向现金政府债券

    At times of trouble, they will retreat from risky assets such as hedge funds and into cash and government bonds.


  • 先是债券欺骗投资者然后通过合谋成功操纵钢铁市场而发家致富。

    He made his pile first by cheating investors in bonds and then through conspiring successfully to rig the market in steel.


  • 如果希腊开始没有借入这么资金不会面临债券收益率上升问题

    Greece would not have such a problem with higher bond yields if it had not borrowed so much money in the first place.


  • 他们债券价格上升因为人们已经发现可能有权票面价值购进

    Lo and behold, their bonds would go up because people had discovered that you might be entitled to buy at par.


  • 瑞士已经采取了类似做法规定两家银行发行新的或有可转换CoCo债券

    Switzerland has already chosen one version of this approach by forcing its two big banks to issue new contingent convertible (CoCo) bonds.


  • 如果一只债券利率低的时候发行,在现行汇率6%的的时候,它的票面利率可能为4%。

    If a bond was issued when interest rates were lower, they might have a 4% coupon when the prevailing rate is 6%.


  • 这么价格买进,让他们满足票面价值(债券全部价值)偿付几乎没有什么意义

    It rarely makes sense to buy at that high a price for them to be satisfied with being paid off only at par (the full value of the bond).


  • 对于那些可以钱的公司他们债券交易低于票面价值交易,很可能是因为他们票息低。

    For companies that could pay you back, but their bonds are trading below par, probably because they have a low coupon.


  • 2010年开始这个项目时,他刚刚失去了在芝加哥做债券交易员工作决定转向一个全新职业

    When he started the project in 2010, he had just lost his job as a bond trader in Chicago and decided to shift to a completely new career.


  • 考夫曼知道地区官员是否预算短缺的问题隐瞒到了11月选举之后直到选民批准学校发行2.12亿美元的债券

    Coffman says he wants to know whether district officials hid the budget shortage until after the November election, when voters approved a $212 million bond issue for schools.


  • 双方本周提交查尔斯·基丁债券欺诈案的结辩陈词。

    Both sides presented closing arguments this week in the securities fraud trial of Charles Keating.


  • 公司通过支付投资人债券票面价值外加甜头来买自己债券

    A corporation can buy back its bonds by paying investors the face value (plus a sweetener).


  • 货币支付形式长期债券短期债券

    The currency is paid in the form of long-term bonds and short-term bonds.


  • 存在个问题信用评级机构对他们投资大部分债券给予了AAA 的评级。

    Part of the problem is that the rating agencies were rating their securities that they were investing in as AAA, in many cases.


  • 中央银行说道例如通过出售自己债券会迅速吸收大量现金所以货币政策不会放松

    The central bank says that it will soak up the cash, for instance, by selling instruments of its own, so monetary policy will not be loosened.


  • 既有成功票息剪券投资者,也成功的债券经销商他们倾向其他阶层成功人们身上赚钱

    There are successful coupon clippers and successful securities resellers and they tend to make their money off of the unsuccessful people in the other class.


  • 意思是假设一种债券0.60美元进行交易,同时有8%的票息五年期债券收益率在18%左右

    I mean, hypothetically a bond trading $0.60 on the dollar with an 8% coupon, a five-year bond that's yielding about 18%.


  • 如果扬基债券卖掉

    If you have Yankee bonds, sell it.


  • 长期债务包括应付抵押款应付债券

    Long-term liabilities include mortgages payable and bonds payable.


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