• 明代合流及其世俗化

    The Confluence and Secularization of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism During the Ming Dynasty.


  • 中国古代影响分不开的。

    This was inseparable with influences of the Confucianism, Buddahism and Taoism.


  • 中国哲学史上,三教之间冲突融合。

    In Chinese philosophical history, there are conflict and mergence among Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.


  • 有意无意的借助佛道一些语言表达朴素辩证法思想

    Intentionally or unintentionally, he used the Buddhist language to express the plain dialectics thought.


  • 为本,兼,有揉合儒释、三教合一倾向

    He Confucian-oriented, and taking Buddhist, a hybrid of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, the three-in-one teaching trend.


  • ,下化众生修行者积极向上创造进取人生观

    To pursue the Buddha-way and guide sentient beings is the philosophy of cultivators, which is positive, creative and progressive.


  • 争及民间传承共同影响决定着寒山传说生长面貌

    The growing feature of Cold Mountain was co-worked by the conflict between Buddhism and Taoism, and influenced by folklores' inheritance.


  • 我们哲理注重的是全心归依佛道赤子之心就是

    The essence of our philosophy centers on a single heart that cherishes the path, this is The Way.


  • 由于芙蓉既有僧,又士,所以成了两教的两栖圣地。

    As the Lotus Temple had both Foseng, there are some priests, it became a Buddhist and Daoist shrine amphibious.


  • 既相融摄又相拒相斥两晋南北朝时期儒三教关系基本形式

    Independence and mingling is the basic form of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism during the western Jin and eastern Jin dynasties and the southern and northern dynasties.


  • 阴曹地府构设世界佛道通过阴曹世人宣扬轮回报应思想

    The nether world", a world of ghost and demons fabricated by Buddhism and Taoism, is used to advocate the ideas of samsara and retribution to living people."


  • 希望人们能够真正了解什么追随的意义,而且因此而变得非常祥和喜悦

    I hope that people really understand what it means to follow the Buddha's path, and thus become very peaceful and joyful.


  • 所接受佛道思想主要消极一面因而产生的影响主要追求闲静、避世为主。

    As a result, his creation of ideas was also affected by the two religions. He took the passive aspect of the religious ideas, so he mainly sought quietude and preferred to withdraw from society.


  • 这些形象二家“济世救人”宗旨而驰,都可以说“云未必空”的

    Image and Buddha dishes of two aim that is it rescue people generation to help these run in the opposite direction, say to be false Buddhism dish on saying empty may not be empty.


  • 有些儒者激烈地批评民间信仰认为社会产生了消极影响而且儒学背而驰

    Others strongly criticized folk belief in Buddhism and Daoism, maintaining that it is diametrically opposed to Confucianism and imposed negative influences on society.


  • 本文论述太谷学派三教合一思想解释《大学》“格物致知”,提出了自己新的观念

    This thesis discusses the new idea of Taigu School on studying phenomena to acquire knowledge and their syncretism with Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.


  • 从中,可更了解起源及其传遍世界的经过可从各种影像活动中领悟佛道真谛

    You will also be enlightened as to the essence of Buddha's teachings through a variety of themed scenes and activities.


  • 清代女诗人皈依顶礼膜拜仙的情况很普遍她们遭遇了人生大变故、生活极不如意的境况下发生的。

    It was a widespread phenomenon that Qing Dynasty's poetesses converted to Buddhism and paid homage to Buddhism. It happened when they suffered from traumatic misfortunes and miseries.


  • 特别是师从王之后,韩贞影响,不仅情结重,其修之也是吸收了佛道修行方法的综合之禅,当然这种禅主要是哑禅。

    He had a stronger Buddhism complex especially under the great influence of Wang Bi, his teacher. What he practiced mainly derived from the comprehensive Chan, i. e. Silent Chan.


  • 先生开篇,“世界公平的”这种观念完全是胡说八——赢得权力最佳方法就是善于工作能力回报之间没什么必然的关系。

    Mr Pfeffer starts by rubbishing the notion that the world is just-that the best way to win power is to be good at your job. The relationship between rewards and competence is loose at best.


  • 其他机构加里亚洲的金融密西根银行,还有纽约社区银行公司等每年保持17%的增长

    Institutions such as Downey Financial, in California, Flagstar Bank, in Michigan, and New York Community Bancorp have been growing at 17%.


  • 如果认为吉尼亚投票黑人意味着南方种族主义污点移除,那他实在是落伍20年该州于1989年选举一位黑人州长格·维尔德。

    If he meant that the stain of southern racism was lifted now that Virginia had voted for a black man, he was two decades out of date: the state elected a black governor, Doug Wilder, in 1989.


  • 牛顿爵士从来参加过任何娱乐消遣活动,所有时间科学研究上”,牛顿的助手.牛顿回忆

    “I never knew him to take any recreation or pastime,” said his assistant, Humphrey Newton, “thinking all hours lost that were not spent on his studies.”


  • 5000历史的丰富中国文化很大程度上得益于包括在内的各家哲学家的交融辉映。

    With nearly 5, 000 years to draw on, China owes its rich culture to a blend of philosophies including Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.


  • 116日,美国31岁女影星薇诺娜·赖德判偷窃罪——山庄豪华萨克斯第五商店偷窃价值5500美元的服装以及与之相搭配的饰物

    On 6 November 31-year-old actress Winona Ryder was convicted of shoplifting, 500 worth of clothing and accessories from the posh Saks Fifth Avenue store in Beverly Hills.


  • 116日,美国31岁女影星薇诺娜·赖德判偷窃罪——山庄豪华萨克斯第五商店偷窃价值5500美元的服装以及与之相搭配的饰物

    On 6 November 31-year-old actress Winona Ryder was convicted of shoplifting, 500 worth of clothing and accessories from the posh Saks Fifth Avenue store in Beverly Hills.


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