• 会宁西北教育

    Ning will be in the northwest county of Education.


  • 以前会宁农贸市场边境今年市中心教学楼

    In Hoeryong, the market used to be beside the bridge on the outskirts but this year it was moved to a school building right in the centre of town.


  • 为了不让睡觉会宁(位于中国边境附近地下监狱守卫使用了“鸽子折磨法”。

    To deprive him of sleep, the guards at the underground prison at Hoeryong city near the Chinese border used " pigeon torture".


  • 会宁交通通信便利宁夏回族自治区接壤,西与兰州市为邻,西安内蒙古

    Would be rather convenient transportation and communication, East and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to the west and adjacent to Lanzhou, Xi'an south over the north of Inner Mongolia.


  • UV - B辐射耐性小麦品种绵阳26敏感小麦品种会宁18材料,进行了室外盆栽试验。

    Using tolerant wheat 'Mianyang 26' and sensitive wheat 'Huining 18' to UV-B radiation as materials, pot experiment was performed outdoors.


  • 警戒委员会迅速逮捕了克纳兄弟他们也扔进萨勒姆监狱,囚禁这二的牢房克劳宁希尔德兄弟的牢房相距不远

    The Committee of Vigilance promptly arrested the Knapp brothers and sent them to the Salem Gaol, their cells not far from those occupied by the Crowninshields.


  • 负责这项研究康奈尔大学教授丝·莱文斯顿与圣母大学蒂莫西·贾齐和西安大略大学查理斯·赫斯特一起开展分析她表示,“管理者”会奖励那些卑鄙行为,只为息事宁人。

    Professor Beth Livingston, of Cornell University, New York, who led the study, said managers were rewarding nasty behaviour.


  • 即便杰克逊开始外出传闻说有人莫亚基尔伯根村庄附近看到踪迹时,邓宁斯也会否认知道所有事情。

    Even when Jackson began to venture out and there were rumoured sightings of him in the nearby villages of Moate or Kilbeggan, the Dunnings would deny all knowledge.


  • 这天第一位演讲者就是兰德·保罗之前已经说过如果宁决定退休也许会竞选参议员

    The first speaker of the day was Rand Paul, who by then had said he might run for the Senate if Bunning were to retire.


  • 贫穷气候变化已经对付,而厄尔尼诺现象使形势更加严峻。”乐施会减少灾害风险部主任史蒂夫·詹宁

    Poverty and climate change is enough of a challenge: an El Niño will only make things harder, " said Steve Jennings, Oxfam's disaster risk reduction manager.


  • 最终奥运会火炬中国奥运英雄李宁点燃万众瞩目之下缓缓升起,在空中绕场一周,点燃了象征奥林匹克精神熊熊火。

    Finally, the cauldron was lit by a jet of fire from Chinese Olympic hero li Ning, who had been hoisted up to the roof of the stadium on wires.


  • 丹宁酸会分泌出过量唾液,唾液越多,你的味觉就会越敏锐

    Anything but: the tannins causeyou to salivate more, and the more saliva you produce, the sharper yoursense of taste.


  • 李宁一度曾想竞争2008年北京奥运会官方运动服装赞助商,但却不敌资金雄厚的阿迪达斯。

    At one time, Li Ning was in the running to be official sportswear sponsor for the 2008 Games.


  • 张怡宁表示自己婚后暂时不会考虑退役,并不确定能否2012年伦敦奥运会

    Zhang Yining said she would continue playing after her marriage, but is not sure if she will play onto the London Olympics in 2012.


  • 詹晓宁说:“经济刺激计划可能助长所谓灵巧保护主义。”

    "The economic stimulus packages could give rise to what can be labeled as smart protectionism," said Zhan.


  • 我们继续萨拉·林,参议员吉姆·宁,史蒂夫·福布斯,还有东北肯塔基捍卫生命权组织和美国拥枪者协会等保守主义阵营得到支持

    We’ll stick with Rand Paul’s conservative endorsements from Sarah Palin, Senator Jim Bunning, Steve Forbes, Northern Kentucky Right to Life and GunOwners of America.


  • 告诉父亲是,的出现只使父亲的生活变得复杂化,这不是需要的。她知道父亲会息事宁人接受她每月回家吃一次午饭建议,这也就作为保持父女关系唯一方式了。

    He did not need her to complicate his life, she had replied, knowing that he would stoically accept her proposal of a monthly lunch as their only way of remaining father and daughter.


  • 曼宁这样的泄密者也许受到起诉,几乎再没有哪个泄密者会像曼宁那样公开炫耀自己壮举他们抓到肯定不会太多。

    Leakers like Manning can be prosecuted, but because few commit Manning's blunder of bragging about their exploits, they are rarely caught.


  • 布什赞扬热火队球员所社会工作他对热火队阿隆索·莫宁成立基金会、“闪电”韦德做慈善工作、以及奥尼尔迈阿密海滩担任兼职警察表示了称赞。

    Bush lauded the Heat's work in the community, citing Alonzo Mourning's foundation, Dwyane Wade's charitable work , and O'Neal's part-time job as a police officer in Miami Beach.


  • 因此19世纪50年代早期接受深肤色英俊音乐会钢琴家理查德•博宁的爱情,而决定变成一个世界级花腔女高音歌唱家的时候,琼有些害怕。

    Hence her horror when Joanie took up, in the early 1950s, with a darkly handsome concert pianist called Richard Bonynge, who was determined to turn her into a world-class coloratura soprano.


  • 一些显得圆润柔顺一些葡萄酒(尤其感强的)显得粗糙

    Some wines display a round, supple texture, while others, particularly tannic reds, may taste rough or coarse.


  • 我们也希望能瞬间移动,布朗宁的时候会消耗吸收更多卡路里,兰斯·贝斯允许进入太空

    And we wish teleportation were real, and that it was eating brownies and not celery that burned more calories than those ingested, and that Lance Bass had been allowed to go to space.


  • 在被问及是否和舒马赫一同法拉利比赛时,莱库说:“是的

    "Yes, " said Raikkonen when asked if he would have joined Schumacher at Ferrari.


  • 李宁公司董事会告诫说,原材料价格走高导致即将发布的盈利数据疲软的一个因素上半年利润同比最多可能下跌56%。

    Li Ning's board warned that higher raw-material prices were a factor for its upcoming soft Numbers, which would see first-half profit fall by as much as 56% from a year earlier.


  • 刘焕宁摄于韩国首尔举行演唱会

    Amabel in a concert held recently in Seoul, Korea.


  • 2008年北京奥运会过后李宁品牌是越来越流行了。

    Lining becomes more and more popular after 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.


  • 因为天然河道形状复杂,故而在近似化为宽浅人工渠道并用曼宁公式处理时不可避免地带来模型误差

    Because the situation of an actual river is so complex (not as artificially channels) that using Manning's equation will lead to error inevitably.


  • 因为天然河道形状复杂,故而在近似化为宽浅人工渠道并用曼宁公式处理时不可避免地带来模型误差

    Because the situation of an actual river is so complex (not as artificially channels) that using Manning's equation will lead to error inevitably.


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