• 可以不会任何人讲

    You can trust me not to tell anyone.


  • 现在——告诉什么,相信我——不会背叛

    Now trust me--tell me what it is, and trust me--I won't betray you.


  • 苏珊由衷感到愧疚

    Believe me, Susan, I am truly sorry.


  • 要是的,你自己看看

    If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself!


  • 不受亵渎的

    We believed our love was inviolate.


  • 可以一定会保守秘密

    You can rely on me to keep your secret.


  • 不敢真的公主

    I can't believe I am really going to meet the princess.


  • 自娱自乐几个小时

    I'm sure I'll be able to amuse myself for a few hours.


  • 死后进入天堂见到上帝

    I believed that when I died I would go to heaven and see God.


  • 担心没有的话。

    I was afraid that nobody would believe me.


  • 有获得成功才干

    I believe I have the talent to make it.


  • 收到非常高兴

    I was very pleased to get your letter.


  • 再也父亲了。

    I don't trust my father anymore.


  • 要求重新计票。她不比她得票多

    She wanted a recount. She couldn't believe that I got more votes than she did.


  • 不当修女决定是正确的。

    It has confirmed me in my decision not to become a nun.


  • 写给呢?

    Who should I address the letter to?


  • 写给呢?

    To whom should I address the letter?


  • 适合

    Believe me, she's not right for you.


  • 凑合的。

    I'm sure we'll manage without.


  • 别的地方便宜买到这种物品。

    I'm sure I could buy this more cheaply somewhere else.


  • 反对这一想法争取过来

    She's against the idea but I'm sure I can win her over.


  • 几乎不能最近经历几次侥幸脱险

    I can't quite believe the close shaves I've had just recently.


  • 每一个能为世界未来做出贡献。

    I believe that each of us can contribute to the future of the world.


  • 能够恢复和平稳定法治尊重

    I am confident that we can restore peace, stability, and respect for the rule of law.


  • 还有别的地点可以会面不是那儿

    I'm sure there's another point we could meet at, but not there.


  • 少数必须人们动机正当性

    We are a minority and must convince people of the justice of our cause.


  • 照片看了,即便这样仍然

    I've shown him the photographs but even now he won't believe me.


  • 如果了那幢房子,买到的只有麻烦的话

    You'll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house, take my word for it.


  • 将会发现学校自助餐厅里有多种多样的选择

    I'm sure we will find a wide variety of choices available in school cafeterias.


  • 很难劝说丈夫喜欢去夜校课程不是冷落

    It's difficult to persuade my husband that it isn't a slight on him that I enjoy my evening class.


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