• 拥有充分证据支持,其中很多来自以色列历史学家的研究成果。

    But he is well-supported by evidence, much of it supplied by Israeli historians.


  • 警方,一场可能是以色列历史最大的森林大火造成大约40死亡

    About 40 people have died in what is thought to be Israel's largest ever forest fire, police have said.


  • 因此狭小地区内实际上不同地域这个事实以色列历史重要影响

    So within this relatively tiny area there are radically diverse regions, and this fact held important implications for Israel's history.


  • 前先知延续叙事性风格,来讲述以色列历史,侧重于讲以色列关于预言的一些活动

    The first or former prophets continues the kind of narrative prose account of the history of Israel, focusing on the activities of Israel's prophets.


  • 他说:“某个人能够进行大规模谋杀行动然后却被放出监狱事实确实以色列历史黑色的一。”

    The fact that someone can commit mass murder and be let out of jail, it's a black day in Israeli history.


  • 以色列历史学家汤姆·瑟戈夫(Tom Segev)说道:“过去,对于犹太人而言总是两个阿道夫。”

    "For Jews," the Israeli historian Tom Segev said, "there were always two Adolfs."


  • 一认定影响描述,它的评估和它对以色列历史解读以及它的国王们,约书亚》一直《列记》。

    And that conviction is going to color its presentation, its evaluation and its interpretation of Israel's history and her Kings from Joshua right through to 2 Kings.


  • 亚哈不单以色列历史邪恶的君王的为人更是喜怒无常,一个宠坏了顽童般爱闹情绪,他并且憎恨先知

    Ahab is not only the worst king in Israel's history; he is also fairly moody. He pouts like a spoiled brat, and he hates God's prophets.


  • 他们列举了巴勒斯坦拒绝承认以色列犹太人历史甚至任何犹太人耶路撒冷的心脏——圣殿山相关联的事情。

    They cited thePalestinians' rejection of a Jewish history in Israel and even any Jewishconnection to the Temple Mount in the heart of Jerusalem.


  • 以色列阿拉伯世界做出妥协让步的行为已有长的历史了。

    Israel has a long and compelling history ofmaking major concessions to Arabs.


  • 他们便自己纳入叙述部分,以色列历史故事中。

    And they were able to write themselves back into the narratives and stories of Israel's past.


  • 以色列考古学展出一个拥有2,000历史的小型金铃。这个金铃上周耶路撒冷旧城底发现的。

    Israeli archaeologists have put on display a tiny golden bell thought to be 2, 000 years old, which was found last week underneath the old city in Jerusalem.


  • 同样英特尔公司班加罗尔研发中心美国境外最大单位最近超越历史久远得多以色列研发中心。

    Similarly, Intel's R&D center in Bengaluru is its largest unit outside the United States, having recently overtaken the much older Israeli unit.


  • 以上这些,加上高风险承受能力悠久历史经常存在的受危险成为点燃以色列创业精神星星之火

    Add to that a high tolerance of risk, born of a long history and an ever-present danger of attack, and you have the makings of an entrepreneurial firecracker.


  • 罗马聚集了大批群众:以色列非法化需要历史事实真相反对

    ECI joined mass rally in Rome: Delegitimization of Israel needs to be countered with historical facts and truth.


  • 以色列北边个有着1万2千历史址里,考古学家在一个山洞特别挖出的地里发现至少71只乌龟2只野牛残骸

    At a 12,000-year-old burial site in northern Israel, archaeologists found the remains of at least 71 tortoises and two wild cattle in specially built hollows in a cave.


  • 以色列历史阐明了一个道理我们遗忘上帝的箴言是如此快,重返旧习也是如此易。

    The history of Israel illustrates how quickly we forget the lessons God teaches us and how soon we revert to our old patterns of behavior.


  • 如果知晓他们历史的话,很多以色列都会不惜一切代价和风险阻止一个不停叫嚣毁灭他们的国家取得导致末日的终极武器。

    Given their history, a lot of Israelis will run almost any risk to prevent a state that calls repeatedly for their own state's destruction from acquiring the wherewithal to bring that end about.


  • 萨雷姆先生清楚地讲解了1963以来一些黑幕,都是约旦国王以色列秘密交易历史记录,但没有被公开的记录,直到1994年犹太签订一项和平协议

    Mr Shlaim spells out in hitherto unpublished detail the history of secret dealings between the king and the Israelis, from 1963 until 1994, when he signed a peace treaty with the Jewish state.


  • 巴比伦王国分别公元前597年586年征服了以色列人。据推测约柜当时耶路撒冷圣殿之中,之后就历史烟消云散了。

    But in 597 and 586 B.C., the Babylonian Empire conquered the Israelites, and the Ark, at the time supposedly stored in the Temple in Jerusalem, vanished from history.


  • 所声称考古发现以色列国内也激起了特别共鸣大卫所罗门王国的所在地犹太教历史宣称安山(Zion)被联系在了一起。

    Her purported discovery carries particular resonance in Israel, where the story of David and Solomon is interwoven with the Jews' historical claims to biblical Zion.


  • ,“这是以色列千载难逢机会,能为社会真正带来历史性的变革。”

    A one-time chance, ” he says, “to bring truly historic change to Israeli society.”


  • 马洛•贝文尼斯蒂(MeronBenvenisti《塞浦路斯之子》也是篇激烈的演说,书中反对以色列企图巴勒斯坦人地图上消失,不仅想消灭这个实体,还要擦去它的历史

    Meron Benvenisti's “Son of the Cypresses” is also a tirade against Israel's attempt to wipe the Palestinians from the map both physically and historically.


  • 约旦艺术家阿拉又斯的“小锡以色列艺术家丹尼·盖尔的“历史档案记录”掀起了场热议。

    Also much discussed were "Tin Soldiers" by Ala Younis, a Jordanian, and "Historical Record Archive" by dani Gal, an Israeli artist.


  • 以色列一个主权国家,也是犹太人历史家园

    Israel is a sovereign state, and the historic homeland of the Jewish people.


  • 以色列历史编纂常见的,认为这里正在使用这种方式我们讨论命记,时一直提到Weinfeld作品

    That's a very common practice in later Israelite historiography, and he says it's happening here already. And I'll be referring quite a bit to Weinfeld's work as we talk about Deuteronomy.


  • 以色列历史编纂常见的,认为这里正在使用这种方式我们讨论命记,时一直提到Weinfeld作品

    That's a very common practice in later Israelite historiography, and he says it's happening here already. And I'll be referring quite a bit to Weinfeld's work as we talk about Deuteronomy.


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