• 马可尼一生中,他预见到了电视传真机全球定位系统雷达便携式电话发展

    In his lifetime, Marconi foresaw the development of television and the fax machine, GPS, radar, and the portable hand-held telephone.


  • 可能会便携式电话非常复杂无线电设备

    You could say that the cell phone is a very complex radio.


  • 私用新型人们用来记载电话号码查询方便快捷比较理想便携式电话

    This new private model serves as an ideal portable phone book for quick recording and easy search of phone numbers.


  • 一种用于连接便携式电话(20)的智能模块(22)包括具有正面反面的模块(34)。

    A smart module (22) for connection to a portable telephone (20) has a module housing (34) with a back side and a front side.


  • 本发明提供一种尤其适于便携式电话使用低速处理器实现移动设备中实施的简单模拟灰度变换技术

    A simple artificial gray scale conversion technology suitably employed in a mobile apparatus and implemented using a relatively low speed processor, especially a portable telephone.


  • 他们有着各种各样的名字——移动电话电话手机无线电话便携式电话——估计世界上40亿的人们使用它们

    They go by various namescellular telephone, cell phone, mobile, wireless, handy — and an estimated four billion people use them worldwide.


  • 述智能模块22包括印刷电路板38),印刷电路板能够提供所需要电子功能增强改变变更便携式电话20)的功能。

    The smart module (22) has a printed circuit board (38) that provides desired electronic functions to enhance, change or otherwise alter those of the portable telephone (20).


  • 所述模块(22)固定到所述电话(20)上时,所述连接器部分(30,32)将所述模块印刷电路板(38)便携式电话(20)电子电路连接。

    The connector sections (30, 32) couple the module printed circuit board (38) to electronic circuitry of the portable telephone (20) when the module (22) is secured to the telephone (20).


  • EPUB一种开放式数字图书规范,以常用技术xmlCSSXHTML为基础,EPUB文件便携式e - ink设备移动电话和桌面计算机上阅读

    EPUB is an open specification for digital books based on familiar technologies like XML, CSS, and XHTML, and EPUB files can be read on portable e-ink devices, mobile phones, and desktop computers.


  • 但是还是认为对于分类设备还是空间特别是iPad便携式电脑方便,比智能电话功能更多

    But he argued there was room for a new category of devices, especially one that was "so much more intimate than a laptop and so much more capable than a smart phone."


  • 维嘉依库马尔辛格个参与调查案件的高级警官2月5号,一个年轻人来到警局报警说他的电话便携式电脑偷了

    Vijay Kumar Singh, a senior police official here who investigated the rape, said that on Feb. 5 a young man came into his police station to report that his cellphone and laptop had been stolen.


  • l稀土金属广泛应用绿色科技比如说充电汽车、风力涡轮机、便携式电脑平板电视移动电话等产品,还可应用于激光医疗设施比如核磁共振扫描等

    L Used for green technology, such as battery-charged cars and wind turbines; in laptops, flat-screen TVs and mobile phones; for lasers; and for medical equipment, such as MRI scans.


  • ip地址8位数字标签组成,用以区分链接到计算机网络移动设备(便携式电脑ipads智能电话)。

    IP addresses are the 8-bit numerical labels that identify mobile devices (laptops, iPads, smart phones) within computer networks.


  • 电池移动电话、笔记本电脑、摄像机、军用夜视仪等便携式电子产品关键动力源

    Li Battery is the key power source for most of the portable electronic products.


  • 移动电话正式叫法应该便携式手机。

    A more formal way of describing your mobile phone is to call it a cellular handset.


  • 台式便携式电脑互联网视频会议系统传真机电子邮件以及多路电话线电讯家庭办公人员提供便捷高效沟通渠道。

    Desktop and laptop person computers, networking, videoconferencing, fax machine, E-mail, and multiple phone lines provide the fast and efficient communication required for telecommuting.


  • 提供最高质量最快桌面内容再利用配电网络dvd编码移动电话便携式设备

    It offers the highest quality and fastest desktop encoding for content repurposing for distribution to Web, DVD, mobile phones and portable devices.


  • 很多实际系统中,数码相机可视电话便携式摄像机掌上电脑,考虑到速度面积要求,需要芯片实现压缩系统。

    In many real systems, such as digital camera, videophone, camcorder, pocket PC, and so on, chip implementation is necessary because of the exact limitation of rate and area.


  • 进入设备管理器底部用于设备定位视窗电话7装置右键单击,性能和更新,这样做便携式装置。

    Go to device Manager, look down the bottom for USB devices and locate the Windows phone 7 device, right click, properties and update, do the same for the HD2 portable device.


  • 电话推荐一种款式便携式录音机

    I'm calling to recommend you a new style of portable type recorder.


  • 不用多久﹐就出现一种超级装置﹐可以囊括电话音乐视频播放器PDA照相机便携式摄影机电子书想到任何东西。

    One day soon, there may well be a single uber-device that will be your phone, music and video player, PDA, camera, camcorder, electronic book and anything else you can think of.


  • 不用多久﹐就出现一种超级装置﹐可以囊括电话音乐视频播放器PDA照相机便携式摄影机电子书想到任何东西。

    One day soon, there may well be a single uber-device that will be your phone, music and video player, PDA, camera, camcorder, electronic book and anything else you can think of.


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