• 如果参观徐光启纪念馆——那也是上海最喜欢地方——你看到利玛窦徐光启拿着伽利略望远镜在探讨天文学

    If you go to visit one of my favorite places here in Shanghai in Xuhui, Xu Guangqi Memorial, you can see Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi talking about astronomy with Galileo telescope.


  • 望远镜出现前欧洲天文学家想法到了我们老朋友伽利略

    This was the thinking of European astronomers until the introduction of the telescope, which brings us to our old friend, Galileo.


  • 伽利略通过的“望远镜看到的景象,与我们今天看到的相比混沌不清的。

    What Galileo viewed through his "far looker" was a blurry mess compared to what we can see today.


  • 伽利略没有发明望远镜1609年听到有人制造这种光学仪器后,很快管风琴眼镜镜片制造了自己望远镜

    Galileo did not invent the telescope, but on hearing, in 1609, that such an optical instrument had been made, he quickly built his own device from an organ pipe and spectacle lenses.


  • 虽然伽利略·加里雷的直到1610年才出版,然而1609年第一次举起望远镜《星际信使》提供素材

    Though Galileo Galilei's book was not published until 1610, he first picked up the telescope that provided the material for it in 1609.


  • 一个重大发现则伽利略•加利雷首次使用天文望远镜

    The second was the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei.


  • 或者说由于伽利略利用望远镜夜晚星空的详细观察,至少我们认知发生了改变。

    Or, at least, our perception of it did, thanks to Galileo Galilei's scrutiny of the night sky with a telescope.


  • 伽利略看到月球景象不久开普勒牛顿、卡塞格望远镜的改进设计做出了很大贡献。

    Not long after Galileo saw the moon up close, inventors like Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton and n. Cassegrain made a succession of major innovations in telescope design.


  • 由于伽利略20倍的望远镜而且眼睛状况很糟糕很可能土星搞错了,并因此得出结论-土星是一个行星两个卫星组成的。

    With his 20-power telescope and with his eyes in bad shape he might have mistaken Saturn's gaseous ring to surmise that it was formed of one planet with two moons as satellites.


  • 1609年,伽利略利用自己摆弄出的玩具级望远镜,观察月球木星,促使天文学跃上了一个新台阶。

    In 1609 Galileo tweaked a toylike spyglass, pointed it at the moon and Jupiter (not the neighbors), and astronomy took a quantum leap.


  • 早期伽利略牛顿等发明望远镜以及现代太空望远镜以专栏形式展出

    Early telescopes developed by Galileo and Newton are featured, along with modern space telescopes.


  • 1609年8月25日一位名叫伽利略•伽利莱意大利数学家威尼斯商人们演示望远镜

    On August 25th 1609 an Italian mathematician called Galileo Galilei demonstrated his newly constructed telescope to the merchants of Venice.


  • 科学家们绘制大脑图,寻找类地行星。另外,当年伽利略首次望远镜观测天空400之后我们迎来国际天文

    Scientists will map the brain as well as search for Earth-like planets-in what will be the International year of Astronomy, 400 years after Galileo first peered through a telescope.


  • 不久以后意大利伽利略第一自己的望远镜对准天空看到了难以置信景象诸如月球凹凸不平的围绕木星运行四个天体

    Soon after, Galileo Galilei in Italy turned his own telescope to the sky for the first time and saw incredible sights, like craters on the moon and four bodies orbiting Jupiter.


  • 望远镜寻找黑洞存在中有着重要作用,但是望远镜用途已经伽利略当初用途有所差异了——它们承载怀疑理论和论证的重负

    Telescopes are important in proving their existence, but the telescopes used are very different from Galileo's, and they carry their own burden of doubt, theory and proof.


  • 四百年前,当伽利略自制的天文望远镜夜空时他发现了木星四个卫星,从而证实其它行星也会自己卫星

    Four hundred years ago, Galileo raised his homemade spyglass to the sky and spotted four of Jupiter's moons, revealing that other planets could have their own lunar companions.


  • 伽利略望远镜技术进步使人类前景看起来似乎更加模糊

    Since Galileo, advancing telescope technology has made our human perspective seem ever more myopic.


  • 伽利略望远镜朝向天空发现各种之相悖现象,各种压力就蜂拥而至了。

    That came under great pressure when Galileo turned his telescope towards the sky and saw various phenomena which simply contradicted it.


  • 伽利略最伟大的成就就是1609年,第一使用新发明望远镜观测天体证明行星围绕太阳旋转不是围绕地球旋转。

    Galileo's greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly-invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the earth.


  • 400年前伽利略自制的小望远镜对准星空发现了木星颗卫星,我们这才知道其他行星自己卫星

    Four hundred years ago, Galileo raised his homemade spyglass to the sky and spotted four of Jupiter's moons, revealing that other planets could have their own lunar companions.


  • 伽利略1609年改进望远镜研究恒星行星

    In 1609, Galileo improved the telescope and used it to study the stars and planets.


  • 伽利略望远镜所作的观察确实不朽的。

    His telescopic observations are justly immortal.


  • 一夜伽利略通过望远镜观察天空,记录下了看到的一切。把观测记录汇集成书出版,名字星际使者》。

    Night after night, he gazed through his telescope and wrote down everything he ovserved. Then he published his observations in a book which he called The Starry Mmessenger.


  • 第一台用于天文观察望远镜意大利科学家伽利略制作的。

    The first astronomical observations with a telescope were made by the Italian scientist Galileo.


  • 将近400年前伽利略最早木星土星研究开始,地球大气模糊不清已经望远镜使用者不胜其扰。

    The blur of Earth's atmosphere has plagued telescope users since Galileo's first studies of Jupiter and Saturn nearly 400 years ago.


  • 将近400年前伽利略最早木星土星研究开始,地球大气模糊不清已经望远镜使用者不胜其扰。

    The blur of Earth's atmosphere has plagued telescope users since Galileo's first studies of Jupiter and Saturn nearly 400 years ago.


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