• 规则通过调用另一个服务产生输出如果),服务可能任何其他消息关联可能与任何其他消息源关联。

    The rule set produces output -- if any -- by invoking another service, which may or may not be associated with any of the message sources.


  • 非常大好处可以自动地产生发布说明每晚构造帮助测试人员确定并运行必要回归测试等等

    This has enormous advantages: You can automatically generate release notes, assist testers in determining the necessary set of regression tests to run after the nightly build, and so on.


  • 查询用户常常要等分钟甚至数小时,这取决于为了产生用户所请求结果需要多少数据进行搜索。

    Query users can often wait for minutes or even hours, depending upon how much data must be searched in order to produce the result set requested by the user.


  • 规则包含规则列表其中的规则联合输入进行计算产生一个多个结果

    Rule sets contain lists of rules that jointly evaluate some set of inputs and produce one or more results.


  • 事务需要数据一致视图 ——同时提交两个读事务如果它们选择相同的数据范围,那么应该产生一致结果

    Read transactions require a consistent view of the data -- meaning if two read transactions are submitted at the same time, they should produce uniform result sets if they select the same data ranges.


  • 结果联系起来可以产生利用这两种方法发现优先问题

    Correlating the results produces a high priority set of issues that are discovered using both approaches.


  • 结果最初存储缓存中随后产生所需输出

    The result set will initially be stored in the cache to subsequently produce the desired output.


  • 操作符提取账户id驱动一个连接操作连接操作可以产生所需结果

    This operator extracts account ID values to drive a join operation that can produce the desired result set.


  • 因为没有方法自动更新所有磁盘,所以可能产生众所周知RAID5写入漏洞问题(其中在raid驱动器中条带一致的)。

    Because there's no way to update all disks atomically, it's possible to produce the well-known RAID 5 write hole problem (where a stripe is inconsistent across the drives of the RAID set).


  • 执行产生大型结果数据库查询常常结果进行分页然后用户页面之间导航

    When database queries that produce large result sets are executed, it's common to break the result set into pages and then require the user to navigate among the pages.


  • 前面步骤产生SQLGROUP BY子句中只有分组

    The SQL generated by the previous instructions has only a single grouping set in the GROUP-BY clause.


  • 下面查询产生一个结果其中每个Gold客户第一email地址HTML段落的形式返回

    The following query will produce a result set in which the first email address of each Gold customer is returned as an HTML paragraph.


  • /散(marhaling/unmarshaling原始大型机数据需要的消息转换动作LegStart设计产生的,其细节将在下一描述

    The transformation actions that are needed to marshal/unmarshal raw mainframe data are generated by LegStar at design time as described in the next section.


  • 这个例子中Transformer将会处理简单记录其中OrderMethod返回一个从而产生更清晰的分类

    In this case, Transformer will deal with a simple record set in which only one value per order method is returned making category generation efficient.


  • 例如以下语句产生类似上述结果的结果不同Message数据包含xml中,不是包含在一个SQL varchar列中。

    For example, the following statement produces a result set similar to the previous one, except that "Message" data is contained in an XML column rather than an SQL VARCHAR column.


  • 虽然相同sql语句不同访问路径产生相同结果,但是它们有可能不会通过同样性能级别执行任务

    Although different access paths for the same SQL statement produce the same result set, they most likely do not perform the task with the same level of performance.


  • 想象一下,一个屋顶窗户都是太阳能热器房子,有可能传统的太阳能电池阵列产生更多电力

    Imagine a house that has solar collectors on the roof, and the Windows. That could potentially generate far more electricity than a traditional solar array.


  • 如果产生一个特殊符号或者扩展符号字符(例如中文字符)的报告那么需要PD F文件中嵌入这种字体

    If you want to generate a report that has specific symbols or extended symbolic characters (such as the Chinese character set), then you will need to embed the font in the PDF document.


  • 有了一个更大数据库广泛的数据,那么进程何种差异结论产生重大影响的猜想,其进行相互检测

    With a bigger databank and a wider range of data sets assumptions about what differences in processing make a big difference to the results could be checked against each other.


  • 第二步骤是T4引擎编译转换个程序执行代码,以产生输出文本文件

    In the second step, the T4 engine compiles the transformation class into an assembly and executes the code, generating an output text file.


  • 尽管如此比起只是简单使用测试个训练这种方法可以产生比较低的差异,还算是一个可以说得过去的结果

    Nevertheless, if you're in a bind for data, this can yield passable results with lower variance than simply using one test set and one training set.


  • 一些搜索引擎,可以使用不同用户接口进行访问,可以访问不同数据产生不同的结果

    There are several search engines, accessed from different user interfaces, over different sets of data, yielding several different sets of results.


  • 结果产生输出

    An empty result set emits no output.


  • 如果真的用例扩展,那么此过程产生合理可靠的新最佳实践

    If the new use case truly is a superset or extension of the old use case, this process results in a sound and reliable new best practice.


  • 根据前面的讨论我们需要输入产生一个输出

    Per the previous discussion, you'll have a set of inputs and a resulting set of outputs.


  • 产生这种性能问题原因统一odbc使用滚动的键驱动游标发出SELECT语句

    The reason for this performance issue is that Unified ODBC USES scrollable dynamic cursors to issue SELECT statements.


  • 使建筑产生兴趣的15岁买的·柯布西耶的速写

    His first interest in architecture was nourished in tadao's 15 by buying a book of Le Corbusier sketches.


  • 为了避免由于文档透明性而产生的信息泄漏问题,您最终可能需要使用按照用户会话隔离xml数据的“需要了解”的系统不仅仅是按照应用程序来隔离xml数据的系统。

    To avoid leakage that stems from document transparency, you might end up with a need-to-know system that isolates XML data sets by user session and not just by application.


  • 特别是可以加载本地化当前用户首选语言资源产生影响

    In particular, it can have the effect of loading the set of resources that have been localized to the language preferred by the current user.


  • 产生进程时,进程从父进程复制能力

    When a process forks, the child's capability sets are copied from the parent.


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