• 争执双方谈话试图进行调解

    She spoke to both sides in the dispute in an attempt to smooth things over.


  • 无意中引起这场争执

    She was the unwitting cause of the argument.


  • 争执双方他们愿意商谈

    The two sides in the dispute say they are ready to talk.


  • 争执双方同意提请仲裁。

    Both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration.


  • 这位约旦元首夹争执双方之间左右为难。

    The Jordanian leader is caught between both sides in the dispute.


  • 他们脸色猜想他们之间发生争执

    From the looks on their faces, I surmised that they had had an argument.


  • 他们正在设法制订一个争执双方都可以接受和平方案

    They're trying to work out a peace formula acceptable to both sides in the dispute.


  • 约翰经常老板发生争执

    John often comes into conflict with his boss.


  • 由于警方有些争执被捕了。

    There was a little misunderstanding with the police and he was arrested.


  • 地方议会首次会议争执结束

    The council's first meeting ended in acrimony.


  • 获胜问题发生了争执

    There was a difference of opinion over who had won.


  • 因为裁判发生争执被罚出场。

    He was sent off for arguing with the referee.


  • 弟弟父亲遗嘱的事起争执

    She quarrelled with her brother over their father's will.


  • 母亲青少年不可避免地会发生争执吗?

    Are mothers and teens inevitably at loggerheads?


  • 邻居发生争执

    He became embroiled in a dispute with his neighbours.


  • 劳资双方就工资福利工作环境争执不休。

    Management and labour are dickering over pay, benefits, and working conditions.


  • 国政府依然对这个的归属问题争执不下。

    The two governments are still at loggerheads over the island.


  • 开始和艾奇逊院长发生接连不断的争执

    He also began a running feud with Dean Acheson.


  • 老板销售数字问题差点发生争执

    I was on a collision course with my boss over the sales figures.


  • 假如发生争执打扫厨房的确消除沮丧。

    Cleaning my kitchen really works off frustration if I've had a fight with someone.


  • 昨天证词一种激烈文明争执氛围中开始的。

    Yesterday's testimony began on a note of passionate but civilized disagreement.


  • 牙医们卫生部之间数月以来费用问题上发生争执

    For months dentists and the health department have been at loggerheads over fees.


  • 一些反对我们拍电影之间发生了一点点争执

    I had a slight altercation with some people who objected to our filming.


  • 对于一个局外人我们争执那些问题显得几乎可笑地微不足道

    To an outsider, the issues that we fight about would seem almost laughably petty.


  • 确定个时刻一些争执

    I'm sure there has been some quarrels at some point.


  • 杰拉尔德妻子失踪母女亲人,他们警方发生了争执

    Gerald and his wife were kin to the missing women, but they struck out with the police.


  • 西班牙波》电台说:“法兰西斯争执过后根本发生什么冲突。”

    "After Francis and Aguila argued, there was no conflict at all," he told Spanish Zero Zero.


  • 我们一厢情愿痴心妄想,竟把自己在世上的暂时栖身,当作千古不变、万事长存结合,好像没有冷淡争执离别蜜月

    Our short-lives connexion with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union—a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation.


  • 有些喜欢争执,有些人则不会

    Some people love arguments and some don't.


  • 因此许多争执都是不得要领的。

    So many arguments are so pointless.


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