• 时候谁都没有很多例外

    Nobody had much money at the time and I was no exception.


  • 语法规则总是很多例外

    There are always a lot of exceptions to grammar rules.


  • 这个一般性原则例外

    There is one exception to this general principle.


  • 通常很少化妆今晚显然是个例外

    Normally she wore little makeup, but this evening was clearly an exception.


  • 城里大多现代建筑不过教堂是个例外

    Most of the buildings in the town are modern, but the church is an exception.


  • 所有学生都必须参加英语考试无一例外

    All students without exception must take the English examination.


  • 现在市场营销用于任何事物,图书例外

    Marketing is applied to everything these days, and books are no exception.


  • 几乎毫无例外这些女人都成为了剥削牺牲品

    Almost without exception these women fall victim to exploitation.


  • 重组家庭迅速变得司空见惯,不再是个例外

    Stepfamilies are rapidly becoming the norm, not the exception.


  • 这些车辆无一例外破旧锈迹斑斑有撞痕

    The vehicles are without exception old, rusty and dented.


  • 人人都给了些东西,只有几个例外很是显眼

    With a few notable exceptions , everyone gave something.


  • 私立学校考试成绩是最好很少例外情况

    With very few exceptions, private schools get the best exam results.


  • 法律例外

    The law makes no exceptions.


  • 很少有吉他手唱歌唱得跟一样艾迪是个例外

    Few guitarists can sing as well as they can play; Eddie, however, is an exception.


  • 今年多数电子公司不景气,我们公司却是普遍中的例外

    Most electronics companies have not done well this year, but ours is the exception that proves the rule.


  • 一个评估小组作出结论没有什么例外情况可使获得从轻惩罚

    A review panel concluded that there were no exceptional circumstances that would warrant a lesser penalty for him.


  • 可能除了披头士乐队这个例外还没有哪个乐队如此转瞬走红

    With the possible exception of the Beatles, no other band has become so successful so quickly.


  • 凡事两面人工智能例外

    Every coin has two sides, and artificial intelligence is no exception.


  • 很少有医生想到可能会例外

    Few doctors would have thought that there might be an exception to this.


  • 贝林可能会回应说,英格兰是个例外

    Bailyn might respond that New England was exceptional.


  • 话说,认为规则一个例外

    In other words, he figured it was an exception to the rule.


  • 每个人都应该遵守纪律毫无例外

    Everyone should keep discipline and you are no exception.


  • 双语课程可能是个例外

    Dual language programs can be an exception.


  • 然而,《人猿更多的例外而不是常规

    Yet "Apes" is more exception than the rule.


  • 然而例外

    However, there are exceptions.


  • 除了一些例外旧的房屋往往最不节能的。

    With some exceptions, the oldest homes tend to be the least energy-efficient.


  • 癌症另一个例外因为它们的细胞迅速分裂

    Cancers are another exception, because their cells are rapidly dividing.


  • 它们只是例外而不是马里斯女士暗示常态

    They are the exception, not the norm that Ms. Marris implies.


  • 英语例外

    English is no exception.


  • 唯一例外一种不寻常非洲啮齿动物鼢鼠

    The only exception is an unusual African rodent, the naked mole rat.


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