• 技术传播形态具有音乐发展性进步性意义

    The natural form has the meaning of origin and the technical form has the meaning of development.


  • 人际传播也与网络中的其它传播形态相互交融、相互作用。

    This phenomenon results in a set of new traits in the inter-personal communication on Internet.


  • 学术传播形态变迁导致图书馆信息服务根本性转型。

    The changing pattern of scholarly communication causes fundamental changes in library and information service.


  • 现代以来白话文文学范式体现具有“言文合一”特征的现代精英文学传播形态

    However, in modern times, literary paradigm of colloquial writing embodies the transmitting form of contemporary elite literature characterized with union of speaking and writing.


  • 具体地讨论了热传导条件色散关系特殊性质相应的等离子体低频噪声传播形态

    The characteristics of the dispersive relation and the propagation of plasma low frequency noise are discussed in details.


  • 本文采用实证分析方法,新闻广告个角度分析《兰州日报消费文化传播形态,并进行辩证分析。

    In this paper, we took the skills of empirical analysis to probe "Lanzhou Dally" 's communication patterns of consumer culture from the angles of Advertising and News.


  • 同时,小说影像阐释已经对当代作家小说书写、小说生成方式小说传播形态产生了意义深远的影响。

    That apart, the explanation of film and video has produced a far-reaching significance on the writing of novels, the way of their creation and spreading-out.


  • 整合传播一种构建稳定关系作为核心价值传播形态,因此追求互动交流衡量媒体价值的基本标志。

    There is natural disadvantages to use mass media as the main support of marketing communication are unilateralism, compulsion and disseveration to communication and marketing.


  • 网络新闻传播过程中,这些媒体在新闻发布新闻的搜集上,逐渐形成一非主流媒体的新闻传播形态

    In gathering and disseminating news and information, these new media have developed their own methods and styles different from those of the mainstream media.


  • 本文电视评论外在形态内在形态传播形态三个角度入手,深入分析电视评论文体特征,进而展望电视评论的发展前景

    This article analyses deeply the style characteristics of TV comment, respectively from angles of external, internal and communication formations, and forecasts the prospective of TV comment.


  • 多媒体传播形态将成为未来人们信息接受普遍方式,因此不同媒介接受行为所形成的思维方式之间就有了相互影响可能

    Communication with multi-media is commonly in future, so it is possible that all sorts of behavior about information reception influent each other.


  • 人们通过简单行为传播负面情绪如皱眉其他不友好面部表情伤人的评价或甚摆出讨厌的身体形态

    People may be spreading their negative feelings simply by frowning or making other unpleasant facial expressions, making hurtful remarks or even adopting uninviting body postures.


  • 控制花粉传播必须气流扰动模式的,这些器官生物形态构造。辩。

    It is the morphology of these organs that dictates the pattern of airflow disturbances through which pollen must travel.


  • 当代大众传播视觉主要表现形态印刷媒介形态视觉传播传统艺术形态的视觉化传播

    Contemporary mass communication is mainly visualizing in two ways: the visualization of printing media forms and the visualization of traditional art forms.


  • 数字图书馆基本特性决定其知识产品的生产方式,数字图书馆知识产品形态决定了其知识产品的传播方式

    The basic properties of the digital library decide on the mode of production of knowledge products, and the form of its knowledge products decides on their propagation method.


  • 水流不仅影响水生植物群落结构物种分布能影响其繁殖传播新陈代谢过程形态特征

    Water flow can affect structure of the community and species distribution, as well as the production, metabolic processes and morphological characteristics of macrophytes.


  • 二十多年来三种文化电视传播中的形态力量不断改变,但是大众文化始终处于蓬勃生长的态势。

    For twenty years, the form and power of the three cultures in television communication have been changing, but popular culture has always been growing vigorously.


  • 媒介文化大众传播时代一种新兴文化形态基本特征表现技术复制性、商业消费性感性愉悦性。

    Medium culture is a new developing form of culture at the age of popular communication; Its basic characteristics appear at the technical explicative, business consumable and sensibility pleasant.


  • 当代视觉传播,把日常生活整体纳入审美范围之内,有利于培育当代大众新型审美文化形态

    The visualization of contemporary mass communication wholly puts life into the aesthetic field, which will contribute to foster a new kind of popular aesthetic culture.


  • 由此电影已经不是艺术而是物化形态艺术样式广泛传播特殊文化商品结合体

    From this, the movie was already not one kind of pure art, but is the transformation shape artistic style and the widespread dissemination special cultural commodity marriage.


  • 培育者受育者角度来看既有基于自上而下教育途径、又有基于自下而上参与途径,还有发散型和扁平化形态传播途径。

    From breeders and from the perspective of education, both education-based top-down, bottom-up based on the participation of another way, there were divergent and flat patterns of transmission.


  • 地域文化传播交流拓展整个民族文化时间文化空间从而不可避免地拓展了这个民族生命存在时空形态

    The communication and exchange in the district culture broadened both the time and the space of the culture in the whole nation, which also broadened the space of being in the nation inevitably.


  • 网络时代舆论传播呈现出新的形态,舆论管理也随之呈现出前所未有复杂状况

    In network age, with the new form of the public opinion comes an unprecedented complicated condition of the public opinion management.


  • 洋泾浜语言一种混合语言形态,把它作为跨文化传播特殊形式可以管窥第三文化雏形的形成过程

    The pidgin language, a mixed language, is a special form of intercultural communication and thus can reveal the forming process of the third culture.


  • 电视文化其他大众文化形态相比同样具备传播消费审美娱乐教育等功能

    Compared with other popular culture, it also has the function of spread, consumer, taste, entertainment and education.


  • 摘要洋泾浜语言一种混合语言形态,把它作为跨文化传播特殊形式可以管窥第三文化雏形的形成过程

    The pidgin language, a mixed language, is a special form of intercultural communication and thus can reveal the forming process of the third culture.


  • 广义来说,数字媒体传播各种媒介数字化形态

    Broad sense come to say the figure medium is to point to the various intermediary digitization forms spreading.


  • 目前我国网络传播教育存在两种层次三种形态

    Nowdays there are two levels and three forms of our Internet broadcasting education.


  • 目前我国网络传播教育存在两种层次三种形态

    Nowdays there are two levels and three forms of our Internet broadcasting education.


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