• 举一个例子足以说明一点

    One example will suffice to illustrate the point.


  • 另一个例子阐明这个难点

    Let me give another example to illustrate this difficult point.


  • 词典中的例子斜体显示。

    Examples in this dictionary are in italics.


  • 新闻界这场争论是虚伪典型例子

    The debate in the press has been a classic example of hypocrisy.


  • 应该文章里举一些例子

    You should include some examples in your essay.


  • 只是所能实验中的一个例子

    That's just one example of the kind of experiments you can do.


  • 例子太多使行文不流畅

    Too many examples can interrupt the smooth flow of the text.


  • 美国的例子表明了一点

    The example of the United States illustrates this point.


  • 标准例子反复灌输到了学生脑中

    Standard examples were drummed into students' heads.


  • 这个例子我们假定单价10元。

    In this example we have assumed a unit price of $10.


  • 公司小企业成长公司突出例子

    The company is an outstanding example of a small business that grew into a big one.


  • 从未见过这样一个明显歪曲事实例子

    I never saw such a glaring example of misrepresentation.


  • 一个例子吧。

    Let me give you an example.


  • 我们将要观察例子强调的重点不相同

    The examples we will look at have quite different emphases.


  • 伊洛卡克罗地亚小镇就是人口不停流动的典型例子

    The Croatian town of Ilok is a classic case of shifting populations.


  • 那些研究城市开发人眼前一个极其方便的例子

    Those wishing to study urban development have a ready-made example on their doorstep.


  • 这个例子中,X表示所用时间Y表示所行的距离

    In this example 'X' denotes the time taken and 'Y' denotes the distance covered.


  • 典型例子梅西百货,加州零售商们公认的王者。

    The prime example is Macy's, once the undisputed king of California retailers.


  • 我们且举关于希拉这个假定例子,她是一位有两个孩子的母亲

    Let us take the hypothetical case of Sheila, a mother of two...


  • 例子来说明慷慨吧他的汽车给了而且分文不取

    Just to give you an example of his generosityhe gave me his old car and wouldn't take any money for it.


  • 近期一个尤其使卡斯帕罗夫受辱的例子匈牙利欧洲团体锦标赛上

    One recent example, which particularly affronted Kasparov, was at the European team championship in Hungary.


  • 下面例子使用下列输入模型

    The following examples will use the following input models.


  • 这些都是黑暗模式例子

    These are examples of dark patterns.


  • 福利例子众所周知的。

    The welfare example is well known.


  • 那些都是人口问题例子

    Those are examples of population problems.


  • 可以一个简单例子

    A simple example can be drawn.


  • 看看幻灯片例子

    Look at the example on the slide.


  • 几个例子

    Let me give you a couple of examples.


  • 就是一个例子

    The tea breaks are a good example.


  • 开始列举一些例子

    She started spinning off examples.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定