• 国家理论乌托邦思想重要一部分

    The national theory is the most important part in the Utopia thought.


  • 之后那些方向错误计划都是穷极无聊乌托邦思想混杂的产物。

    The misguided projects that followed came from a mix of boredom and utopianism.


  • 本体论方法重要思维方法,终极关怀乌托邦思想核心

    The ontological method is his most important thinking method. The idea of ultimate concern is the core of his thought of utopia.


  • 是不说马克思乌托邦思想傅里叶、圣西蒙、罗伯特.欧文处一无所学。

    This is not to say that Marx learnt nothingfrom utopian thinkers like Fourier, Saint-Simon and Robert Owen.


  • 先生经营技巧有助于紧跟有着技术乌托邦思想前瞻性思维马云的脚步。

    Mr Lu s operational skills will serve him well coming on the heels of a founder with a tendency toward techno-utopianism and visionary thinking.


  • 早期乌托邦思想中的国家理论进步意义当时以及后世产生了重大的影响

    The national theory in early utopia thought has its progressive meanings, which has a great impact at that time and even the later ages.


  • 只要跳出原来成见可以发现法兰克福学派审美乌托邦思想存在合理性独特价值和意义。

    As long as we jump out of the preconceived idea can we find that the existence of the thought of aesthetic Utopia of the School of Frankfurt has its own rationality unique value.


  • 不可否认,消极审美救世主义弊端显而易见但是法兰克福学派的审美乌托邦思想不仅只是如此的一无是处。

    It is beyond doubt that the malpractice of the negative doctrine of world-saving is obvious, but the malpractice of the thought of aesthetic Utopia of the School of Frankfurt is more than this.


  • 过去当成一种迷恋,就一些乌托邦思想家把未来当成迷恋。真相是过去并不将来更加真实,尽管感觉起来仿佛是真实的。

    The truth is that the past exists no more than the future, even though it feels as though it does.


  • 因此本文把焦点聚近代期间(13世纪17世纪)著名早期乌托邦思想,对这些较有代表性乌托邦思想中的国家理论进行分析。

    Therefore, this paper focuses on famous early Utopia thinkers during modern times (13th century to the 17th century) and analyzes the national theory in these representative famous Utopia thoughts.


  • 它的确还想对于桑特斯先生证实那个邪恶乌托邦思想一个理念,它说不认同是巨大权力,非法行为,和外部性影响产物

    As is, I would add, the darkly utopian idea Mr Sanchez identifies: the notion that disagreement is a product of malign, illegitimate, external influence.


  • 思想这种倾向因他所有乌托邦政治计划猜疑加深

    This tendency in his thought is deepened by his suspicion of all Utopian political programmes.


  • 本文审美乌托邦角度席勒马尔库塞美学思想进行比较

    Thus the paper compares the aesthetic ideas of Schiler with that of Marcuse from the angle of aesthetic Utopia.


  • 思想状态态度包含乌托邦

    It was a state of mind, an attitude, that comprised the utopia.


  • 席勒美学今天仍赢得人们普遍赞誉,然而其思想只不过提出了一个审美乌托邦而已。

    Though Schiller's aesthetics is universally appreciated today, this paper argues that what he did was no more than to provide a Utopia in aesthetic sense.


  • 我们不要习惯性地伟大目标当作乌托邦空想幼稚思想一般舍弃。

    Let us not again habitually pass this noble goal, this worthy cause as just a mere utopian dream, a shear wishful thinking of the naive.


  • 这些服务于关于审美乌托邦基本看法,贯穿人本主义的思想

    All this shows his basic idea about aesthetic Utopia and penetrates humanism.


  • 回忆想象作为马尔库浪漫美学两个核心范畴始终贯穿整个美学思想中,使其理论笼罩浓郁乌托邦色彩

    Memory and imagination as two core areas of the Marcuse romantic aesthetics, always runs through his entire aesthetic thought, to theory over the rich colors of Utopia.


  • 艺术功能是马尔库塞美学思想一个重要组成部分具有极端的审美乌托邦色彩具有深刻的启示意义

    As an important part of Marcuse's thought of aesthetics, the thought of art function not only has an extreme color of aesthetics utopia, but also has a deep meaning of enlightenment.


  • 1516年托马斯·莫尔乌托邦》开始,乌托邦主题成为英国文学中一潜在思想文学传统

    Since the appearance of Utopia written by Thomas Moore in 1516, Utopia theme has become a latent idea and cultural tradition in British literature.


  • 同时柏拉图思想从构建乌托邦式的理想国的理性主义转向了更注重本性现实主义。

    At the same time Plato's procedural justice ideas pay more attention to human nature realism.


  • 审美乌托邦理想其深刻的社会根源,也是其后诸多流派思想沿着席勒所开辟道路前进的原因

    There is profound foundation of the idea of aesthetic Utopia, and which is the causation of many thinkers who were form different genres have being following the way of Schiller to explore this issue.


  • 审美乌托邦理想其深刻的社会根源,也是其后诸多流派思想沿着席勒所开辟道路前进的原因

    There is profound foundation of the idea of aesthetic Utopia, and which is the causation of many thinkers who were form different genres have being following the way of Schiller to explore this issue.


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