• 同时,我们希望能够识别很糟糕流量并且修正它们

    We also want to identify the segments of traffic that suck and figure out how to fix them.


  • 基础上,结合净利润调节经营活动现金流量过程提出了以经营现金流量计算出发点的修正自由现金流量模型,并给出计算实例。

    On this basis work, the paper analyses the process of adjusting net accounting profit to operating cash flow and suggests the adjusted FCF model computing from operating cash flow.


  • 采用温度补偿算法蒸汽密度变化引起质量流量的变化进行修正

    The change in mass flux resulting from the steam density change is corrected by the temperature offset algorithm.


  • 检查流过系统燃油流量定位燃油供应不足原因,视需要修正

    Check the fuel flow through the system to locate the reason for inadequate fuel supply, correct as require.


  • 运用流体力学原理,分析了利用时差进行超声波流量检测时误差产生相关原因提出修正方法

    The interrelated factors of the error caused by sonic flowmeter using the time difference by hydrodynamics were analyzed, and the correction method was introduced.


  • 应用负荷修正系数,对流量调节回水温度公式进行了修正

    Applying the correction coefficient of heat load, the formula on supply and return water temperature in variable temperature control with varied flow is corrected.


  • 作者结合工程实例,认为应修正设计流量计算公式从而准确确定管径做到技术先进、经济合理

    The author of this paper proposed a modified formula for flowrate per second calculation to precisely determine the size of pipeline and to make the design advanced in technology and reasonable cost.


  • 基础上,我们采用三段系数修正算法流量函数进行线性化,做到流量系数为一常数

    On this basis, three-piece coefficient correction algorithm is adopted to linearize the flux function to make the flux coefficient one constant.


  • 介绍了流量传感器工作原理,对小流量流动流量系数的变化提出修正方法并研制了智能型流量测量的靶式流量

    The principle of target flow-meter was introduced and design the intelligent small-flow target flow meter based on a modification method of flow coefficient shifted with small-flow.


  • 定义了三个速度修正系数流量修正系数

    Defines three velocity correction coefficients and a flow rate correction coefficient.


  • 根据动量叠加原理羽流相互作用进行了研究定义了三个速度修正系数流量修正系数。

    Researches the interaction of the multiple equal plumes based on the principle of momentum congruence. Defines three velocity correction coefficients and a flow rate correction coefficient.


  • 温度压力传感器采集现场温度、压力信号A/D转换器转换成数字用于对现场天然气流量进行温度、压力修正

    The temperature and pressure sensor gathered on-the-spot temperature and pressure signal, and A/D converter converted analog signals into digital signals to revise the on-the-spot flow of natural gas;


  • 软件设计实现了流量特性修正自动、调量程报警故障自诊断现场显示等功能

    Software design realizes functions of flow characteristic correction, automatic zero setting, span setting, alarm, fault diagnosis and field display;


  • 鉴于音速喷嘴我国气体流量计量领域重要地位消除系统偏差需要确定适合我国的湿度修正方法

    Considering the importance of sonic nozzles in the field of gas flow measurement, a suitable humidity correction method is required in order to eliminate the systematic error.


  • 最后水文比拟相似流量进行修正,得出目标样本流量

    Finally, this similar water flow is corrected by the assessing hydrologic analogy and the water flow of object sample is worked out.


  • 提出了一新的专用“等体积流量法”大气状态修正方法

    This method of rectification is to be applied in the case of "constant volumetric flow rate" method of testing.


  • 计算实例表明其他条件一定流体进口温度流量,则修正系数越大

    The calculation example shows that if the inlet temperature of fluid is low and the flux is small, the amendatory value and coefficient are great when the other conditions are fixed.


  • 介绍了流化催化裂化装置流量计算方法建立了流量修正模型相关修正系数

    The method to calculate main air flow capacity of FCC unit is expounded. Flow capacity revision model and the relative revision coefficient have been established.


  • 模型进行修正后得到气流量最大相对误差5.93%,平均相对误差0.93%,累计流量相对误差0.13%。

    As for the corrected models, the maximal relative error, the average relative error, the accumulate flow error are 5.93%, 0.93%, 0.13% respectively.


  • 提出一种新的专用于“等体积流量”的大气状态修正方法。

    The paper suggests a new method for rectifying the atmospheric state.


  • 修正采用功耗、功能强大的处理器高速模数转换芯片以及合理化软件设计提高流量测量实时性准确度。

    In this instrument, the micro-power and powerful processors, high-speed analog-digital conversion chip and reasonable software design are adopted to improve measurement accuracy and timeliness.


  • 通过渗流流量压力相关试验测定滑脱修正系数渗流指数以及渗流系数,将该方程计算结果现场产量做了对比证明方法正确性

    Measured coefficient of slippage, seepage index and seepage coefficient by experiment, and compared calculated results with spot results and verified the effectiveness of this method.


  • 通过渗流流量压力相关试验测定滑脱修正系数渗流指数以及渗流系数,将该方程计算结果现场产量做了对比证明方法正确性

    Measured coefficient of slippage, seepage index and seepage coefficient by experiment, and compared calculated results with spot results and verified the effectiveness of this method.


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