• 目前名演员爱迪生·乔斯特船务公司合作建造紧急救援船,这些船可以世界各地部署,用于清理将来发生的原油泄漏

    Now the actor is working with Edison Chouest Offshore to build first-responder ships that could be deployed around the world to clean up future spills.


  • 音乐切分音大师·普林,他是位非裔美国作曲家二十世纪之际在圣路易地区附近谱写很多曲子。

    The master of syncopation in music was Scott Joplin, African American composer writing a lot around the area of St. Louis at the turn of the twentieth century.


  • 除非孩子们知道自己来自什么地方,否则,一切都是装出来的,”礼仪专家贝蒂··拉基玛

    "Unless that child feels grounded in who he is and where he comes from, everything else is an act," says etiquette expert Betty Jo Trakimas.


  • 好消息,即使极度狂热中,依然有一些怀疑论者:每日野兽霍华德尔兹,大西洋月刊的詹姆•法,新共和国周刊的纳森•查

    The good news is that there were a few skeptics, even during the height of the mania: Howard Kurtz of The Daily Beast, James Fallows of The Atlantic and Jonathan Chait of The New Republic.


  • 斯特夫人家的本尼格芬夫人家的跑来跑去冒险的时候,如果吉姆看到疯子般窗边咆哮着挥舞手臂怎么

    What would Jim say if he could see George waving his arms and roaring like a madman from the window, as Mrs. Strunk's Benny and Mrs. Garfein's Joe dash back and forth across the bridge on a dare?


  • 说到使用切分音大师,我们自然想到·普林,位多产的美国黑人作曲家,二十世纪初居住圣路易地区

    Now the master of syncopation, of course, in music was Scott Joplin, African American composer writing a lot around the area of St. Louis in the turn of the twentieth century.


  • 马友友大提琴,艾丽丝·烹饪尔·科恩聊聊《大地惊雷》,梅丽尔·斯特里普则要进行一场朗读会。

    Yo-Yo Ma will play the cello. Alice Waters will cook. Joel Coen will chat about "True Grit," and Meryl Streep will do a reading.


  • “美味老爸”5得主中,紧随贝克汉姆之后明星厨师贾米·奥利弗电视剧明星纳森·和身为人父汤姆·克鲁

    Rounding out the top 5 in the dishiest dad competition after Beckham and Pitt was celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, TV star Jonathan Ross and recent father Tom Cruise.


  • 如蒙大拿州参议员·泰斯特州的卫叔勒议员吹嘘自己长期拥有枪支的生涯表明立场支持第二修正案

    The likes of Jon Tester, a new senator in Montana, and Heath Shuler, a North Carolina congressional freshman, did much bragging about their lifelong gun ownership and support for the second amendment.


  • 没人怀疑沙利回家会推高卞亚民·内塔尼亚胡公众支持率,但是耶路撒冷邮报》的专栏作家纳森·拜尔警告首相赌博以获得公众好感

    Few doubt that securing Shalit's return has boosted prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu's popularity but Jerusalem Post columnist Jonathan Spyer warns he has taken a gamble for public affection.


  • 因为赛亚·森至今仍为人所知是由于激发的创作灵感使得一个美国小说人物问世:汤姆叔叔哈丽·比·陀的小说《汤姆叔叔小屋》中那个逆来顺受的黑奴

    For Josiah Henson has lived on through the character in American fiction that he helped inspire: Uncle Tom, the long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.


  • 图书项目另外一名参与者切南·1920年出生当时还属于德国的哥尼堡(如今俄罗的加里宁格勒),出生时他原名叫做·温

    Another book owner included in the project, Jochanan Winter, was born Hans Winter in the former German city of Königsberg -- today Kaliningrad in Russia -- in 1920.


  • 沪江英乐讯 乡村小美女泰勒·维夫近日证实,前男友·强纳十月份一个短短27秒堪称纪录电话终结了与自己的感情。

    Taylor Swift confirms she was dumped by Joe Jonas over the phone in a record 27-second call in October.


