• 看见自行车就问是不是愿意15美金保时捷汽车

    She saw me ride past on my bike and asked me if I wanted to buy a Porsche for fifteen dollars.


  • 一种新的思维保时捷汽车坐在动机我的网上成功民政业务呢?

    Is it the thought of a new porsche sitting in my driveway that motivated me to succeed with my Internet home business?


  • 邀请大众汽车奇瑞汽车保时捷汽车演出乐队参加北京青岛成都发布会演出

    Has been invited to Volkswagen, Chery Automobile, Porsche car show band, taking part in Beijing, Qingdao, Chengdu and other places of the conference performances.


  • 由于保时捷车型Panamera颇受欢迎保时捷销售高于预期保时捷汽车控股股份公司今日发布全年预测

    Porsche SE, the sports-car maker’s holding company, today improved its full-year forecast after sales beat analysts’ estimates as the new Panamera sedan attracted buyers.


  • FerdinandPorsche,这个自己名字命名保时捷汽车创始人,在一百的创造性观点。

    It is an idea pioneered by Ferdinand Porsche, the founder of the carmaker of the same name, more than 100 years ago.


  • (丈夫)打电话回来并且声称束手无策、进退两难,买的保时捷汽车卖喽,然后寄给

    He called and claimed he was stranded and asked me to sell his new Porsche and send him the money.


  • 这项交易涉及美国销售另外8.5万辆大众保时捷汽车。 它们的柴油发动机类型不同存在排放问题。

    Nor will the deal address terms for the owners of 85,000 Volkswagen and Porsche cars sold in the United States that had a different type of diesel engine but also had emissions problems.


  • 保时捷公司估计90%Panamera买家保时捷用户,这也表明Panamera和传统保时捷汽车有很大的不同。

    In an indication of how far the Panamera is from Porsche's traditional offerings, the company estimates that 90 percent of the car's buyers will be new to Porsche.


  • 一些汽车制造商兰博基尼保时捷更喜欢拥有自己手表工厂生产自己的手表

    Some automakers such as Lamborghini and Porsche prefer to have their own watch factory and produce their own watches.


  • 之后,成品汽车分别向东西方向运往保时捷最大两个市场中国美国

    The cars then head east and west to Porsche’s two biggest markets, China and America.


  • 保时捷宝马都宣称上半年利润出现了健康增长,两家公司将增长主要归功于中国德国高档汽车需求

    Porsche and BMW reported healthy rises in first-half profits, which they attributed in large part to the demand in China for German premium cars.


  • 保时捷整个汽车市场甚至是在高端市场上份额微不足道市场上拥有垄断势力

    Porsche has a small share of the automobile market, or even the high-end automobile market, but still has monopoly power in that market.


  • 一些汽车兰博·基尼保时捷喜欢用他们自己的生产手表。

    But some auto makers such as Lamborghini and Porsche prefer to have their own watch factory and produce their own watches.


  • 保时捷公司大众汽车公司一向关系密切是因为保时捷家族和皮家族拥有保时捷公司一半股份所有投票决定权

    Porsche and VW have always been close: the Porsche and Piech families together own half the shares and all the voting rights of Porsche AG.


  • 如果保时捷并购案按计划进行,那么重新焕发活力的大众很快就挑战丰田全球最大汽车制造商头衔

    If the Porsche merger goes according to plan, a resurgent VW could soon be challenging Toyota for the title of the world's biggest carmaker.


  • 三家高档汽车制造商宝马保时捷戴姆勒表示销售疲软意味着它们试图通过延长通常圣诞歇业期以削减它们的产量

    Three luxury carmakers, BMW, Porsche and Daimler, have all said that weak sales mean they will try to trim output by extending their usual Christmas shutdown.


  • 连线有没有意识到使菲斯克汽车规模保时捷更大,是吧?

    Wired: You realize that will make you bigger than Porsche, right?


  • 凭借自己直截了当工作作风保时捷成功管理赢得了广泛敬畏。他1993接手保时捷厂子暗淡无光、频临破产,在领导下,企业起死回生,成长今天光辉夺目的汽车厂商。

    He is widely revered for his forthrightness and his leadership of Porsche, from the dark days of near-bankruptcy in 1993 when he took over, to years of growth and glowing results today.


  • 研究者包括保时捷萨博尼桑福特在内五种汽车进行测试记录汽车每小时55英里和每小时75英里速度行驶时的噪音数值。

    The researchers carried out tests on five cars including a Porsche, Saab, Nissan and Ford and recorded the noise levels at 55mph and 75mph.


  • 欧宝大众福特这个以旧换新项目当中受益德国豪华汽车生产商奥迪宝马梅赛德斯-奔驰保时捷没有得到什么好处。

    Opel, VW and Ford also profited from the scrapping premium program, while German luxury carmakers Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche got nothing.


  • 网站称,女性最喜爱购买汽车大众汽车甲壳虫,购买比例为61%,男性最喜爱购买的汽车保时捷911,购买比例为88%,销量一千台以上

    The top-selling model for women, with a minimum of 1,000 retail sales, was Volkswagen ag's New Beetle at 61 percent, while for men it was the Porsche 911 at 88 percent, TrueCar said.


  • 网站称,女性最喜爱购买汽车大众汽车甲壳虫,购买比例为61%,男性最喜爱购买的汽车保时捷911,购买比例为88%,销量一千台以上。

    The top-selling model for women, with a minimum of 1, 000 retail sales, was Volkswagen AG's New Beetle at 61 percent, while for men it was the Porsche 911 at 88 percent, TrueCar said.


  • 保时捷发表了声明,唯德金和harter认为他们离开是“对缓和局势以及支持合并的汽车制造公司形成重大贡献”。不需要为他们两个过多流泪。

    A statement from Porsche said that they saw their departure "as a significant contribution to the appeasement of the situation and to support the forming of an integrated car manufacturing company."


  • 比如2012款保时捷CaymanR跑车可能操控最好汽车载物能力上却在下风

    The 2012 Porsche Cayman R may have the best handling for instance, but fall short if you're considering cargo capacity.


  • 德国大众汽车公司股价下跌2.6%,至126欧元保时捷公司股价下跌3.3%,至62.56欧元。

    Volkswagen fell 2.6 percent to 126 euros, while Porsche SE dropped 3.3 percent to 62.56 euros.


  • 德国大众汽车公司股价下跌2.6%,至126欧元保时捷公司股价下跌3.3%,至62.56欧元。

    Volkswagen fell 2.6 percent to 126 euros, while Porsche SE dropped 3.3 percent to 62.56 euros.


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