• 通过嵌入信息的方式,解决了在提取信息无法判断哪些系数上嵌入了水印信息的问题;

    The pseudo information is embedded to solve the problem that we don't know which coefficients are used for embedding when extracting the embedded information.


  • 关系真实的信息增长得更快

    The spurious relationships grow much, much faster than real information.


  • 具有预先定义名称标识符,其中包含关于分级查询信息用途类似中的任何列。

    A pseudo column is an identifier with a predefined name that holds information about the hierarchical query and that can be used like any column in a table.


  • 虽然我们个人喜欢先前平面温度,但是很多观察图形的人可能会通过透视数据获得更好信息

    While we personally like the prior flat thermal map, many viewers of graphics might find information better conveyed by pseudo-perspective into three dimensional data.


  • 需要httpr异步(同步)环境中的请求响应关联起来附加信息被放进HTTPR消息上下文头中

    The additional information need to correlate request and response in the HTTPR asynchronous (or pseudo-synchronous) environment is put into the HTTPR message context header.


  • 利用随机多信号作为多频相对相位观测拥有相对相位观测法优点同时异常区分提供丰富信息

    PRMF relative phase spectrum IP method with PRMF signal as excitation has the same advantage of relative phase IP method, and offer rich information for the discrimination of anomaly source.


  • 因为随机数发生器每一三个不同混沌轨道产生的,所以攻击者来说,提取混沌系统信息非常难的。

    It is difficult for an eavesdropper to extract information about chaotic systems for every bit of pseudo-random number generator is generated from three different chaotic orbits.


  • 此外算法隐藏机密信息遥感影像各种应用边缘检测影像分类没有影响

    Furthermore this algorithm has no influence on such applications as edge detection and image classification of the disguised remote sensing image which has hidden the secrete information.


  • 给出了数字音频信号信息隐藏随机序列生成算法

    The information is hidden in digital audio signals by an arithmetic of Preudo-random sequences generation.


  • 利用码分多址(CDMA)系统中的用户随机(PN)信息提出了新的适应智能天线结构

    A new receiver structure was proposed for adaptive smart antennas in CDMA mobile communication systems, requiring only the knowledge of the desired user's pseudo noise (PN) code sequence.


  • 针对进行指纹图像预处理时产生特征点难以消除的问题,提出了一种基于信息融合的指纹特征点提取方法

    As to the pseudo minutiae arised from fingerprint image preprocessing is difficult to eliminate, a fingerprint minutiae extraction method based on information fusion is proposed.


  • 控制器设计直接基于称为导数的向量,偏导数是通过新型参数估计算法,根据给出的永磁直流直线电机非线性系统模型输入输出信息在线导出的。

    The design of controller is based directly on pseudo- partial-derivatives (PPD) derived on-line from the input and output information of the system using a novel parameter estimation algorithm.


  • 文中提出了利用卫星测距信息惯导测量量相结合进行平面定位授时算法

    This paper proposes a new algorithm that can achieve plane positioning and time-transfer by the measurement information of pseudolites and INS.


  • 本文讨论了利用肤色信息进行人脸检测采用维隐马尔可夫模型通过训练识别两个基本部分建立起人脸识别系统

    In this paper we set up a face recognition system based on P2D-HMM with the two steps of drilling and recognizing after the face detection of complexion information.


  • 随机稀疏序列信息隐藏技术广泛应用

    Pseudo sparse sequence has wide applications in information hiding technology.


  • 提出一种利用先验信息作为观测值进行简单算法详细研究了观测值改善模糊度搜索技术的作用。

    A simple algorithm utilizing the quasi-observable to conduct the adjustment is presented and the capability using quasi-observable method to improve the ambiguity searching is studied in detail.


  • 算法利用随机数产生经过模型中心直线,选取以直线与模型交点为球心的球形邻域作为嵌入对象,通过抖动调制邻域内顶点的重心来嵌入水印信息

    Firstly, a group of lines through the model center depending on a pseudorandom number is generated. Then the intersection points of these lines and the model's surface are chosen as embedding objects.


  • 它们包含了一部分不是植被变化所引起变化信息

    However, the resultant different images of NDVI contained false change information that was not produced by the vegetation change.


  • 选择强度相位转换曲线,将输入图像的强度信息转化成相位信息,并显示滤波器

    The pseud phase distribution, which is translated from intensity distribution of the image by a conversion rule, is shown on this given filter.


  • 混沌序列由于具有很好的随机性且具有初值参数敏感性特性成为处理秘密信息一个重要研究方向

    Chaotic sequence has become one of important research direction in treat secret information because of its dummy randomness and sensibility to initial value and parameter.


  • 秘密信息的处理来说,可以秘密信息扩频随机化,使具有类似于随机噪声的特性从而不易被探知。

    Treating secret information is to enlarge its spectrum and pseudo - randomizes it so that make secret information not detected like stochastic noise.


  • 应用扩频原理,大大改善水印嵌入不可感知性。由于采用扩频调制后,一个水印信息要用一个周期的随机序列调制,因此增加嵌入水印量

    Equally, spreading spectrum technology can improve the performance of watermark technology greatly, but it will increase the capacity of channel and the calculation of the algorithm as cost.


  • 利用签名样本动态信息时间序列进行校正,可以提高签名特征向量特征空间上分布聚拢性,拉开真、签名特征向量在特征空间上的距离

    It can effectively increase the compactness of the feature vectors of genuine signatures, and therefore enlarge the distance from the feature vectors of forgery ones.


  • 利用有效星历提供先验信息,对随机搜索范围进行压缩,缩短随机码锁重时间

    The searching range of pseudo noise code was narrowed utilizing to the information provided by epicheirema. The lost reacquisition time was shortened.


  • 利用有效星历提供先验信息,对随机搜索范围进行压缩,缩短随机码锁重时间

    The searching range of pseudo noise code was narrowed utilizing to the information provided by epicheirema. The lost reacquisition time was shortened.


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