• 内容应包括要求标示询问了解权知悉真情

    It includes the right of requiring indication, the right of inquiry and the right of getting the real information.


  • 源于美国,传入中国时出现了多种译法,如知情了解、得知、知道、知的利、资讯等。

    The expression 'the right to know' originates from America. After being introduced to China, it is translated into many different Chinese expressions.


  • 要让年轻人明智地使用他们投票他们必须了解社会需要必须了解政治活动如何运作的。

    For young people to use their right to vote wisely, they must have an understanding of the needs of society, and they must also learn how politics work.


  • 了解一切应该了解的东西,某种意义上来说,他一个既入乡随俗,又紧握对被殖民的他者的,控制

    He really knew everything there was to know and in a certain sense was a person who did go native while at the same time wielding with an iron grip of authority power over the colonized other.


  • 可以通过小组区域查看所有实验室资源,从而可以了解什么资源访问

    You can view all lab resource groups by team area to see who has access to what resources.


  • 成功构架师不会关心技术问题,他们会关心组织动向,时刻了解团队的决定在哪里

    Successful architects are not geeks only concerned with technology. They are also politically astute and are conscious of where the power in an organization resides.


  • 人们他们整个生活都放到网上时,他们应当充分了解看到它们,他们必须拥有完全控制

    When people are putting their entire lives online, they should be fully aware of who can see what, and they have to remain in full control.


  • 希望了解我们销售能力以后,全考虑我们手提盒式录音机独家经销

    It is our hope that after knowing our sales ability you will consider according us the exclusive selling right for your portable cassette recorders.


  • 自己一切都很了解,我的样,我的行动,我与这个世界的一切互动都发生了巨大的变化但是对于所有变化,我有自己的选择

    Everything I have ever known about myself, how I look, how I act, how I interact with the world, is rapidly and radically changing. And yet, with each change, I still have choice.


  • 设置清楚决策职员了解职责所在以及需要讨论什么

    Setting clear decision rights gives the staff an understanding of where their responsibilities lie and who needs to discuss what with whom.


  • 是的,几个晚上检索搜集可能使医生了解一个具体问题——你更有发言

    Yes, a few nights of Boolean sleuthing might render you more knowledgeable than your doctor about a particular issue - and more power to you for your interest.


  • 指定决策确定了社会这使组织成员清楚地了解应该制定决策

    Specifying the decision rights puts in place the social network, allowing the members of the organization a clear understanding of who can be expected to make decisions.


  • 去年秋天我们了解到,许多抵押贷款的从事非法的取消抵押品赎回的活动。

    Last fall, we learned that many mortgage lenders were engaging in illegal foreclosures.


  • 开始了解股票选择会计

    Begin to understand the accounting for stock options.


  • 特许经营所有人们从业初就非常清楚地了解他们行业客户竞争对手。

    Franchise Owners, from the outset, have a very clear picture of their industry, their customer and their competitors.


  • 它们之间的冲突设立世界著作集体管理组织一种重要考虑

    To resolve the conflicts therein, an important consideration is to establish a world collective administrative organization of copyright.


  • 轻忽,没有讲话文明文化,人们对此了解传闻过的文明和文化,它们将会世界上不同凡响地声音代言它们自身。

    Civilizations and cultures which had been ignored, which had no voice, which were not listened to, which were not known about, will have a different sort of representation in this world.


  • 希望了解我们销售能力后,我们自动洗衣机独家经营

    It is our hope that after knowing our sales ability, you will consider granting us the exclusive selling right for your automatic washers.


  • 问题网上别人网站被降案例

    To solve a problem, I also saw the case that others website is fallen to counterpoise on the net.


  • 球员倒地时,他们知道是否起身因为当你赢得的时候你会进攻,不了解身后发生了什么

    When the player went down, they did not know if he got up again because when you win the ball you go forward, you don't know what is happening behind you.


  • 如果面临这种情况时了解有关个人的选择而且采取适当的行动﹐也许能够保住家园﹐或者至少减轻一些房子被查封拍卖所造成财务损失

    If you are faced with foreclosure, you can work to save your home-or at least limit the financial damage caused by foreclosure-if you understand your options and take the appropriate steps.


  • 本文针对我国目前矿业市场存在主要问题进行了分析提出这些问题的思路方法

    The article analyze the main problem existing in mining right market currently, and bringing forward the thread and way to solve them.


  • 一点了解贵方做得到销售额的情况下,我方无法你们整个欧洲市场独家代理

    We can't give you exclusive agency of the whole European market without having the slightest idea of your possible annual marketing turnover.


  • 多传感器信息融合中不同等级重要信息源数据融合问题证据理论基本概念基础引入证据的概念。

    For solving data fusion problem of inequably important information source in multi-sensor information fusion the concept of evidence weight is introduced based on basical concept of evidence weight.


  • 知情公民知悉获取信息自由,它是指人们有了解他应该知道的事情。

    The right to be informed refers to citizen has the freedom and right to know and obtain the information.


  • 现实生活中困扰建筑行业多年的拖欠工程款问题,我国《合同法》第286条赋予建筑工程款优先受偿

    To solve the problem, the project arrears frequently arising in the construction sections, the Article 286 of Contract Law endows project fund with preferential right of payment.


  • 现实生活中困扰建筑行业多年的拖欠工程款问题,我国《合同法》第286条赋予建筑工程款优先受偿

    To solve the problem, the project arrears frequently arising in the construction sections, the Article 286 of Contract Law endows project fund with preferential right of payment.


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