• 通常来说流感病毒最主要传播形式

    Droplet transmission is, in general, the major form of transmission of influenza virus.


  • LuigiCiocca认为服饰一种传播形式

    Luigi Ciocca: I think that the dress and therefore the clothing is a form of communication.


  • 产品评论潜在影响力营销传播形式以及销售业绩预测

    Product reviews are potentially an influential form of marketing communication, as well as a predictor of sales performance.


  • 作为奢侈品营销中重要传播形式,奢侈品广告没有得到应有重视

    Actually, as an important form of mass media, luxury advertisement didn't get due recognition.


  • 课堂教学作为一种特定知识信息传播形式必然受到传播媒体制约

    As a special form of knowledge propagation, teaching in class is bound to be restricted by medium.


  • 20世纪末期数字化媒体出现不断挑战充实传统视觉传播形式

    Abstract: late of 20th century, the appearance of digital media has continuously challenged and fulfilled the traditional visual communication model.


  • 第二部分介绍手机几种主要传播形式分析了手机报的传播优势

    The second part describes several mobile phone newspaper that the main mode of transmission, and analysis of the spread of mobile phone newspaper advantages.


  • 最后大众传播人际传播网络传播三种传播形式分析如何建立品牌关系

    In the end, this article analyzes how to build brand relationship by mass communication, personal communication and network communication.


  • 本文对生物膜中一斜型一维弯曲波孤立波的传播形式作了详细的讨论

    In this paper, the propagative form of one-dimensional solitary waves in splay-mode and bend-mode are discussed in detail.


  • 以往人们对媒介影响的研究,关注传播内容大于传播形式只能看到短期效果

    In the past, people focus more on communication content than on its way, which brings short-period effect.


  • 广播新闻报纸新闻因传播形式不同句型数据处理等方面存在诸多差别。

    Broadcast news differs from newspaper news in terms of sentence pattern, the treatment of figures and quotes, etc.


  • 第四媒体互联网崛起,让网络电视这种区别于传统电视新的视频信息传播形式逐渐进入人们生活

    With the fourth media Internet's rising, the network television which is a new form of information dissemination and different from traditional television is entering people's life gradually.


  • 诸多影响公益广告传播效果因素中,传播形式传播效果对于公益广告的感染力影响力具有关键性的作用

    In many public service advertising campaign of the factors, forms of communication and dissemination of results of the appeal for the public service and social influence has set a crucial role.


  • 电视谈话节目一种借助人际传播形式大众传播主持人而言,语境具有交叉性层次性稳定性制约双重性特点。

    TV talk shows is a form of interpersonal communication through the mass media, on the host, its context and level of cross-cutting, not the dual constraints of stability and so on.


  • 英语广播新闻英语国家非常重要媒体传播形式大多数都是通过广播电视新闻节目了解世界上所发生的新闻事件的。

    English broadcast news is a kind of important media in English-speaking countries because lots of people learn news about the world by listening to the radio and watching TV.


  • 卡通造型艺术为主要表现手段的艺术形式成为人们喜爱的媒介传播形式之一,电视动画、动漫电影各种游戏很广泛应用

    It had become one of the people's most favorite media propagating forms. It also had wide applications on TV anime, cartoon movies, computer games and so on.


  • 多媒体使标志可以将各种动态信息传播形式(语言声音图像、影像等有机融合一起),综合型设计使标志的表现方式得到极大扩展

    The multimedia mix all kinds of moving information spread skills such as languages, voices, pictures movies and so on... the synthetical design expand tremendously the expression form of symbol.


  • 面对面交流绝不沟通唯一形式过去的两百年里大众传播艺术已经成为当代社会主导因素之一。

    Face-to-face contact is by no means the only form of communication and during the last two hundred years the art of mass communication has become one of the dominating factors of contemporary society.


  • 会把这种形式传播给不同地方以及各个年龄层的人,无论老少。

    I'll spread the form to people from different places and people of every age whether young or old.


  • 新闻之歌”——即用流行歌曲形式传播消息——报道了1588年西班牙无敌舰队惨败以及其他许多事件

    "News ballads", which spread news in the form of popular songs, covered the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, among many other events.


  • 任何人都感染HIV病毒,因此通过对HIV病毒艾滋病教育普及对HIV病毒的广泛认识对于预防各种形式的HIV病毒传播至关重要的。

    Anyone can become infected with HIV, and so promoting widespread awareness of HIV through basic HIV and AIDS education is vital for preventing all forms of HIV transmission.


  • XDR - TB任何其它形式结核传播速度方面可能没有差别

    There is probably no difference between the speed of transmission of XDR-TB and any other forms of TB.


  • 主要目标广告一样新型形式视频传播给于一种强制性的标准但是批评家指出这样政策很难有操作性。

    The aim is to impose standards governing things like decency and advertising on these new forms of video, but critics regard the rules as too heavy-handed.


  • 没有必要再忍受音轨双声道了,音乐可以电台司令《失忆人》所受到的名副其实的待遇那样,以“精选专辑”的形式电脑上广泛传播

    There's no longer any need to endure eight tracks of filler for a couple of decent tunes, but will "album albums" like Radiohead's Amnesiac get the widespread hearing they deserve?


  • 随后会通过(订阅)每个通知消息SOAPHeader形式传播自定义属性如清单16中所

    This custom property is then propagated with every notification message (for this subscription) in the form of a SOAP header, shown in Listing 16.


  • 一周之内Youtube上的点击迅速达到了200万。 绝大部分的留言这种形式的科学传播表示了惊喜和支持。

    Within the first week, it had 2 million viewers on YouTube.


  • 令人担忧的是,如果足够的机会病毒转变成对人类具有高度传染性很容易人际传播形式尚未发生这样的事情。

    There is concern that the virusif given enough opportunitieswill change into a form that is highly infectious for humans and spreads easily from person to person, but this has yet to occur.


  • 目前这种病毒虽然看来容易人体传播可能突变一种很容易通过咳嗽喷嚏传播形式

    Although the virus does not appear to be easily transmissible among humans, it could mutate into a form that is easily passed through a cough or sneeze.


  • 目前这种病毒虽然看来容易人体传播可能突变一种很容易通过咳嗽喷嚏传播形式

    Although the virus does not appear to be easily transmissible among humans, it could mutate into a form that is easily passed through a cough or sneeze.


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