• 突然乐队主唱弗雷迪·墨丘利说。

    And suddenly, Freddie Mercury was speaking to him.


  • 披头士乐队主唱约翰·列侬头发拍卖

    A lock of John Lennons hair is being put up for sale.


  • (披头士乐队主唱)约翰·列侬一缕头发拍卖!

    Of John Lennon's hair is being put up for sale.


  • 乔治·索罗斯成为金融界的(U 2乐队主唱)。

    George Soros wants to be the Bono of the financial world.


  • 乐队主唱布鲁斯·迪金森(Bruce Dickinson)当过多年飞行员

    Bruce Dickinson, the band's singer, is a longtime pilot.


  • U2乐队主唱Bono传记纪录片《从天而降》出席第36多伦多国际电影节

    Singer Bono of the band U2 arrives at red carpet for film "From the Sky Down" at the 36th Toronto International Film Festival.


  • 38岁的乐队主唱马汀告诉《滚石》杂志“关于接纳拥抱降临在生命中的一切。”

    "It's about love and acceptance and embracing what happens to you," Martin, 38, said to Rolling Stone.


  • 辣椒乐队主唱安东尼·基迪斯,形容查克·贝里一位拯救了布鲁斯乐的音乐科学家”。

    " Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers has described Chuck Berry as "a musical scientist who discovered a cure for the blues.


  • Rush乐队主唱兼贝斯手盖迪•的话来说,“哪怕选择决定依然一种决定。”

    To quote Geddy Lee of Rush, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."


  • 酷玩乐队主唱克里斯·马丁摇滚音乐节里约热内卢,2011年101日在里约热内卢执行

    Coldplay lead vocalist Chris Martin performs at the Rock in Rio Music Festival in Rio DE Janeiro October 1, 2011.


  • 读到有关于东村事情又使觉得应该里德(丝绒乐队主唱)好,至少在服装上要有所表现。

    But everything he'd read about the east Village made him think you should look as much like Lou Reed as possible, at least clothing-wise.


  • 乐队主唱领队森田钓竿(Tsurizao Morita)经常我们使命重新回到日本人餐桌上

    'Our mission is to bring back fish to the Japanese table,' Tsurizao Morita, the vocalist and 'captain' of the band says regularly.


  • 据英国广播公司报道,甲壳虫乐队主唱约翰·列侬生前马桶一张罕见专辑利物浦表演艺术学院拍卖

    John Lennon's toilet and one of his rarest albums will be auctioned at Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts, BBC reported.


  • 小虎1991年,学生时代就开始慢慢接触极端金属音乐担任乐队主唱当年合肥校园乐队为数不多极端嗓主唱

    Xiao Hu was borne 1991 and got in touch with metal music in his school days. He served as the vocal of Band "Ghost Biting" - His trademark is his extraordinary growling voice.


  • 乐队主唱盖伊•加维领奖时激动万分地说:“想我应该冷静点一些谦虚的话简直我们经历过美妙的事情。”

    Elbow frontman Guy Garvey was overwhelmed. He gushed "I know I'm supposed to be cool and say something coy but it's literally the best thing that's ever happened to us" in his acceptance speech.


  • 大型猫科动物15英寸长的舌头滚石乐队标志“嘴唇与舌头”,因而赢得了克·贾格尔”绰号(译注:滚石乐队主唱)。

    This big cat earned the nickname Mick Jaguar after his 15-inch tongue was compared to the rock band's iconic lips-and-tongue logo.


  • 西雅图摇滚乐队磐的《Nevermind专辑获得极大成功美国专辑就售出1000万,但是,1994年,乐队主唱库尔特·科本却自杀了。

    'Nevermind' became a huge success for Seattle-based grunge-rock band Nirvana, whose lead singer Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1994. The album sold over 10 million copies in the US alone.


  • 寒冷天气造成结霜使农作物死亡,从而造成大规模饥荒报道因此死去10万爱尔兰——几乎达到每年博诺(U 2乐队主唱)有关的死亡一半

    Frost from the chill caused crops to die and lead to a massive famine that is reported to have killed somewhere around 100, 000 Irish alone - almost half of the Bono-related deaths annually.


  • 寒冷天气造成结霜使农作物死亡,从而造成大规模饥荒报道因此死去10万爱尔兰——几乎达到每年博诺(U 2乐队主唱)有关的死亡一半

    Frost from the chill caused crops to die and lead to a massive famine that is reported to have killed somewhere around 100,000 Irish alone - almost half of the Bono-related deaths annually.


  • 杰克·怀特是“白色条纹乐队主唱,也是其他音乐人中颇具影响力的人物喜欢给自己制造麻烦

    Jack White, the former frontman of the White Stripes and an influential figure among fellow musicians, likes to make things difficult for himself.


  • 玛丽莲·梅森(原名布莱恩··华纳),美国知名歌手作为同名乐队主唱富有争议舞台表演而闻名。

    Marilyn Manson (Brian Hugh Warner) is an American Singer known for his controversial stage persona and image as the lead singer of the eponymous band, Marilyn Manson.


  • 非常的事实世界上最伟大摇滚乐队主唱同时也是我们一代具说服力底层人民捍卫者

    It is an extraordinary fact that the lead singer with the world's biggest rock band is also our generation's most persuasive champion of the downtrodden.


  • 那里还有一个茶会蓝草音乐乐队主唱是个淡黄色的小胡子,束外衣外面衣褶上缝了光亮的蝴蝶结,上面钉了上百个橡子男孩子们手里的长打来打去。

    There’s a tea garden, a bluegrass band, a man with a thin sandy beard and a hundred acorns pinned with bright ribbons to the folds of his tunic, boys thumping one another with jousting sticks.


  • 那里还有一个茶会蓝草音乐乐队主唱是个淡黄色的小胡子,束外衣外面衣褶上缝了光亮的蝴蝶结,上面钉了上百个橡子男孩子们手里的长打来打去。

    There's a tea garden, a bluegrass band, a man with a thin sandy beard and a hundred acorns pinned with bright ribbons to the folds of his tunic, boys thumping one another with jousting sticks.


  • U 2乐队主唱利用自己的名望全世界社会正义而战终结饥饿贫穷以及疾病非洲行动最为突出。

    Bono, the lead singer of U2, USES his celebrity to fight for social justice worldwide: to end hunger, poverty and disease, especially in Africa.


  • 真是个令人震惊的消息。 各处报道坚持说,在乐队他们主唱之间出现了隔阂。

    That's the shock news as reports persist of a wedge apppearing between the band and their frontman.


  • 真是个令人震惊的消息。 各处报道坚持说,在乐队他们主唱之间出现了隔阂。

    That's the shock news as reports persist of a wedge apppearing between the band and their frontman.


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