• 这些可能正在使行星变气体重要影响许多年之后显现

    The gases that may be warming the planet will have their main effect many years hence.


  • 当夜耶和华显现父亲,不要惧怕因为同在赐福给你,仆人亚伯拉罕缘故使后裔繁多。

    And the LORD appeared unto him the same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham's sake.


  • 果断放弃95%收入不仅使我们全力贯注于剩余部分业务而且其他许多方面显现裨益——包括许多我们意想不到的好处。

    Not only did walking away from 95% of our revenue have a way of focusing the mind on the remainder of our business, but the benefits began showing up everywhere - even in places we never suspected.


  • 我们每个蒙上一些部位使下面东西显现出来最终3个图片合成一个图片。让我们曝光的那个层开始

    We are going to mask out portions of each layer to allow elements from the layers underneath to show through eventually giving us 1 image formed out of 3. Let’s start with our lightest exposed layer.


  • 开始看见未来,一位天使显现,于是一切发生了

    I started having this vision and this angel appeared to me and this all happened.


  • 他们迫切希望使这种存在显现出来那时我们现在认识这种存在就会证明只是魔鬼本质无关紧要一小部分

    They hope in time to make the non-existence of appearance appear, for in that moment what we now take to be existence will be seen to be in truth only an outlying portion of the diabolic essence.


  • 加拿大澳大利亚全球变的危害或许已经显现:一连几个暖冬造成了加拿大树皮甲虫成灾,旱灾大火使澳大利亚的森林破坏。

    That may already be happening in Canada, where recent warm winters have unleashed a plague of bark beetles, and in Australia, whose forests have been devastated by drought and forest fires.


  • 欧元危机使新的分歧显现

    The euro crisis exposes new differences.


  • 左下方水面反射阳光使部分海水表面显现银色

    Sunlight reflecting off the surface of the water is turning the water's surface silver in the lower left corner.


  • 这儿死掉金合欢显现不祥色调白色橙色混合在一起毒辣烈日使这儿的色调发暗。

    It's here that white and orange are joined by sinister tones provided by the dead acacia trees, blackened by the scorching sun.


  • 要欢喜。因为你们与基督一同受苦,使你们在荣耀显现的时候,可以欢喜快乐

    But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.


  • 加上墨水表面上方正电荷使白色显现出来使表面一张那样

    A positive charge applied on the top surface of the ink will allow the white to show, making the surface as white as a sheet of paper.


  • 主权财富基金使他们影响力开始全球范围显现

    Sovereign wealth funds make their impact felt on global markets.


  • 有一位使天上显现,加的力量。

    43an angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.


  • 饥荒战争使优点得以显现(谷物可靠而且收获前一直都埋藏在土里),它逐渐受到人们的青睐。

    But it slowly caught on as its merits in times of famine and war became apparent (it is more reliable than grain and remains hidden underground until harvested).


  • 强烈女性意识使萧红创作从题材的选择文体语言运用,都显现自己特有的风格。

    With intense female consciousness, she showed her own striking features in choosing the materials and in employing the stylistic language.


  • 随着太阳落下地平线使animateColor改变天空颜色通过变化月亮星星不透明性使它们渐渐显现出来。

    As the sun sinks over the horizon, animateColor is used to change the sky's color, and the moon and the stars fade in by animating their opacity.


  • 女性姓氏使规范略有不同随着社会变化使更多的女性进入职场这种不同会显现重要影响:地位相当的女性MissMrs(绝不称Ms)成为通

    Rules for women were slightly different, which was to prove important when social changes brought more women into the workplace: Miss or Mrs (but never Ms) was the rule between equals.


  • 过了四十旷野一位天使显现你来埃及去”(徒七:30/34)。

    "And when forty years were expired, there appeared to him in the wildernessan angel of the Lord…saying…now come, I will send thee into Egypt." (Acts 7:30-34)


  • 也是你们主要挑战之一看看同情是否升起他人康乐是否能够使显现出来

    That is also one of your main challenges to see if compassion and love rise up, and whether the wellbeing of others can bring it out.


  • 基督里成为,为产生一个团体神人使神得以显现

    In Christ God became man to produce a corporate God-man for the manifestation of God.


  • 崇高常常通过悲剧显现的,功用使人们找到宣泄情感途径

    The loftiness often appears through the tragedy, its function is to make people find the way to lead off emotion.


  • 大量金钱常常使一个恶劣的品质显现出来

    Plenty of money often fetches out a person's worst qualities.


  • 抑制住哗笑,并且使任何人衣服庄严起来的,乃是穿衣严肃地显现两眼穿衣人在衣服之中真诚的生活

    It is only the serious eye peering from and the sincere life passed within it which restrain laughter and consecrate the costume of any people.


  • 发配沧州之前,林冲生活一个养尊处优安逸环境中(顺境) ,但是来的横祸(逆境使性格忍耐一面充分地显现出来

    Prior to the granting of distribution Cangzhou, Lin live in a pampered comfort environment (good times), but the sudden Henghuo (adversity) to enable the patient side of his character fully revealed.


  • 批评必须使作品中的意义显现

    Critique destroies the beauty outside the work.


  • 批评必须使作品中的意义显现

    Critique destroies the beauty outside the work.


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