• 国内经济学界关于通货紧缩争论原因在于对通货紧缩的几个基本问题尚未达成共识

    The failure to reach the consensus to deflation and its basic problems has caused a long dispute on it in the national academic circles.


  • 通过旗亭画壁故事本身相关问题的讨论,可以分析出其之真伪以及产生争论原因

    Through discussing the story itself and some related issues, this paper tries to analyze real fact of the event and the reason why people have dispute on it.


  • 真正了解我们争论原因我们可以情绪方面得以成长,而这样影响我们整个生命

    Truly knowing our reasons for arguing enables us to grow emotionally in ways that will affect our whole being.


  • 我们可以自己伴侣还有那些我们接近的人们达成共识,提问可以帮助我们发掘出争论原因

    We can make an agreement with our partners and those closest to us that asking questions can help all of us discover the source of the argument.


  • 我们越是允许自己回到过去检验他人争论原因我们容易真正的感觉浮出水面,引导我们步入生活进步解决方案

    The more we allow ourselves to step back and examine our reasons for arguing, the easier it becomes to allow real feelings to surface and guide us toward solutions that improve our lives.


  • 细观这些文献,我们发现导致争论原因主要来源三个方面:贫困概念定义模糊,度量方法的不同以及理论模型的差异。

    By reviewing the researches, the reasons of the disputing can be found: the ambiguous concepts, the diverse measurements and the different theoretic models.


  • 作为一个公民纳税人选民需要理解这些争论背后真正原因

    You need to understand as a citizen and as a taxpayer and as a voter what's really behind the arguments.


  • 利益分配不公导致税收争论又一个原因

    That not all have benefited is another reason to argue over taxes.


  • 出于几个原因争论方式已经有所转变。

    But the terms of the debate have shifted-for several reasons.


  • 其中一个原因科学家们似乎争论工作有效性

    One reason is that scientists seem likely to argue about the validity of her work.


  • 更有甚者争论招收男孩伊顿学校不错原因里面培养出了韦恩·鲁尼一样扮相很酷的出色球员------话虽如此,但只是特例,无需非得引领他人

    What's more, arguing that Eton is a good school because it only admits boys is like saying Wayne Rooney is a good footballer because he wears a nice kit – one does not necessarily lead to the other.


  • 自闭症原因尚无定论,关于其潜在原因媒体中激烈争论过。

    There is no known single cause for autism, and the debate over potential causes has ignited a media firestorm.


  • 对造成一现象的原因存在争论

    The reasons for this are debated.


  • PEP 3115提到更改语法还有美学方面的原因但是对此尚存在无法客观标准解决争论(PEP 3115的链接请参见参考资料)。

    PEP 3115 also mentions that there are aesthetic reasons for changing the syntax, but this is a debate that cannot be solved objectively. (See Resources for a link to PEP 3115.)


  • 尽管债务相关问题,欧洲美国产生的争论却出于不同原因

    Though both about debt, the arguments in Europe and America have very different origins.


  • 对于影片小额征税是否合适争论原因

    The reason is a row over a fairly small amount of tax.


  • 他们灭绝原因一直争论因为他们与现代人同时期存在的。

    Why they died out is a matter of debate, because they co-existed alongside modern man.


  • 引发程序员争论的边缘理念转变被普遍接受高科技生活不可或缺一部分,当中原因复杂

    The reasons for this shift from a fringe ideology that could spark warfare among programmers to an accepted, everyday part of hi-tech life are complex.


  • 那么究竟什么原因导致年前达成强烈一致的国际争论如今惨遭践踏?

    So why is an argument that commanded fervent global agreement just two years ago now being trampled over?


  • 聚集相似想法发出抗议一种很好的方式提起人们的注意同一个原因聚集同样气愤其他人转变人们公开争论语调。

    Banding together with a bunch of like-minded citizens to make a big noise is a great way to get noticed, to rally similarly-outraged others to a cause, and to shift the terms of the public debate.


  • 报告可能没有争议的,原因是仅准备出声反驳针对共达成共识的观点的气候变化怀疑论者与其说是在争论气候科学不如说是在争论结果

    It will probably be uncontroversial because the few remaining climate-change skeptics prepared to speak out against the consensus argue not so much about the climate science as about its consequences.


  • 关于造成这些大型哺乳动物灭绝原因争论主要放在了人类气候

    Debate over the cause of these extinctions has focused on the primacy of humans and climate in driving this dramatic loss of large mammals.


  • 似乎导致CFS原因在短时间内继续争论主题

    It seems likely that the causes of CFS will continue to be a subject of controversy for a while yet.


  • 喜欢u2其中原因——而且也是我们经常争论一个原因,妥协而出的——就是他们带上每个人凑热闹

    One of the things I love about U2and it's one of the things that we're constantly arguing about, the balance of this — is that they want to take everyone with them for the ride!


  • 这场静坐罢工直接原因最近柬埔寨边境争论恶化,其中包括对高棉古庙柏威夏的争议。

    The immediate reason for the sit-in is the recent flare-up of a border dispute with Cambodia involving an ancient Khmer temple, Preah Vihear. The two countries traded gunfire two weeks ago.


  • 韩国特任部长五在微博上写道,“尽管韩艺瑟的行为引发激烈争论仍然对其作为的原因表示理解。”

    Lee Jae Oh, Korea's Minister of Special Affairs, wrote on his Twitter, "There's going to be heated debate over Han Ye Seul's act, but I'm trying to understand where she's coming from."


  • 造成世界范围内粮食价格上涨主要原因成为人们争论焦点。

    Systemic causes for the worldwide increases in food prices continue to be the subject of debate.


  • 造成世界范围内粮食价格上涨主要原因成为人们争论焦点。

    Systemic causes for the worldwide increases in food prices continue to be the subject of debate.


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