• 乔蒂·海吉尔,多伦多安大略大学艺术设计系教师。

    Illustrator Jody Hewgill teaches at the Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto.


  • 勒布朗对阵伊戈达拉或许占不到多少便宜,韦德对阵乔蒂·米克斯呢?

    LeBron James against Iguodala is a great matchup, but Jodie Meeks on Dwayne Wade?


  • 次,乔蒂明妮家能否辨认最近由她救助只迷失的狗谁家的。

    Jodie approached Minnie to see if her neighbor could identify the owner of a stray dog that Jodie had recently rescued.


  • 英富曼公司Informa)的乔蒂希基(Jotischky),“各厂商艰难度日,华为中兴却增势不减,主要是因为有新兴市场做后盾。”

    “The vendor community is struggling, but Huawei and ZTE are still growing, largely on the back of the emerging markets, ” says Informa’s Mr Jotischky.


  • 女孩对粉色的迷恋似乎不可避免的,这在某种程度上她们的DNA 决定的,美国研究副教授·保莱蒂认为,事实并非如此。

    Girls' attraction to pink may seem unavoidable, somehow encoded in their DNA, but according to Jo Paoletti, an associate professor of American Studies, it is not.


  • BuzzFeed首席执行官乔纳·佩雷蒂表示,管理较低发行量费用可能很高急于取消印刷版一个错误

    Overhead may be high and circulation lower, but rushing to eliminate its print edition would be a mistake, says BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti.


  • “乔伊也是这么的,”帕蒂告诉大家:“说那只不过是个而已,而且还算不得什么坏词。”

    "That's what Joey said, " Patty told them, "He said it was just a word and not even a bad word."


  • 这个时候哥哥乔迪楞德拉决定我们大哥一起创办《婆罗蒂》,大哥担任编辑我们热情提供新鲜食粮

    This was the time when my brother Jyotirindra decided to start the Bharati with our eldest brother as an editor, giving us fresh food for enthusiasm.


  • 这本资料收集时候,我读查尔斯.艾伦乔纳森.波蒂斯所写的《东山再起小子关于纽约州初选描述

    When I was doing research for this book, I read the account of the New York primary in The Comeback Kid by Charles Allen and Jonathan Portis.


  • 段时间哥哥乔迪楞德拉决定创办《婆罗蒂》,我们大哥担任编辑我们热情,从此有了新鲜食粮

    This was the time when my brother Jyotirindra decided to start the Bharati with our eldest brother as editor, giving us fresh food for enthusiasm.


  • “乔伊也是这么的,”帕蒂告诉大家:“说那只不过是个而已,而且还算不得什么坏词。”

    "That's what Joey said," Patty told them. "he said it was just a word and not even a bad word."


  • 之前曾经摇滚女歌手的伟大榜样蒂娜·特纳尼斯·乔普林,从来没有能够表演诗歌如此天衣无缝地组合起来。

    There had been strong female role models in rock before, from Tina Turner to Janis Joplin, but no one had ever combined performance and poetry in such a visceral way.


  • 精神信仰一定意义上意味着符合个人信条个人信仰’”。位神学院教授莫西·乔恩路易斯维尔新闻快报上说。

    "Spiritual has, in some sense, come to mean 'my own personal religion with my own individual creed,'" Timothy Paul Jones, a Baptist seminary professor, told the Louisville Courier-Journal.


  • 15世纪意大利佩鲁贾乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯·但丁铁翼羽毛尝试飞行,他掠过广场教堂顶上。

    Giovanni Battista Danti tried it with pinions of iron and feathers in15th-century Perugia, hurtling over the piazza and crash-landing on the church.


  • 此前乔瓦·尼巴。蒂斯塔·贝内代蒂(1530- 1590)相关振动频率音调比之间的关系的理论。

    Earlier Giovanni Battista Benedetti (1530-1590) had related the ratio of pitches to the ratio of the frequencies of vibrating objects.


  • 帕蒂转述这场父子对话口气着描述乔伊孩子气的不平,梅里判断出帕蒂丝毫没有察觉自己儿子康妮在搞什么鬼。

    From the way Patty reported this conversation, laughing at Joey’s innocent indignation, it was clear to Merrie Paulsen that Patty still had no inkling of what her son was doing with Connie Monaghan.


  • 父亲、轧钢厂工人·杰克逊的指导下,迈克尔几个哥哥杰梅因马龙杰基蒂托组成了一个演唱组。

    Coached by his father Joe, a steel-mill worker, Michael and older brothers Jermaine, Marlon, Jackie and Tito formed a singing group.


  • 来自荷兰夫妇马蒂尔德·于森乔斯·古贝尔斯参加旅游团,巧遇只正在沙滩筑巢的的

    Matilda Yoosen and Jos Gubbels, a married couple from Holland, were among a tourist group that came upon an olive ridley turtle nesting in the sand.


  • 帕蒂得很,守婆婆留下电视机,她、七十年代情景喜剧了如指掌,就这些喜剧情节乔伊开心。

    Patty stayed up late in front of her mother-in-law's TV, amusing Joey with her intricate knowledge of syndicated sixties and seventies sitcoms.


  • 1898年夏天弗洛里奥会见著名画家乔瓦尼·博蒂尼。

    In summer 1898 the Florios met the famous painter Giovanni Boldini.


  • 在为前儿子取名布鲁克林克鲁兹罗密欧之后,大家可不希望对儿璧人他们女儿起个温蒂或者乔安娜之类的名字。

    Given that they named their three other kids Brooklyn, Cruz and Romeo, no one expected the pair to christen their daughter Wendy or Joanne.


  • 乔伊犯了思乡病,但发现可爱的伴娘费利西蒂颇有兴趣,所以他死心塌地呆在伦敦。

    Joey gets homesick... until he finds a cute bridesmaid (Felicity) who wants to know him better.


  • 问题出现新娘伴娘(凯蒂·霍尔姆斯安娜·帕奎因饰)过去为了争夺新郞(乔什·杜哈明饰),曾一度是情敌。

    Problems arise because the bride and the maid of honor (Katie Holmes and Anna Paquin) have had a long rivalry over the groom (Josh Duhamel).


  • 贝尔蒂·莎士比亚告诉杰姆格兰所有男孩子今晚港口比尔·泰勒船长堂兄乔·德鲁手臂上纹条蛇

    And Bertie Shakespeare had told Jem that all the Glen boys were going down to the Harbour Mouth that evening to see Captain Bill Taylor tatoo a snake on his cousin Joe Drew's arm.


  • 《马尔科姆•X自传乔姆斯基读者》看得热血沸腾,海蒂大声朗读影响焦虑》。

    I got riled up by "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" and "The Chomsky Reader"; Heidi read aloud passages from "The Anxiety of Influence."


  • 《马尔科姆•X自传乔姆斯基读者》看得热血沸腾,海蒂大声朗读影响焦虑》。

    I got riled up by "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" and "The Chomsky Reader"; Heidi read aloud passages from "The Anxiety of Influence."


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