• 支持游戏方式,能让朋友一起对抗中土大陆的邪恶势力

    Cooperative gameplay supports up to three players, pitting you and your friends against the dark forces of Middle-earth.


  • 游戏具有引人入胜性,巨大的地图,无限干掉敌人方法任何品味作游戏玩家应该尝试一下本

    The action is spectacular, the game world is tremendous and enemies can be tackled in a seemingly infinite number of ways. This is a title that every gamer with a taste for action should play.


  • 格斗方式变化很大,游戏玩家视角第三视角,战场,玩家可以通过两侧的L/R有限左右旋转镜头

    The game plays out in your standard third person view, offering you limited control over the camera with the shoulder buttons which let you swing it right or left when in the field.


  • 造:截龙兄弟,恭候多时了!你们得了的手下,但是他们的功夫跟像是小孩子作游戏。我的忍术不可战胜的。

    RANZOU: Welcome double dragons! You may have gotten past my men... but they fight like children compared to me. My NINPOU is unbeatable.


  • 他们一道飞行穿越黑夜云层暴风雨,就像做游戏一样,这时,鸟群却可怜地地上一堆。

    He flew with them through night and cloud and storm, for the sport of it, while the flock huddled miserably on the ground.


  • 尽管瞒天过海,还絮絮叨叨,《合金装备2》还是提供一种有趣迷人看待电子游戏及其的视角。

    For all its deception and overwrought delivery, Metal Gear Solid 2 ultimately delivers a fun and fascinating look at video games and sequels.


  • 享受小家伙一起阅读的美好时光吧!为了增加趣味性,不妨首搞笑的歌曲或是玩玩单词游戏

    Enjoy your time reading with your little people, adding silly songs or playing word games.


  • 马里奥游戏小孩子们,让感觉游戏就是我这样年纪的人而的。

    New Mario games, kids, feel as if they might have been made for old me.


  • 1999年的,则以为主,偏向恐怖脱逃游戏这一这个下旬将会和大家见面。

    The 1999 sequel, which will come to PlayStation Network later this month, was more of an action-oriented survival horror game.


  • 去去来来唱唱掷钱游戏水沟,偶尔点小东西,不过只是小猫那样,偷着玩儿,人家小淘气,他便笑他流氓,便生气

    He went and came, sang, played at hopscotch, scraped the gutters, stole a little, but, like cats and sparrows, gayly laughed when he was called a rogue, and got angry when called a thief.


  • 随着刚刚结束的听命令反应游戏电脑里传出的萨克斯音乐突然显得特别响亮

    Saxophone music from a computer in the classroom, drowned out a moment ago by this call-and-response, suddenly seems loud.


  • 华尔街日报》报道,暴雪在这部人气科幻rts(即时战略游戏)的上耗资不菲。

    Blizzard spends a not-small fortune developing sequel to popular sci-fi RTS, says Wall Street Journal.


  • 游戏E3展上揭开面纱,同时EA也发布了一款名为《残酷传奇》的游戏游戏重金属乐队成员地狱中用吉他武器魔。

    Games unveiled at E3 include an Electronic Arts "Brutal Legend" title, in which heavy metal rock band members wielding guitars and chords as weapons battle demons in a hellish landscape.


  • 全部软件免费使用的,一旦开发者获得捐赠金他们的世界中通过在游戏广告或在游戏出售物品开始盈利,他们就要将盈利的10%用于购买软件。

    All of its software is free to use, but once developers begin to make money from their worlds-from subscriptions, in-game advertising or sales of in-game items-they pay 10% of their revenue.


  • 《生化奇兵2》尽管没有了1代面世时带给新鲜感但是但在众多第一人称射击游戏里,本还是带来了不一样的风格。

    It might lack the surprise of the series first outing, but BioShock 2, for us, and we’re sure many of you remains head and shoulders above most first-person shooters around.


  • 这部分会让玩家收获一些难忘瞬间使游戏众多优秀品中脱颖而出,成为神

    A part of the game where players have some unforgettable moments that separate good games from great ones.


  • 当年侍应生那会儿,或许就是因为没有肩上拍两或是他们游戏个笑话什么的,导致收到小费只有一点点。

    Perhaps it was my failure to touch the diners lightly on the shoulder or entertain them with games or jokes that accounted for the paltry tips I received as a waiter all those years ago.


  • 来说,只要能我一直验证推测正确与否游戏,我就不考虑别的事情。这就是所有乐趣——动脑筋正确的推断。

    But I didnt think of anything except that I could keep on proving my figuring was right. Thats all the fun there isbeing right by using your head.


  • 使房间扑克游戏简短生活

    This led me to back room poker games where I was able to make a short living.


  • 不是游戏为何根线牵着心怀隐隐

    That's not a game, why take heart, there is always a thread dull pain?


  • 貌似是前面喷过的QWOP厂家游戏这个已经不是不是解说系列了,但是依旧力。

    Looks like a jet off QWOP the previous game with the manufacturers for... this is a small, is not "this is not explained" series, but still a force.


  • 玩家可以定义角色外观还未深入游戏未曾设立目标前,需要角色状态技能太多的设定。

    You may customize your character's appearance, but you don't need to customize too many of their stats and skills until you're further into the game and have developed some goals.


  • 一种三斯特游戏其中一手是庄家的暗

    Any of several card games derived from whist and played with one deck of cards divided equally among usually four people.


  • 一个有关这个新的奇妙游戏概述

    Let me give you an overview of this wonderful new game.


  • 是个巨大的承诺开始(虽然我们必要这么)久持续喜爱支持这个游戏玩家们的回报

    It's a big undertaking and it was started (when we didn't have to) as a reward to dedicated players who continue to love, play and support the game.


  • 不是游戏为何根线牵着心怀隐隐

    That is not a game, why total have a thread took heart hurts, faint?


  • 头脑,把这场杀人游戏升级

    Two people to the brains make the match, this murder game promotion.


  • 虽然如此继承了将这个世界里卡片游戏称为怪兽决斗”说法

    Nevertheless, this is also inherited this world of card game called "monster of the duel," the argument.


  • 虽然如此继承了将这个世界里卡片游戏称为怪兽决斗”说法

    Nevertheless, this is also inherited this world of card game called "monster of the duel," the argument.


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