• 理论说明了初始应力位移存在原因

    In theorem, it is expressed that the displacement wave is founded because of the axial institial stress.


  • 应用理论数值方法求得位移形和位移波产生判别准则

    The wave performance and its criterion of occurrence have been obtained by using perturbation theory and numerical method.


  • 浮桥抗弯刚度受弯变形位移传播速度一般混凝土桥小得多

    The stiffness of the long floating bridge and the propagation velocity of displacement wave are much less than those of the general steel or concrete bridge.


  • 同时本文分析了位移应力固定自由端和弹性支承端的反射特点

    At the same time, the reflection characters of strain wave and displacement wave are analyzed at the fixed end, free end and elastic bearing end.


  • 简化弹性研究了位移应力不同类型中的传播特性

    The pile is simplifyed as an one dimensional elastic rod. The propagating characters of strain wave and displacement wave in different piles are studied.


  • 简化为一维弹性杆,研究了位移应力不同类型的基桩中的传播特性

    The propagating characters of strain wave and displacement wave in different piles are studied.


  • 如果GEO600探测位移说明发生了距离,而这很可能是重力通过引起的。

    Should GEO600 detect a phase change, it could be indicative of a slight change in distance, thus the passage of a gravitational wave.


  • 经过计算分析发现入射频率且接近张力腿平台纵荡固有频率,平台将会产生很大位移

    Through analysis to the surge response, we can find that when the frequency of the incident wave is too low to the inhered surge frequency of TLP, very big displacement will take place.


  • 讨论输出正交正弦光栅称光栅线位移传感器)位移测量中的脉冲细分原理

    The principle of pulse fine division in measurement of displacement by using grating scale (so called Grating line displacement transducer) with right-angled sinewave is discussed.


  • 针对图像序列中红外弱小目标检测跟踪遇到难点即信噪比、帧间相对位移问题,提出基于小提升框架能量的目标检测算法。

    To solve the difficulties in dim target detection, such as low SNR and small-scale displacement, a new automatic target detection algorithm based on lifting scheme and wavelet energy is proposed.


  • 本文为实时估计两列相位差提供方法流体物理检测深海采矿升沉运动位移检测中具有良好的作用。

    It provides a new method to estimate phase difference for test of characteristic parameters of fluid and measurement of a ship heave in deep-sea mining.


  • 本文利用CTD数据线性模型,并结合内GM特性,求得线性内垂直位移

    In this paper, associated with the GM spectrum, the vertical displacements of linear internal waves were obtained by using CTD data and linear internal wave modeling.


  • 随着入射频率增大位移幅值的分布由简单逐渐变得复杂

    With the increase of the incident wave frequency, the amplitude distribution become complex gradually.


  • 随着弹性变化,兰姆速度表面位移场与弹性模量之间一定的对应关系

    There are the relationship between elastic modulus and phase - speed and surface - displacement of Lamb wave.


  • 本文利用个具有位移特性二维传感器子阵列信息构成种新的矩阵——混合达方向矩阵。

    A new type matrix-mixed DOA matrix is formed with the information of two identical translation subarrays.


  • 作为例子,文中计算了相邻圆柱结构冲击作用下动力响应位移应力结果

    As an example, the displacement and stress results of the response of two-cylindrical structures to shock wave are given.


  • 研究边坡位移混沌时间序列预测利用混沌系统空间重构理论,提出基于小神经网络的边坡位移预测方法。

    This paper studies the chaotic time series of the slope displacement forecast. Using the theory of reconstructing phase space in the chaotic time series.


  • 在此基础推导适合瞬态弹性对异质体散射求解变换位移积分方程

    Furthermore, an integral equation in transformed filed, which suited to calculate the instantaneous elastic wave scattering by a number of irregular scatterers embedded in an elastic body is derived.


  • 移器系统中的常用元件作用使通过电磁产生一定位移因此相位控制功率合成方面具有重要意义。

    Phase shifter is a commonly-used component in microwave system. Its function is to make the passed electromagnetic wave phase shift, so it's very useful on the phase control and power synthesis area.


  • 对于下半空间为带消散损耗光疏介质时,TMTE之一的古斯—汉森位移负的。

    However, as for the dissipative loss medium with only one of permittivity and permeability being negative, the TM or TE polarization incident wave has a negative Goos-Hanchen shift accordingly.


  • 奇异性检测指标通过位移构造的,实际测量中,位移误差较大,造成实际推广使用有一定难度

    Wavelet singularity detection index is constructed by displacement. But in actual measurement, displacement error is larger. So it is difficulty to promote the apply in the Practical application.


  • 本文针对场地地面震动影响问题系统地论述了场地地震剪切的影响瑞雷位移方程

    This paper systematically treated consequence of Site Soil to earthquake shear wave for problem of consequence of site to earthquake shock of ground and displacement equation of Rayleigh wave;


  • 基于弹性问题方法材料施加动态激励,我们可以接收的响应表面位移求出裂纹位置形状

    The received surface displacements, in response to an applied dynamic excitation, are used to determine the position and geometry of embedded cracks based on a reverse elastic wave method.


  • 色散位移光纤交叉相位调制效应导致连续产生进行实验研究,并用光纤光栅实现了转换

    The frequency shift induced by cross-phase modulation (XPM) in dispersion-shifted fiber (DSF) is experimentally studied, then wavelength conversion is achieved through filtering by fiber grating.


  • 其余方向位移极值产生,药包轴线方向位移显示明显端部效应;

    In addition, the extreme displacement values in other directions are caused by Rayleigh wave. The displacement pattern along the axis of the line charge shows an obvious end-effect.


  • 采用时间上二空间上高近似交错网格高阶差分公式求解弹性位移-应力方程,计算边界处应用基于傍轴近似法得到三维弹性方程吸收边界条件。

    Here, we use second-order, temporal - and high-order spatial finite-difference formulations with a staggered grid for discretization of the 3-d elastic wave equations of motion.


  • 采用时间上二空间上高近似交错网格高阶差分公式求解弹性位移-应力方程,计算边界处应用基于傍轴近似法得到三维弹性方程吸收边界条件。

    Here, we use second-order, temporal - and high-order spatial finite-difference formulations with a staggered grid for discretization of the 3-d elastic wave equations of motion.


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