  • 1926年,拉维和男星艾尔·搭档,一部舞台剧中担任女主角。1929年,演唱而作雨中曲》。她还在20年代一系列好莱坞电影出演主角

    Travis starred on stage opposite Al Jolson in 1926, the song Singin' in the Rain was written for her to sing in 1929 and she starred in a string of Hollywood movies in the 1920s.


  • 答案也许要从事的行业安娜·,“你不需要穿的男人一样,但是一定要看上去很职业。”

    Theanswer may depend on what industry you work in, says Johanna Waterous。“You don’t have to look like a man but you do have to look like youmean business。”


  • 随后5月14日·克纳普父亲约瑟夫·克纳普(JosephKnappSr.)收到来自缅因州贝尔法斯特(Belfast)勒索

    Then, on May 14, Joseph Knapp Sr., the father of the man who had married White’s disinherited grandniece, received a letter from Belfast, Maine.


  • 无知可能通过社会科学家·艾尔斯特(JonElster)称作“计划谬误”的现象来影响拖延症。

    Ignorance might also affect procrastination through what the social scientist Jon Elster calls "the planning fallacy."


  • 媒体报道,GaGa收入为30,556,342美元,排邦.罗杰大卫马修乐队.比伯之后。

    According to the publication, Gaga made $30,556,342 followed by Bon Jovi, Roger Waters, Dave Matthews Band and Justin Bieber.


  • 8月30日飞往哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳,同行的众议院议长丹尼·斯特另外位众议员,参议院·另外参议员还有位内阁成员

    On August 30, I flew to Cartagena, Colombia, with Speaker Dennis Hastert and six other House members, Senator Joe Biden and three other senators, and several cabinet members.


  • 1998年HBO推出一部电视电影“RatPack ”(鼠帮)片中雷利·奥塔(图左)扮演弗兰克辛纳那(图右)·蒙·格纳扮演迪恩马丁钱德尔扮演小萨米·戴维。钱德尔后来因在片中的表演获得金球奖

    S the Rat Pack was another HBO offering which starred Ray Liotta, Joe Mantegna and Don Cheadle as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr. Cheadle won a Golden Globe for his performance.


  • 纳森朋友改变主意了。

    Hey, Jonathan. My friend Stella has changed her mind.


  • 贾纳·格里贾出生前,他家在梅尔星球的财富人类工人蚕食殆尽,因此,异族人有着根深蒂固的仇恨

    Since competition from non-human workers had whittled away his family's fortune on Chommell Minor before he was even born, Janus Greejatus had a deeply ingrained hatred for aliens.


  • 这里饮品包括道士酿制的查、汤姆利酒、拉普啤酒巴克斯特浓葡萄酒等。

    The drinks will be based on those made by monks, including Chartreuse, Benedictine, Trappist beer, and Buckfast fortified wine.


  • 朵布贝蒂。《牛顿炼金术物质理论》,315-24页

    Dobbs, Betty Jo Teeter. "From 'Newton's Alchemy and His Theory of Matter,'" pp. 315-24.


  • 主要负责设计费的人概念艺术家拉尔夫·麦夸里·约翰顿。

    Concept artists Ralph McQuarrie and Joe Johnston were most responsible for Fett's design.


  • 受雇于·弗罗姆帮派的费处置年轻飞车赛手萨尔·本及其朋友

    Fett was hired by the gangster Sise Fromm to dispose of young speeder pilot Thall Joben and his friends.


  • 麦克里低沉的声音被很多人拿来·兰迪·作比较。

    Scotty's deep voice has brought him comparisons to Josh Turner and Randy Travis.


  • 1760年,出生于意大利的瓦尼•巴蒂斯特托雷戏称烟花通心粉”)在巴黎开了家,以绚烂的烟花表演远近闻名,这家店经营书籍版画

    In 1760 Italian-born Giovanni Battista Torre (known as "Fireworks Macaroni") started a Paris shop best known for its firework displays but also selling books and prints.


  • 弗洛伦盖尔·普林夫妇在十几岁时分居了。

    Florence and Giles Joplin separated before Scott became a teenager.


  • 弗洛伦盖尔·普林夫妇在十几岁时分居了。

    Florence and Giles Joplin separated before Scott became a teenager.


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