• 修改后的付款条款卖方有利

    The modified payment terms are in the seller's favor.


  • 一些保险公司提供非常合理付款条款

    Some insurance companies offer very reasonable terms.


  • 说明付款条款各品种超过100打的购买量所给予折扣

    Please state terms of payment and discounts you would allow on purchases of quantities of over 100 dozens of individual item.


  • 方所付款条款我方可接受放心我方立刻办理订单

    The terms of payment you suggested are acceptable, and you may rely on us to give your order prompt attention.


  • 最后雇员开始试用期工作达成付款条款之后开始表明工作完成之后支付报酬。

    Finally, take workers on for a trial period and agree payment terms before you start, making clear you will pay once the work has been completed.


  • 收集供应链参数例如价格付款条款最小订单量质量方面的联系人输入系统

    Collect supply chain parameters such as price, delivery term, payment term, MOQ and quality issue contact window etc from supplier and key-in system.


  • 克洛斯中国药品分销商面临的偿付风险低,因为他们主要通过社会福利体系收回资金,不过付款条款美国复杂。

    Reimbursement risk in China is low, as distributors are paid mostly through the social welfare system , although payment terms are far more drawn out than in the U. S. , Mr. Close said.


  • 一般情况下,条款条件会含有一个详细客户付款日程表,它通常销售团队准备的。

    Terms and conditions usually include a detailed client payment schedule, usually prepared by the sales team.


  • 为了防止这样的情况发生,国际拍卖行以及卖家正在针对竞拍资格以及何时付款强化政策执行更加严格条款

    To prevent this, international auction houses and sellers are tightening policies and enforcing stricter rules about who can bid and when they will pay.


  • 这些具体条款各有差异通常都涉及到银行付款同意提供学生名单校方校友会合同华盛顿饱受诟议

    The contracts, whose terms vary but usually involve payments to colleges or alumni associations that agree to provide lists of students' names, have come under harsh criticism in Washington.


  • 但是调停双方可以同意贷款条款作出调整减少付款决定一个稍低的价格出售房屋或是终止房贷

    But at a mediation the two sides can agree to adjust the loan, reduce the monthly payments or decide to sell the house at a lower price and terminate the mortgage.


  • 第二点付款有关条款

    Second, about the terms of payment.


  • 只要家里轻轻点击一下按钮,就能完成价格比较订单确认付款交货条款确定

    Just through doing clicking of buttons at home that the price comparison done, orders confirmed, payment and delivery terms confirmed.


  • 另外卖方每月买方提供临时赦免抵押条款以及以买方所要求格式,将免除条款作为最终付款一个条件

    In addition, Seller shall furnish to Purchaser monthly interim lien waivers and a final lien waiver as a condition of final payment in the form requested by Purchaser.


  • 我们明示拒绝货物服务接受付款,均不构成该等条款、条件和协议确认

    Neither the fact that we do not expressly object to an agreement nor our acceptance or payment of goods or services shall be construed as an acknowledgement.


  • 加了一个避免条款,大意是:如果汇率下跌超过5%,付款修改

    He adds a let - out clause to the effect that the payment will be revised if the exchange rate fall by more than5%.


  • 但是调停双方可以同意贷款条款作出调整减少付款决定一个稍低的价格出售房屋或是终止房贷

    But at a mediation the two sides can agree to adjust the loan, reduce the monthly payments or decide to sell the house at a lower price and terminate the mortgage.


  • 合同期满未能付梓付款转交延伸本合同补充条款

    The Advance payment, if not earned out before this Agreement expiry date, shall not be transferred or extended to the Renewal of this Agreement.


  • 我行确认符合信用证条款汇票提示时及时予以承冬并到期日及时付款

    We hereby confirm that payment will be dully made against documents presented in conformity with the terms of this credit.


  • 必须仔细检查贷款予以处罚条款按揭保险规定如期付款条款

    You must also be careful check the terms of your loan for penalties, mortgage insurance requirement, payment schedule and such clauses.


  • 合约条款规定贵方任何到期尚未支付的款项,应承担当前3个月伦敦银行同业拆放利率基础上追加2%的年利率。

    Any payment required to be made by you under these Terms, which is not made when due, shall bear interest at a rate of 2 per cent per annum above the current 3 month LIBOR rate.


  • 合约条款规定贵方任何到期尚未支付的款项,应承担当前3个月伦敦银行同业拆放利率基础上追加2%的年利率。

    Any payment required to be made by you under these Terms, which is not made when due, shall bear interest at a rate of 2 per cent per annum above the current 3 month LIBOR rate.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定